Category Archives: Seasonal Visitors

S.T. Íslendingur RE120

Information courtesy of Birgir Þórisson

Official Number: 102924
Yard Number: 112
Completed: 1893
Gross Tonnage: 151
Net Tonnage 64
Length: 101.5 ft
Breadth 21.6 ft
Depth: 11.0 ft
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Hull
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by Charles D. Holmes & Co, Hull


14.9.1893: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Hull (Yd.No.112) for Pickering & Haldane’s Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as OSPREY.
10.1893: Completed.
5.10.1893: Registered at Hull (Part I & IV) O.N.102924 (H225). Henry A. L. Rees designated manager.
8.1906: New boiler fitted.
23.10. 1908: Sold to Elías Stefánsson, Reykjavik on behalf of Hf. FRAM, Reykjavik for a reported 60-70 thousand krónur (£3,350-£3,385),
1-2.3.1908: Arrived Reykjavik.
11-14.3.1908: Renamed ÍSLENDINGUR. Elías Stefánsson designated manager.
21.5.1908: Registered at Reykjavik (RE 120).
1908: Remeasured (Iceland registry) 142.62g 65n.
23.10.1908: Hull registry closed.
1916: Company dissolved, ownership transferred to Elías Stefánsson, Reykjavik (sometimes ownership shown as Hf. Eggert Ólafsson a limited company in which
Elías Stefánsson was the majority shareholder).
26.10.1918: Reported arrived Fleetwood along with the ex whaler VARANGER (RE 181) (g/1881) and the ÁSGEIR PÉTURSSON – Elías Stefánsson trawler HELGI MAGRI (EA 290) (136g/1891), to fish out of the port over the winter. J. Marr & Son Ltd, managing agents. During their stay some crew members fell ill with influenza and one crew member died along with one from HELGI MAGRI. The crews were so well nursed in a Seamens’ Home that the skippers invited the nurses to Iceland in the summer of 1919 on a holiday tour. (Jan 1918-Dec 1920 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic, the so called “Spanish Flu” – about 50 million dead worldwide.)
9.4.1919: Sailed Fleetwood and returned to Iceland. Reported that catches had been good. Experimented with Danish Seine.
By Autumn 1920: Elías Stefánsson and companies in financial difficulties.
17.12.1920: Already an ill man, Elías Stefánsson (41) died of stomach cancer. Estate put into liquidation by creditors. Attempts to sell the ÍSLENDINGUR were unsuccessful. Ship leased to various parties mainly during summer herring season and laid up over winter.
9.12.1926: Sank at winter moorings at Eiðisvík, Reykjavík.
1942: After salvage, refitted and converted to motor. Fitted with 500hp Fairbanks-Morse oil engine by Fairbanks-Morse & Co, Beloit, WI. 77hp Greyhound
trawl winch engine and 20hp Lister generator.
1942: Remeasured 146.11grt 66.20n 31,09 (102.0) x 6,25 (20.5)x 2,92 (9.6) metres (feet)
4.11.1942: On completion registered by Sveinbjörn Einarsson, Ágúst Ingvarsson and Stephan Stephensen, Reykjavík at Reykjavik (RE 73). Operated by Díseltogorar hf, Reykjavik.
18.5.1949: Sold to Bjarni Sigurðsson, Kristján Guðlaugsson, both Reykjavík, Ingibjörg Pétursdóttir, Reykjum Mosfellssveit, (all Iceland) and Þorvaldur Stephensen, Sörvaag, Faroe Islands.
19.06.1951: Ingibjörg Pétursdóttir shares sold to Kristján Guðlaugsson.
1954: Last reported fishing with cod nets.
By 1956: Had been laid up in Reykjavik and sank at the berth. Refloated and sold by auction for breaking up.
15.10.1957: Removed from Icelandic registry.
2.2.1961: Final deletion from Icelandic registry.
Early 1970s: Remains only finally removed from beach at Reykjavik.

Click to enlarge images

S.T. Íslendingur RE120

S.T. Íslendingur RE120
Picture courtesy of The Birgir Þórisson Collection

S.T. Íslendingur RE120

S.T. Íslendingur RE120
Picture courtesy of The Birgir Þórisson Collection

S.T. Íslendingur RE120

S.T. Íslendingur RE120
Picture courtesy of The Birgir Þórisson Collection

06/06/2019: Page published.
15/06/2019: Added images.
04/02/2021: Minor correction to history.

S.D. Formidable LT100

Additional information courtesy of Barry Banham


Official Number: 139977
Yard Number: 483
Completed: 1917
Gross Tonnage: 87.38
Net Tonnage: 40.26
Length: 85.6 ft
Breadth: 19.6 ft
Depth: 9.4 ft
Built: John Chambers Ltd, Lowestoft
Engine: 175ihp C.2-cyl by Crabtree & Co Ltd, Southtown, Gt. Yarmouth
Boiler by Riley Brothers (Boilermakers) Ltd, Stockton on Tees


1917: Completed by John Chambers Ltd, Lowestoft (Yd. No.483?) for Frederick Spashett (32/64) and William Catchpole (32/64), Kessingland, Lowestoft as FORMIDABLE.
28.9.1917: Registered at Lowestoft (LT100). William Catchpole designated managing owner.
2.1915: Requisitioned for war service (Ad.No.3074). Assigned as a Harbour Defence drifter (1-6pdr HA). Based Kingstown, Co. Dublin.
20.2.1918: Sold to Wilkins Edward Catchpole (32/64) and Edward Catchpole (32/64), Kessingland, Lowestoft. Edward Catchpole designated managing owner.
Post 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Lowestoft.
1928: Seasonal fishing out of Fleetwood.
2.7.1928: Typical landing 35 boxes.
8.11.1933: Damaged in collision with steam drifter CARPE DIEM (LT1207).
5.12.1933: Damaged in collision with steam drifter RENOVATE (LT307).
16.11.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeping drifter. Renamed FIDGET (P.No.FY551) (Hire rate £26.0.0d/month).
26.5.1940: At 1857 ‘Operation Dynamo’ (Dunkirk evacuation) put into effect.
29.5.1940: Arrived Ramsgate with 114 troops.
30.5.1940: At 0810 arrived Ramsgate with 150 troops.
31.5.1940: At 1350 arrived Ramsgate with 304 troops.
4.6.1940: ‘Operation Dynamo’ terminated.
9.1941: Employed on miscellaneous naval duties.
5.1942: Employed on miscellaneous duties with RAF.
5.1944: Employed on miscellaneous naval duties.
1.1946: Returned to owner at Lowestoft. Reverted to FORMIDABLE (LT100).
14.4.1946: Sold to Albert George Catchpole (32/64) and Edward Catchpole (32/64), Kessingland, Lowestoft.
1946: Sold to Norway.
27.9.1946: Lowestoft registry closed. Registered at ? as TRIX (R-103-SH).
1.10.1946: Sailed Lowestoft for Norway. Later converted to a motor cargo vessel. Fate?

04/06/2019: Page published.
26/09/2020: Updated history.
17/09/2021: Updated technical details.

S.T. Nason O127

Occasional visitor
Additional information courtesy of David Slinger and Maurice Voss


Official Number: 132109
Yard Number: 488
Completed: 1911
Gross Tonnage: 264
Net Tonnage: 106
Length: 130.1 ft
Breadth: 22.5 ft
Depth: 12.0 ft
Completed: 1911
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by Charles D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull


30.5.1911: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.488) for The Anchor Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby as PRINCEPS.
28.7.1911: Registered at Grimsby (Part I & IV) O.N.132109 (GY636).
17.8.1911. Completed. George S. Letten designated manager.
8.1914: Requisitioned for war service (1-6pdr) (Ad.No.1504).
1918: Based Malta.
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Grimsby.
29.6.1923: Sold to Société Anonyme “Pêcheries Ostendaises” (Richard & Henri Aspeslagh and Alphonse De Ceuninck) (company formerly Henri P. Aspeslagh), Ostend, Belgium.
28.6.1923: Grimsby registry closed.
29.6.1923: Arrived Ostend.
7.1923: Remeasured 263,42Bg 87,29n 39,65 (130.1) x 6,6 (22.5) x 3,66 (12.0) metre (feet).
3.7.1923: Registered at Ostend as NASON (O127).
22.10.1928: Transferred to fish out of Fleetwood, initially for the herring fishery. After taking onboard new nets and gear, sailed for Klondyke grounds off West Coast of Scotland; Sk. J. Tomlinson embarked as pilot to show location of herring fishing area.
3.11.1928: First landing at Fleetwood. Coaled and iced and sailed for Iceland grounds.
10.12.1928: At Ostend landed 5,300kg 25,000 franks gross (4,75 franc per kg).
27.9.1929: Sold to Zunequin & Cie, Boulogne.
10.1929: Ostend registry closed.
16.10.1929: Registered at Boulogne as JEAN DORÉ (B1384).
1931: Sold to Société Boulonnaise d’Armement à la Pêche, Boulogne.
1934: Laid up at Boulogne.
1935: Sold to Hanse-Lozinguez, Boulogne and broken up. Boulogne registry closed.

Click to enlarge image

S.T. Nason O127

S.T. Nason O127
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection


20/03/2019: Page published.

S. D. Record H777

Seasonal visitor
Additional information courtesy of Mike Thompson, Barry Banham and David Slinger


Official Number: 119360
Yard Number: ??
Completed: 1904
Gross Tonnage: 67.26
Net Tonnage: 40.57
Length: 80.0 ft
Breadth: 18.5 ft
Depth: 8.4 ft
Engine: 125ihp T.3-cyl by Crabtree & Co, Gt Yarmouth
Boiler: Riley Bros (Boilermakers) Ltd, Stockton on Tees


4.1904: Launched by Henry Reynolds, South Side Shipyard, Lowestoft for Robert Catchpole (64/64), Kessingland as RECORD.
5.1904: Completed.
25.5.1904: Registered at Lowestoft (LT360). Robert Catchpole designated managing owner.
22.12.1913: Sold to Jermyn T. Greengrass (64/64), Lowestoft. Jermyn T. Greengrass designated managing owner.
27.5.1918: Sold to John Victor Breech (64/64), Lowestoft. John Victor Breech designated managing owner.
30.12.1918: Sold to William Samuel Capps (21/63), George Gurney Hall (21/64) and John Victor Breach (22/64), Lowestoft. John Victor Breech designated managing owner.
6.4.1920: Sold to Goldthorpe, Scott & Wright Ltd, Grimsby.
26.4.1920: Lowestoft registry closed “No longer fishing”.
4.1920: Registered at Grimsby. Samuel L. Goldthorpe, New Cleethorpes designated manager. Employed running between Grimsby and Hull, parcels and general.
16.11.1922: Sold to Frederick Arthur Boards, Jesse Edwin Worth, Hull and Ernest William Little, Bridlington (64/64 joint owners). Ernest William Little, Bridlington designated managing owner. Grimsby registry closed.
16.11.1922: Registered at Hull.
4.12.1922: Sold to Record (Hull) Steam Fishing Co Ltd. Hull (64/64). Grimsby registry closed.
29.12.1922: Ernest William Little, Bridlington designated manager.
19.1.1923: Re-measured 71.18g 33.74n as per Board of Trade Survey at Hull dated 15.1.1923.
28.1.1923: Registered at Hull (H777).
15.2.1923: Re-measured 27.86n as per Board of Trade Survey at Hull dated 13.2.1923.
24.9.1924: Sold to Frank Andrew Peterson (64/64), Grimsby. 6.10.1924: Peter M. Peterson, Hessle designated manager.
12.2.1925: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to National Provincial Bank Ltd, London (A).
1928: Seasonal fishing out of Fleetwood.
25.5.1928: Typical landing 18 boxes.
6.6.1928: Typical landing 15 boxes.
20.7.1929: Mortgage (A) discharged.
20.7.1929: Sold to Basil Arthur Parkes (64/64), Blackpool.
30.7.1929: Basil Arthur Parkes designated managing owner.
10.1930: Sold to French principals.
8.10.1930: Hull registry closed “ Sold foreign – French principals ”.

05/03/2019: Page published.
08/03/2019: Updated information.

S.L. Ebenezer WA80 (Occasional Visitor)

Additional information courtesy of Andy Hall


Official Number: 99651
Yard Number: 41
Completed: 1893
Gross Tonnage: 83.95
Net Tonnage: 30.12
Length: 86.3 Ft
Breadth: 19.4 ft
Depth 9.8 ft
Built: Marr Bros, Leith
Engine: C.2-cyl and boiler by Clyne, Mitchell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


15.6.1893: Launched by Mrs W. H. Dodds, wife of owner at Marr Bros, Leith (Yd.No.41) as a liner for William Hall Dodds, Aberdeen as EBENEZER.
8.1893: Completed.
30.8.1893: Registered at Aberdeen (A715). William Hall Dodds designated managing owner. Fishing out of Aberdeen as a liner (Sk.W. Buthlay).
9.1897: Sold to John Edward Rushworth, Grimsby.
10.9.1897: Registered at Grimsby (GY417). John Edward Rushworth designated manager.
11.9.1897: Aberdeen registry closed.
5.1899: Sold to Hamilton Dixon, Whitehaven.
8.5.1899: Grimsby Registry closed. Registered at Whitehaven (3/1899) (WA80). Hamilton Dixon designated managing owner.
10.1903: Sold to Sweden.
28.10.1903: Whitehaven registry closed.

24/12/2018: Page published.