Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Hiddenite FD180

Additional information courtesy of Geoff Davidson, David Slinger, Andy Hall and Gary Hicks


Admiralty Number: 4211
Official Number: 144432
Yard Number: 310
Completed: 1918
Gross Tonnage: 276
Net Tonnage: 123
Length: 125 ft
Breadth: 23.4 ft
Depth: 12.6 ft
Engine 480ihp T.3-cyl by J. P. Rennoldson & Sons Ltd, South Shields
Boiler: Palmers Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd Hebburn-on-Tyne
Built: J. P. Rennoldson & Sons Ltd, South Shields


10.10.1918: Completed by J. P. Rennoldson & Sons Ltd, South Shields (Yd.No.310) (“Castle” class) for The Admiralty as WILLIAM LEEK (Ad.No.4211). 8.10.1918: Commissioned.
10.10.1918: Completed as an escort (1-12pdr).
10.3.1920: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part I) as WILLIAM LEEK O.N.144432. Laid up at Milford.
11.5.1920: Sold by auction at London (Baltic Exchange) to F. & T. Ross Ltd, Hull. Resold to The East Riding Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Hull. Fitted out at Hull as a fishing vessel.
8.1920: London registry closed.
14.8.1920: Registered at Hull (H226).
14.8.1920: Charles Hudson, Hessle designated manager.
20.9.1920: Registered at Hull as CAVENDISH (H226)(BoT M. 12280/20 dated 28.7.1920).
6.11.1923: Sold Kingston Steam Trawling Co Ltd (64/64), Hull for £7,250.
7.11.1923: Walter Scott designated manager.
8.11.1923: Sailed on first trip for Kingston.
23.11.1923: Registered at Hull as HIDDENITE (H226) (BoT M.RG 1048/1923 dated 2.11.1923).
24.3.1925: John William Lown designated manager.
2.6.1928: Sold to J. Marr & Son Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood for £5,750.
6.6.1928: Joseph Arthur Marr designated manager.
19.6.1928: First landing at Fleetwood, 120 boxes. First box of fish was secured by Mr Harry Chapman who paid 94s for a 10-stone box of hake and in accordance with the usual practice received a new hat from the owners.
26.6.1928: Hull registry closed.
28.6.1928: Registered at Fleetwood (FD180).
15.7.1928: Homeward from West of Scotland grounds (Sk. Charles Robinson). On entering Sound of Islay ran into dense fog and rain and at 4.00am stranded on rocks close to Port Askaig, and heeled to starboard at low water. Launched boat as a precaution, checked, sound and not making water but in a very bad position with lee rail underwater at high tide. Several of the crew did not want to go back onboard and pulled over to Port Askaig for onward passage to Fleetwood. Steam trawler DEAN SWIFT (D335) responded to distress and at high tide connected and attempted to refloat but unsuccessful.
16.7.1928: DEAN SWIFT again attempted to refloat without success and on arrival of a Glasgow tug left the scene for home.
17.7.1928: With tides making, Glasgow tug was successful in refloating at 6.00am on the second attempt. Checked and proceeded to Fleetwood.
11.10.1920: At Fleetwood landed 300 boxes.
10.2.1929: Arrested by Scottish Fishery Board’s cruiser VIGILANT whilst fishing seven miles inside the prohibited area in the Firth of Clyde. Taken to Campbeltown.
11.2.1929: At Campbeltown Sheriff Court Sk. John Arthur Mewse pleaded guilty to trawling in a prohibited area and in view of his five previous convictions for trawling in prohibited areas he was fined £100 and gear forfeited.
1.4.1929: Geoffrey Edwards Marr designated manager.
21.5.1929: Registered at Fleetwood as HILDINA (FD180) (M/RG1148/29).
25.4.1930: Christopher Blair (23), fireman was brought in from sea with severe injuries to his left side having fallen into the coal bunker. Transferred to hospital.
28.2.1933: At Fleetwood, Sk. Clarence Taylor was fined £1 and costs by Magistrates for excessive use of the steam whistle in the Wyre Channel to the annoyance of the public.
7.1.1937: Hauling up on the slipway, heeled over and two painters scrubbing down were thrown from their raft into the Fish Dock.
16.12.1938: Stranded in Islay Sound. Forefoot damaged and twisted. Steam trawler TEROMA (FD17) some fifteen miles away responded to her distress and on arrival stood by. Refloated by tug and and then escorted to Oban. Subsequently repaired and returned to service.
27.8.1939: Requisitioned for war service on examination service and as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.541) (Hire rate £82.16.0d/month). Based Granton with M/S Group 32 (Sk W. T. E. Page DSC RNR).
23.4.1946: Returned to owner after refit and re-classification at Glasgow.
24.6.1946: Sold to The Brixham Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood (Dugdall & Son, managers) for £19850. Registered at Fleetwood as AIGRET (FD180).
23.5.1947: Called Oban to land three crew members of the MYRA from Murrisk, Co Mayo. The men were picked up off Barra Head having been adrift since 3 May. 30.1.1953: In strong winds and rough sea, hauled gear and dodging W1/2S of Dubh Artacht Light in the hope of an improvement in the weather. At 8.30 pm. sighted Fleetwood trawler MICHAEL GRIFFITH (FD249). A short time after an adverse weather forecast was received and the skipper decided to seek shelter and set a course to the E of Skerryvore. Passing close the MICHAEL GRIFFITH continued northwards and his stern light was visible until about 11.10pm. This was the last sighting of the MICHAEL GRIFFITH. which was lost with all thirteen crew the following day.
1956: Sold to Belgian principals for breaking up.
17.3.1956: Arrived Boom.
24.3.1956: Fleetwood registry closed.

Note: William Leek (Luck), AB (volunteer), age 41, b. Canterbury, Kent – VICTORY (SB142)

Gallantry at sea over four years ago was recognised at Fleetwood yesterday when a wireless set was presented to Thomas Harrison, deckhand of Lingfield Road who plunged to rescue boatswain Phillip Kay of the trawler HILDINA when he was washed overboard off West Scotland.

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S.T. Hiddenite FD180

S.T. Hiddenite FD180
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

S.T. Hildina FD180

S.T. Hildina FD180
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

HMT Hildina

HMT Hildina
Picture reproduced under IWM Non-Commercial Licence

S.T. Hildina FD180

S.T. Hildina FD180
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

S.T. Aigret FD180

S.T. Aigret FD180
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

S.T. Aigret FD180

S.T. Aigret FD180
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

24/01/2009: Page published. 5 revisions since then.
20/10/2014: Picture added.
14/12/2015: Page updated.
05/06/2017: Added an image and removed FMHT watermarks.
25/01/2019: Updated information and added an image.
08/01/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Hero FD227

Additional information courtesy of Geoff Davidson
Official Number: 127403
Yard Number: 194
Completed: 1907
Gross Tonnage: 226
Net Tonnage: 85
Length: 120 ft
Breadth: 21.6 ft
Depth: 11.4 ft
Built: Dundee Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Dundee
Engine: 71hp T.3-cyl by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Glasgow


10.1907: Launched by Dundee Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Dundee (Yd.No.194) for Mrs Ann Harries, Neyland (managing owner) as HERO.
11.1907: Completed.
21.11.1907: Registered at Milford (M218).
1911: Sold to Neyland Steam Steam Trawling & Fishing Co, Neyland. Alexander Scott, Llanstadwel designated manager.
8.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minelayer (1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.156).
1917: Fitted out as a minesweeper. Based Dover.
31.1.1919: Sold to Noah Ashworth, Rowland Morris & Ernest Taylor, Fleetwood. Joseph A. Taylor designated manager.
12.3.1919: Waiting instructions whether required for Post-War Service (SS).
1919: Returned to owner.
16.7.1919: Milford registry closed.
18.7.1919: Registered at Fleetwood (FD227).
18.11.1919: Sold to The Clifton Steam Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood. Joseph A. Taylor designated manager.
1920: Returned after restoration and survey at Cowes.
1924: William W. Brierley designated manager.
23.2.1936: Sustained damage in collision in Wyre Channel with steam grab dredger ROSSALL (239grt/120) and steam trawler DINAS (FD63).
4.5.1939: At Fleetwood landed a sturgeon, 4ft 2inches long weighing 2 stone. Bought by Messrs Broughton & Co who had received an order for such a fish from the Royal Household. Despatched to London immediately to be put onboard the EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA (21,833grt/1913) to be served during their Majesties crossing of the Atlantic prior to the Royal Tour of Canada.
6.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No. FY1866) and renamed HEROINE (Hire rate £56.10.0d/month).
4.1944: Fitted out for smoke making (Esso) trawler and assigned to Operation Neptune – Normandy landings.
9.6.1944: Sailed Solent for Mulberry B with Group B2 as part of Convoy ETC6. Employed smoke making.
3.7.1944: Operation Neptune ended.
27.11.1944: Returned and reverted to HERO (FD227).
3.10.1945: Sold to John Yolland Jnr & Others, Milford Haven.
14.3.1946: Sold to William D. Uglow & Samuel F. Uglow, Milford Haven. William D. Uglow & Co designated managers.
1951: Sold to William James (Milford Haven) Ltd, Milford Haven. Hubert S. Smith designated manager.
1952: Sold to Yolland Brothers Ltd, Milford Haven. J. Yolland designated manager.
3.1953: Fishing off the Irish Coast (Sk. Lenny Brown). Developed boiler trouble and tow requested. CLOUGHSTONE (H374) (Sk. Bert Horst) connected and commenced tow to Milford.
17.3.1953: Delivered Milford.
18.5.1953: Fishing off the Smalls (Sk. C. Shearing). At about 8.00 a.m. hauling in dense fog 30 miles West of the Smalls Lighthouse run down by steamer RIVERCREST (7008g/1944) on passage Liverpool-Casablanca, and foundered. Eleven crew* picked up from water by RIVERCREST but one man died +. Crew landed at Milford.

* Sk. Charles Shearing; G. Stammer, Mate; G. Burder, Bosun; J. Owen, Third Hand; Chief Eng. A. Scales; 2nd Eng. R. Mallett; fireman J. Canavon; deckhands. G. Snelling & J. Harries; cook. R. Leckie.
+ fireman Arthur Thorne (65)

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S.T. Hero FD227

S.T. Hero FD227
Picture courtesy of The John Stevenson Collection

24/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
13/07/2017: Removed image and updated information.
05/01/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Hannah E Reynolds A322

Additional information courtesy of Christine Simm


Official Number: 148953
Yard Number: 615
Completed: 1928
Gross Tonnage; 253
Net Tonnage: 98
Length: 120.7 ft
Breadth: 23.1 ft
Depth: 12.5 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by W. Beardmore & Co Ltd, Coatbridge
Built: Wm. Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir, Glasgow. Straight frames, angular bilge (chine built)


25.1.1928: Launched by Wm. Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir, Glasgow (Yd.No.615) to a design by Mr Melville, draughtsman, Messrs Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen, for William Alexander Leith, Aberdeen as HANNAH E REYNOLDS.
2.1928: Completed.
22.2.1928: Registered at Aberdeen (A322). William A. Leith designated managing owner.
24.2.1928: Sailed Glasgow for trials.
12.3.1928: Landed maiden at Aberdeen (Sk. John F. Reynolds), 400 boxes eight days “ remarkably well pleased with the seaworthy performance …”
4.5.1928: Sold to William Alexander Leith & Sk. John Francis Reynolds, Aberdeen.
7.12.1929: At 2.05 am. stranded on the south end of Inchkeith, Firth of Forth. 4.05 am. came off and proceeded.
w/e 23.8.1930: Along with steam trawlers BEN SCREEL (A121) and DOROTHY GRAY (PD533) sheltering at Kirkwall due to bad weather.
1.3.1931: In a blinding snowstorm, at about 1.00 am. stranded on rocks at Bow Head, Aikerness, Westray. In response to distress rockets and ship’s siren, the Westray L.S.A. was called out by two of their members who were on coast watch. With the assistance of Thomas Drew and his motor lorry and Mac Brown with his van, they were quickly on the scene, however, the distance was too great for the rocket to reach. Without delay a telegram was sent to the Stromness lifeboat and a reply was received stating that the lifeboat J.J.K.S.W. (Cox William Johnston) had left. Later with heavy seas breaking over her the trawler was carried off the the outer point of the Bow and drifted some distance inshore until coming fast again on rocks to the southward of the boat noust (stance) below Skaill Farm. Rockets were fired, the line made fast and with the aid of people from the surrounding district the rescue of the entire crew (nine men and a boy) was accomplished in 45 minutes. The crew were taken to the farm (Mr & Mrs Chalmers) and from there in Mr Chalmer’s car and Mr Brown’s van to the Bayview Hotel. The Stromness lifeboat arrived on the scene a few minutes after the rescue and proceeded to Gill Pier, Pierowall were food was provided before setting out on her homeward journey. Reported holed amidships, making water, but hope of salvage if moderate weather holds.
5.3.1931: With the Leith Salvage & Towing Co’s tug BULLGER (405grt/1884) connected, refloated and safely berthed at Kirkwall.
7.3.1931: In the morning sailed Kirkwall in tow for Aberdeen but in a worsening SE gale when off Hellyar Holme Light heavy seas were encountered and forced to return to Kirkwall.
8.3.1931: With a break in the weather in the morning sailed Kirkwall in tow for Aberdeen. Repaired and landing into Aberdeen.
17.2.1934: Landed 180 boxes, 3 score.
30.5.134: Landed 200 boxes, 4 score.
22.31935: Landed 180 boxes, 2 score cod and 50 score saithe.
19,6.1935: Landed 160 boxes, 5 score.
18.2.1936: Landed 100 boxes, 10 score cod and 10 score halibut.
About 4.12.1937: Sailed Aberdeen for Fleetwood with runner crew that had brought the steam trawler CHARLES DORAN (H760) round from Fleetwood.
29.12.1937(regd): Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood.
14.3.1938: At Fleetwood landed 150 boxes.
29.12.1938: Registered at Aberdeen as ELIZABETH ANGELA (A322) (BoT Minute RG1606/38 dated 19.12.1938). Basil Arthur Parkes designated manager.
10.1.1939: First landing under new name, 308 boxes £391 gross.
10.5.1939: At Fleetwood Magistrates Court, Harry Gilmore (37), ship’s fireman, Cross Street, Fleetwood was charged with failing to join the trawler, which was delayed for one hour. With 35 previous convictions, five for being a disobedient seaman, he was fined 30s and ordered to refund his advance of 5s.
11.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr, AA armament) (P.No.FY.767) (Hire rate £112.15.11d/month).
13.8.1940: Battle of Britain Day 35 – Eagle Day. Attacked by German aircraft while in St. Margaret’s Bay, Dover (Ty/Skipper. F. A. Meggitt RNR); one crewman MPK*. On the first run in the German aircraft dropped two bombs which straddled the ship but did little damage, On the second run the two bombs released hit the trawler, causing damage from which she subsequently foundered in position 51.20N 1.33E. Fire was returned throughout.
21.8.1940: Aberdeen registry closed “Vessel lost whilst on Naval Service”.
5.10.1940: Ty Sub Lt Francis Layton Perkins RNVR who had directed the armament during the engagement was awarded the DSO, for “ courage and devotion to duty in HM trawlers when attacked by enemy aircraft”.
5.10.1940: Ty Sub Lt Francis Layton Perkins RNVR who had directed the armament during the engagement was awarded the DSC. The citation reading “For good service in HM trawlers when attacked by enemy aircraft”.

MPK* – George Victor Cyril Francis (27), Seaman, RNPS, Beccles, Suffolk.

Note – Hannah E. Reynolds – Named after wife of first skipper, John Francis Reynolds

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S.T. Hannah E Reynolds A322

S.T. Hannah E Reynolds A322
Picture courtesy of Grimsby Reference Library

24/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
29/01/2018: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
21/10/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Fotherby FD262

Additional information courtesy of Barry Banham, David Slinger and Phil Rogers


Official Number: 162872
Yard Number: 953
Completed: 1933
Gross Tonnage: 397.84
Net Tonnage: 150.50
Length: 155.0 ft
Breadth: 26.4 ft
Depth: 12.2 ft
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough
Engine: 700ihp T.3-cyl by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough.
Boiler: Richardson Westgarth & Co Ltd, Hartlepool


6.7.1933: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.953) for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd (64/64), Grimsby as ASTON VILLA.
2.8.1933: Registered at Grimsby (GY508).
2.8.1933: Sir John D. Marsden, Bart designated manager.
8.8.1933: Vessel mortgaged(64/64) to Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, North Shields (A).
8.1933: Completed at a cost of £19736.
30.4.1936: Mortgage (A) discharged.
2.5.1936: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Midland Bank Ltd, London (B).
21.7.1936: Mortgage (B) discharged.
8.1936: Sold to The Admiralty.
14.8.1936: Grimsby registry closed (Advice received from the Manager and from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty). Fitted out as depot ship for Coastal Forces (cost £31,696, estimate £27,000 – stored torpedoes and depth charges). Renamed HMS MASCOT and later HMS VULCAN, tender to the 1st MTB Flotilla.
1939: Served in Mediterranean.
1940: In Home Fleet.
1941: In Mediterranean Fleet.
1944: Armed (1-20mm).
5.2.1947: Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood. Basil Arthur Parkes designated manager.
11.1947: Reclassed at Fleetwood and registered at Fleetwood as FOTHERBY (FD262).
1948: Transferred to fish out of Gt. Yarmouth.
From 10.1950: Landings transferred to Israeli refrigerated steamer D’VORA (506grt/1943) ex ‘Isles’ class trawler KITTERN (P.No.T382) for shipment to Haifa, Israel.
2.1951: Chartered by Ezra Deep Sea Fishing Co Ltd (Ezra Danin & others),Tel-Aviv, Israel for six months with option to purchase.
8.2.1951: Sailed Fleetwood for Grimsby (Sk. Arthur J. Lewis). Seven Israeli deckhands/firemen arrived Grimsby to join.
31.3.1951*: Sailed Grimsby at 1400 for Las Palmas (Capt T. S. Hodgkinson); nineteen crew all told. To initially fish the Canary-Saharan bank under an agreement for Israel to pay £60/ton for all fish landed at Haifa. To then train Israeli fishermen.
8.4.1951: Arrived Las Palmas at 1615, berthed 1715. Total time – 8 days 2hrs 15 mins. Distance run 1,807 miles. Average speed 9.90knots.
10.4.1951: Sailed Las Palmas at 1805 for fishing grounds.
11.4.1951: Fishing in position 26N 14W.
21.4.1951: Fishing 13m ExS of Cape Juby, Morocco. Hauled and stowed gear. 1200 left fishing grounds for Haifa, Israel.
3.5.1951: At 0300 arrived off Haifa Harbour. Total time 11 days 7hrs. Distance run 2,817 miles. Average speed 10.40 knots.
1951: Fishing off the coasts of Morocco and Greece mainly for bream.
1951: Fleetwood registry closed.
1951: Registered at Tel-Aviv as MIRIAM (TA122).
1951: Returned to UK.
12.1951-1.1952: Completed Special Survey at Grimsby. Continued to land at ?? and some part landings transhipped to Israel along with those of company steam trawlers SHULAMITH (585g/20) and ZIPORAH (580grt/1921).
1952: Ezra Deep Sea Fishing Co Ltd in liquidation.
1953: Sold to Government of Poland, Warsaw (Ministry of Industry & Commerce)(P. P. D. “Dalmor”, managers).
3.1953: Tel Aviv registry closed. Registered at Gdynia as POLLUX (GDY187).
1965: Laid up.
1969: Sold for breaking up.

*Crew on sailing 31.3.1951: Capt T. S. Hodgkinson, J. Dewhurst, B. Harivess, F. Nicholson, M. Smith, W. Newman, J. Smith, G. Whittle, J. A. Woods, P. Walton, W. P. Jones – all British; M. Shadmi, A. Goldman, Z. Klein, I. Ziser, J. Rabach, A. Gevandter, R. Vaadi – all Israeli; J. Gorecki – Polish.

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HMS Mascot

HMS Mascot
Picture from the Internet

HMS Mascot

HMS Mascot
Picture © Wright & Logan

S.T. Fotherby FD262

S.T. Fotherby FD262
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

S.T. Fotherby FD262

Fotherby landing at Great Yarmouth courtesy of The Barry Banham Collection

S.T. Fotherby FD262

S.T. Fotherby FD262
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

S.T. Miriam TA122

S.T. Miriam TA122
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection


Crew list courtesy of The Phil Rogers Collection

S.T. Mirian TA122

S.T. Mirian TA122
Picture courtesy of The Phil Rogers Collection


Picture courtesy of The Phil Rogers Collection

S.T. Mirian TA122

S.T. Mirian TA122
Picture courtesy of The Phil Rogers Collection

S.T. Mirian TA122

S.T. Mirian TA122
Picture courtesy of The Phil Rogers Collection

S.T. Pollux GDY187

S.T. Pollux GDY187
Picture from the Internet

03/05/14: Page updated.
25/01/2017: Removed disputed image.
19/02/2018: Added an image.
12/10/2020: Updated information.
22/10/2020: Updated history and added images.
29/10/2020: Further update.
08/08/2022: Added an image.

S.T. Erna FD158


Official Number: 136905
Yard Number: 415
Completed: 1915
Gross Tonnage: 330
Net Tonnage: 135
Length: 139.5 ft
Breadth: 23.2 ft
Depth: 12.9 ft
Built: J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen
Engine: 94bhp T.3-cyl by J. A. Abernethy & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


18.3.1915: Launched by J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen (Yd.No.415) for The New Docks Steam Trawling Co (Fleetwood) Ltd, Fleetwood. as ERNA.
17.5.1915: Registered at Fleetwood (FD158).
5.1915: Completed (Joseph A. Taylor & Ernest Tomlinson, managers). Requisitioned from the builder and fitted out as a minelayer and later a minesweeper (1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.1586).
23.2.1916: Attached to Unit.104, Dover Patrol, picked up one crew member of steamer SEA SERPENT mined in Channel.
1.4.1916: Sweeping with PRINCE LEO (GY920)(Ad.No.1634), caught German submarine in sweep wire. Destroyer exploded depth charge over wire and trawlers freed, but could not determine if submarine was destroyed.
12.3.1919: Waiting instructions whether required for Post-War Service (SS).
1920: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
1924: William W. Brierley appointed manager.
8.6.1930: In Wyre Channel, one of 23 trawlers inbound, attempted to pass grounded steam trawler NELLIE BRADDOCK (FD175) aground on Tiger’s Tail off lock pit, came fast and completely blocked channel. Refloated on next tide and entered Wyre Dock.
27.9.1930: Stripped propeller on way home from fishing grounds. Steam trawler THE ROMAN (FD151) connected and commenced tow to Fleetwood.
12.1938: Sold to The Clifton Steam Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood.
9.1.1940: Requisitioned for war service and appointed as a boom defence vessel.
17.1.1940: Returned to owner.
1.2.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a boom defence vessel (P.No. Z.112) (Hire rate £94.15.0d/month).
23.11.1943: Compulsorily acquired by M.O.W.T.
1944: Based at Portsmouth (Fraser & White Ltd, agents).
1948: Laid up pending survey.
1948: Sold to Salvedor Co Ltd, London (Philip Bauer, manager).
1951: Sold for breaking up.

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S.T. Erna FD158

S.T. Erna FD158
Picture courtesy of The John Clarkson Collection

23/01/2019: Page published. 5 updates since then.
30/05/2016: Information updated.
03/09/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
15/07/2020: Updated information.