Official Number: 136896
Yard Number: 606
Completed: 1914
Gross Tonnage: 290
Net Tonnage: 116
Length: 130.2 ft
Breadth: 23.5 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby
Engine: 84nhp T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
27.6.1914: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.606) for J. Marr & Son Ltd, Fleetwood. as VELIA.
28.8.1914: Registered at Fleetwood (FD49). James A. Robertson designated manager.
8.9.1914: Completed.
12.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr, 1-7.5” A/S Howitzer) Renamed SITVEL (Ad.No.197). Based Northern Patrol.
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood and reverted to VELIA (FD49).
19.9.1927: Received wireless message from steam trawler NORINA (FD150) which had stranded in fog and drizzle on the Isle of Jura, about one hours steaming from the Rubha a Mhail (Rhuvaal) light whilst making for Islay Sound.
20.9.1927: Arrived on the scene and with SARBA (FD177) which had arrived earlier, connected but were unsuccessful in refloating.
21.9.1927: Stood by until Glasgow tug FLYING SPRAY (217grt/1917 – 823ihp) (Mr Roger Owen) arrived, connected and after three quarters of an hour succeeded in refloating NORINA.
17.6.1930: Outward for fishing grounds in Fleetwood Channel. Steam trawler SULBY (FD87) also outwards had carbide drum fall into engine crankpit smashing engine, gas generated exploded causing considerable damage; no casualties. Connected and beached SULBY at Fleetwood.
21.12.1932: In squally weather with a strong SSE wind, stranded at about 10.30 pm. two miles S of Point of Ayre, IoM, stripping propeller. Steam trawler CHORLEY (FD26) stood by and attempted to pass warps but sea too rough.
22.12.1932: At 5.45 pm, with Glasgow tug FLYING FOAM (217grt/1917) in attendance, refloated. Delivered Fleetwood, repaired and returned to service. 26.1.1938: Arrived Fleetwood with damaged propeller sustained by striking a floating object when fishing on the west of Scotland grounds. Slow progress home due to vibration and continual gales (see RIVER CLYDE also affected by this weather).
Pre 4.1940: Employed on Fishery Protection (WA/Fort William/Fleetwood) (1-12pdr, 4 Lewis guns).
26.5.1940: At 6.57pm. ‘Operation Dynamo’ (Dunkirk evacuation) put into effect.
27.5.1940: Requisitioned for war service (Hire rate £77.6.8d/month) (Ty/Sk. John Clarkson RNR).
27.5.1940: Fleetwood Flotilla sailed North End, Fleetwood for English Channel in company with GAVA (FD380) as Leader (Ty/Sk. F. Day RNR. Senior Officer Fleetwood Flotilla, P/Ty/Lieut. Francis Joseph Jordan RNR), and DHOON (FD438), EDWINA (FD205) (Ty/Sk. Percy Bedford RNR), EVELYN ROSE (GY9) (Ty/Sk. Arthur John Lewis RNR), JACINTA (FD235) (Ty/Sk. Jim Bettess RNR – mate).
30.5.1940: Arrived Dover.
31.5.1940: At 0730 sailed for Ramsgate, entering harbour at 0910. At 2030 moved to anchor outside.
1.6.1940: At 0725 sailed Ramsgate for Dunkirk. Attacked by enemy aircraft all the way; returned fire. At Dunkirk did not embark any troops. Sailed with Fleetwood Flotilla for Ramsgate. At 1400 concentrated enemy air attack. Aircraft returned at 1430. At 1530, Belgian vessel signalled for assistance; 1546 ordered by GAVA to take damaged Belgian T.26 in tow. Connected and proceeded to Dover. Rejoined Fleetwood Flotilla and resumed patrol at 2315.
4.6.1940; Ordered to Harwich. Weekend leave and on return crew signed a three month contract under T.124 articles as civilians employed to serve alongside the Royal Navy in Naval uniform as members of Naval Auxiliary Personnel subject to Naval discipline. Commenced 3 day patrols (P.No.NI) in the English Channel/Thames Estuary as part of ‘invasion’ defence.
19.10.1940: Mined 8 miles SE of South Ship Head, Shipwash, Thames Estuary (Prob. Ty/Lieut. J. G. Shoobridge RNR). Approx position 51.48N 01.44E. All crew picked up by HM Trawlers HEKLA (P.No.FY.1650) (GY118) and STELLA CARINA (P.No.FY.352) (H327).
11.1940: Fleetwood registry closed.
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S.T. Velia FD49
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

S.T. Velia FD49
Picture from the Internet
17/01/2009: Page published. 11 updates since then.
12/06/2022: Restored damaged page.