Official Number: 127096
Yard Number: 514
Completed: 1912
Gross Tonnage: 236
Net Tonnage: 92
Length: 120 ft
Breadth: 21.1 ft
Depth: 11.7 ft
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd Selby
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by Charles D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
5.3.1912: Launched by Cochrane & Sons, Selby (Yd.No.514) for The Western Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Milford Haven as EXMOUTH.
20.4.1912: Registered at Bristol (BL16). Sydney M. Price designated manager.
25.4.1912: Completed.
8.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-3pdr) (Ad.No.146).
9.10.1914: Based HMS Vernon Portsmouth. Employed on minesweeping training (Lieut. G. K. Courtis RN).
2.1915: Renamed EXMOUTH II.
Post 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Milford Haven and reverted to Exmouth (BL16).
7.1919: Sold to Vulcan Steam Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood. Joseph A. Taylor designated manager.
7.1919: Bristol registry closed.
26.7.1919: Registered at Fleetwood (FD336).
1.5.1925: Sold to Ora Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood. Magnus B. Wedum designated manager.
16.2.1930: Arrested by HMS LIFFEY trawling within the Isle of Man three mile limit.
14.3.1930: At the High Bailiff’s Court, Douglas, Sk. William Arthur Stanley was fined £50 with costs.
8.1.1933: Off Point of Ayre at about 3.45 am run into by Liverpool steamer MIRIAM THOMAS (430g/1920) sustaining damage to port quarter.
9.1.1933: Returned to Fleetwood.
6.6.1933: In the evening in thick fog 2 miles NW of the Point of Ayre, Isle of Man in collision with CEVIC (FD7) sustaining damage to stem and bow plating. Around midnight arrived Fleetwood.
16.4.1937: Off Belfast Lough involved in collision with Belfast steamer HELEN CRAIG (417grt/1891) on passage Belfast – Preston with generals.
17.4.1937: Company changed address in Fleetwood.
2.3.1938: Sailed Fleetwood for West of Scotland grounds between Inishtrahull and Dhu Artach Light (Sk. Ernest Edwards); eleven crew.
9.3.1938: Decided to change grounds and at 1.15 a.m. departed for fishing grounds in the neighbourhood of Otter Rock. In a heavy swell from the westward and strong westerly wind set course S.1/2 W. for Oversay Light. At 4.5 a.m. in thick swirling mist stranded at Smaull Point, west coast of Islay, about 9 miles north of Oversay (55.491/4N 6.271/2W) about 50 yds from shore. Attempted to refloat with engine and lowered boat but making water in engine room. Boat damaged and vessel listed with waves breaking over. Wreck seen from farmhouse window by local girl, Margaret MacFayden, who roused household and cycled four miles to Machrie to warn coastguards. Crew fired rocket line and assisted ashore by local men led by William MacEarchern; three crew lost*. Port Askaig lifeboat launched but on arrival vessel was abandoned and breaking up.
24.3.1938: Declared total loss. Fleetwood registry closed.
16.5.1938: At the BOT Formal Investigation (No.S.395) held at Fleetwood, the Judge concluded that the stranding and subsequent loss would appear to be attributable to the conduct of the Bosun, John Sumner, who lost his life; Sk. Ernest Edwards was found not to blame. The Assessors did not sign the report.
17.5.1938: It was the opinion of the Assessors that the Skipper failed to realise his responsibility for the safe navigation of the vessel and in so doing was responsible for the stranding. It was their opinion that his ticket should be suspended for 9 months.
* John Sumner, Bosun; Frank Walmsley, 2nd engineer (swept off the lifeline by heavy seas when line parted) and Henry Crisp, fireman (swept overboard from after part of vessel).)
The Board of Trade awarded a binocular glass to Mr Wiiliam MacEarchern for leadership and courage displayed in connection with the rescue of the crew on 9 March 1938 and monetary awards to Mr Allan MacEarchern, Mr Donald MacLellan, Mr James Brown and Miss Margaret Macfayden.
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S.T. Exmouth FD336
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21/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
05/06/2016: Information updated.
22/06/2016: Information updated.
11/08/2020: Updated history.
04/03/2022: Added an image.