Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Thomas Deas M253

Additional information courtesy of Barry Johnson Milford Trawlers

Admiralty Number: 3506
Official Number: 143858
Yard Number: 667
Completed: 1917
Gross Tonnage: 275
Net Tonnage: 107
Length: 125.5 ft
Breadth: 23.4 ft
Depth: 12.8 ft
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough
Engine: 480ihp T.3-cyl by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough
Boiler: Palmer’s Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Hebburn on Tyne


17.10.1916: Laid down. Requisitioned by The Admiralty on the stocks; no instalment monies paid.
08.2.1917: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.667) and requisitioned by The Admiralty (non-standard “Castle” class) as JAMES JOHNSON.
13.4.1917: Completed.
8.4.1918: At midnight 2 miles S. by W. from Daunt Lightship in collision with armed trawler LORD HARDINGE (Ad.No.2993) (GY1013) which foundered. All crew picked up.
19.8.1919: Landed at Milford.
21.11.1919: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part I) as THOMAS DEAS O.N.143858. Engaged in commercial trawling.
3.2.1920: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part IV) (LO294).
Between 18.5.1920 – 18.6.1920: Allocated to Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, London. Fishing out of Swansea.
1920: Allocated to the Minesweepers’ Cooperative Trawling Society, London.
13.8.1920: Minesweepers’ Cooperative Trawling Society Ltd, London registered.
29.11.1920: Landed at Milford and laid up.
1.1922: Scheme abandoned, the necessary working capital of £100,000 having not been subscribed.
9.1922: At HM Dockyard, Pembroke completed fitting out for fishing under Special Survey of Lloyd’s Register and classed 100A1 Stm Trawler at Milford.
10.1922: Sold to Henry James Shooter, Exeter; Sk. Henry William Salter, Milford Haven & Sk. Thomas Salter, Hakin.
9.10.1922: London registry closed.
10.10.1922: Registered at Milford (M253).
22.10.1923: Shares re-allocated to James Henry Shooter, Exeter & Sk. Thomas Salter, Hakin.
11.6.1926: In the Channel had a narrow escape when a mail boat crossed the bows, quick thinking by the helmsman averted collision.
23.12.1926: Sold to Mrs Elizabeth Ann Heck Pettit, Milford Haven. David Pettit designated manager.
27.1.1931: Outward from Milford for the fishing grounds on the afternoon tide in darkness, misty light rain stranded in Gellyswick Bay. Refloated under own power with no damage.
1932: David Pettit (66) died.
1933: Transferred Mrs Elizabeth Ann Heck Owens, Hakin. Mrs Elizabeth Ann Heck Owens designated managing owner.
28.7.1933: Arrived Limerick, Co. Limerick with broken steam pipe having been aground in river.
11.11.1936: Sailed Milford for West of Ireland grounds at 4.15 p.m. (Sk. Robert W. C. Kettle). Anchored off to await crew member. Picked up and proceeded down Haven, At 7.15 p.m. in collision with steam tanker SAN DARIO (1136grt/1936) alleged to be at anchor unlit. Stood by and checked damage before returning to Milford.
23.3.1937: Sailed Milford for West coast of Ireland grounds (Sk. Robert W. C. Kettle).
31.3.1937: Spoke THOMAS LEEDS (M70) stopped with condenser door blown off. THOMAS LEEDS effected repair but requested tow to Milford.
1.4.1937: Connected.
3.4.1937: Delivered THOMAS LEEDS to Milford.
24.9.1939: Last landing at Milford.
30.9.1939: Sold to J. Marr & Son Ltd, Fleetwood for £5750. Geoffrey Edwards Marr, Cleveleys designated manager.
21.1.1941: Homeward in an easterly gale and rough seas, ran ashore near Port Askaig, Islay. At 10.10pm Kilchoman coastguard telephoned the Port Askaig Lifeboat Station that a trawler was ashore in the Sound of Islay. The motor lifeboat CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH was launched at 10.50pm and at 11.30pm found the trawler aground with a crew of fourteen and carrying a catch worth about £2,000.
22.1.1941: Another trawler arrived and the lifeboat succeeded in passing a tow line to her but in the severe weather it parted. It was decided that in view of the weather the other trawler would continue on passage. At day-break the lifeboat assisted the trawler to layout out a kedge anchor and at high water refloated herself. The lifeboat returned to station at 12.05pm. The Fleetwood Steam Trawlers Mutual Insurance Association sent £50 to the lifeboat crew in gratitude for them helping to refloat the trawler. The crew gave £4 of the gratuity to the Institution.
16.2.1941: Lost after explosion approximately 4 miles off Spurn Point, believed to have been mined; Crew of thirteen lost.
20.3.1941: Milford registry closed “Vessel sunk by enemy mine”.

(Lost – Sk. W. Scott (44), 24 Knowsley Gate, Fleetwood; John Henry Raywell (25), 79 Rosamond Street, Hull, 2nd Hand; George Robert Dodson (43), 70 Shakespeare Road, Fleetwood, 3rd Hand; Thomas George Hudson (48), 3 Coniston Avenue, Fleetwood, Ch Eng,; Richard Neill (39), 63 Warrenhurst Road, Fleetwood, 2nd Eng.; George Robert Bush (19), 308 Radcliffe Road, Fleetwood, Charles Henry Powdrell (57), 174 St. Georges Road, Hull, Harold Powdrell (51) 9 Esther’s Avenue, Eastbourne Street, Hull, Walter Semper (29), 4 York Terrace, Marmaduke Street, Hull & Robert Wilson (23), 141 Chilcorn Street, Hull, Deckhands; William Gordan Phillips (40), 10 Darbyshire Road, Fleetwood & Thomas Patrick Power (41), C/O Seaman’s Mission, Dock Street, Fleetwood, Fireman/Trimmers and Thomas Madden (36), 1 St. Andres Terrace, Panott Street, Hull, Cook.

(John (aka James) Johnson, OS (volunteer), age 24, b. Newport, Rhode Island, America – VICTORY (SB110)

(Record of Death of Merchant Seaman, recorded May 1941. Lost at sea, River Humber: presumed killed: vessel sunk by enemy mine – Sk. W. Scott (44), 24 Knowsley Gate, Fleetwood; John Henry Raywell (25), 79 Rosamond Street, Hull, 2nd Hand; George Robert Dodson (43), 70 Shakespeare Road, Fleetwood, 3rd Hand; Thomas George Hudson (48), 3 Coniston Avenue, Fleetwood, Ch Eng,; Richard Neill (39), 63 Warrenhurst Road, Fleetwood, 2nd Eng.; George Robert Bush (19), 308 Radcliffe Road, Fleetwood; Charles Henry Powdrell (57), 174 St. Georges Road, Hull; Harold Powdrell (51) 9 Esther’s Avenue, Eastbourne Street, Hull; Walter Semper (29), 4 York Terrace, Marmaduke Street, Hull & Robert Wilson (23), 141 Chiltern Street, Hull, Deckhands; William Gordon Phillips (40), 10 Darbyshire Road, Fleetwood & Thomas Patrick Power (41), c/o Seaman’s Mission, Dock Street, Fleetwood, Fireman/Trimmers and Thomas Madden (36), 1 St. Andrews Terrace, Panott Street, Hull, Cook.

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S.T. Thomas Deas M253

S.T. Thomas Deas M253
Picture courtesy of David Slinger

17/01/2009: Page published. 5 updates since then.
19/02/2015: Information added.
03/11/2016: Information updated.
25/04/2022: Information updated.
10/11/2022: Added Record of Death

S.T. Strathblair A132


Official Number: 162273
Yard Number: 714
Completed: 1930
Gross Tonnage: 216
Net Tonnage: 94
Length: 117.7 ft
Breadth: 22.1 ft
Depth: 12.2 ft
Built: Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: T.3-cyl by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


21.8.1930: Launched by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.714) for Aberdeen Steam Trawling & Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen as STRATHBLAIR.
17.9.1930: Registered at Aberdeen (A132).
9.1930: Completed. George Massie designated manager.
1938: W. Rhind designated manager.
8.3.1941: Off East Coast of Scotland. Attacked by Heinkel bomber which circled and before crew could man the guns made a low level approach to strafe the ship. The angle was wrong and the aircraft collided with the top of the mizzen mast tearing off the wing and crashing into the sea. In so doing two bombs were released which landed on deck but did not explode. On return to harbour bombs rendered safe and removed by RN Bomb & Mine Disposal Team.
29.12.1942: Sold to Bloomfields Ltd, Gt. Yarmouth. Bloomfield’s Ltd, Fleetwood designated managers. Out of Fleetwood fished Home and Faroes grounds (Sk. Edward W. ‘Laddy’ Bush, Gt. Yarmouth 1943-45).
27.4.1943: Typical wartime landing.
199 kits – hake-117, cod/codling-17, haddock-4, flats-9, ling/coley-45, roker-2, dogs-5.
1946: Transferred to Gt. Yarmouth.
17.4.1947: Sold to Elizabeth Anne Davidson, Aberdeen.
28.6.1950: Sold to Colonial Development Corporation, London.
11.1950: Taken in hand by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd and fitted with refrigeration plant, fish room modified with metal boxes on railed shelving, crew accommodation air conditioned and other improvements.
17.1.1951: Completed successful trials in Aberdeen Bay.
24.1.1951: Sailed Aberdeen for Lagos (Sk. Tom Normandale, Scarborough) in company with STRATHALBYN (A48) (Sk. Alex Flett).
2.2.1951: Noted. Forecastle added. Alteration to tonnage and other particulars. Certificate of Survey at Aberdeen dated 17.1.1951.
13.10.1954: Sold to Nigerian Shipping & Trading Co Ltd, Lagos. Frederick A. J. Simpson designated manager.
1978: Sold for breaking up.

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S.T. Strathblair A132

S.T. Strathblair A132 Leaving Aberdeen for Lagos
Picture courtesy of The George Coull Collection

S.T. Strathblair A132

S.T. Strathblair A132
Picture courtesy of the Imperial War Museum Collection

S.T. Strathblair A132

S.T. Strathblair A132
Picture courtesy of the Imperial War Museum Collection

S.T. Strathblair A132

S.T. Strathblair A132
Picture courtesy of the Imperial War Museum Collection

S.T. Strathblair A132

S.T. Strathblair A132
Picture courtesy of the Imperial War Museum Collection

17/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
08/04/2015: Added 4 pictures.
16/04/2015: Removed 4 incorrect pictures.
31/05/2015: Updated information.
05/08/2017: Restored pictures and updated text.
06/08/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Strathalva A757


Official Number: 139792
Yard Number: 595
Completed: 1917
Gross Tonnage: 214.87
Net Tonnage: 92.61
Length: 117.75 ft
Breadth: 22.10 ft
Depth: 13.87 ft
Built Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: T.3-cyl by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


1916: Launched by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.595) for Aberdeen Steam Trawling & Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen as STRATHALVA.
23.2.1917: Registered at Aberdeen(A757). John Brown designated manager.
2.1917: Completed. Requisitioned from the builders as an armed trawler (2-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.3005).
1919: Returned.
1926: George Massie designated manager.
1938: W. Rhind designated manager.
21.12.1942: Sold to Supreme Fishcuring Co Ltd, Fleetwood. Basil Arthur Parkes, Cleveleys designated manager.
1943: Fishing Faroe grounds.
24.7.1943: Typical landing. 480 kits – cod/codling-150, haddock-80, ling/coley-250.
30.8.1945: Sold to Southampton Steam Fishing Co Ltd, London.
9.5.1947: Changed of location of registered office in London.
11.10.1952: Sold to Derry Trawling Co Ltd, Aberdeen. David Wood designated manager.
13.2.1959: Sold to Bruce’s Stores (Aberdeen) Ltd, Aberdeen.
1959: Sold to BISCO and allocated to Malcolm Brechin, Granton for breaking up.
1.12.1959: Delivered Granton from Aberdeen under own power.
30.3.1960: Aberdeen registry closed “Vessel broken up.”

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S.T. Strathalva A757

S.T. Strathalva A757
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Strathalva A757

S.T. Strathalva A757
Picture by Donald Smith courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

S.T. Strathalva A757

S.T. Strathalva A757
Picture courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

S.T. Strathalva A757

S.T. Strathalva A757
Picture by Donald Smith courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

17/01/2009: Page published. 5 updates since then.
16/04/2018: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.
06/08/2021: Updated history and technical details.

S.T. Sir Agravine A276


Official Number: 182005
Yard Number: 162
Completed: 1942
As built: 440disp (137’ 9” loa) 126’ 0” x 23’ 9” x 11’ 6”
Gross Tonnage: 276.89
Net Tonnage: 105.03
Length: 126.2 ft
Breadth: 23.6 ft
Depth: 12.8 ft
Built: J. Lewis & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: 600ihp T.3-cyl by J. Lewis & Sons Ltd, Aberdeen (E.No.239)
Boiler: John G. Kincaid & Co Ltd, Greenock


1.1941: Ordered.
13.10.1941: Keel laid.
5.3.1942: Launched by J. Lewis & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.162) (“Round Table” class) for The Admiralty as HMS SIR AGRAVAINE (P.No.T.230).
12.6.1942: Completed as a “LL” minesweeper (1-12pdr HA/LA, 4-MG, 1-20mm, DC).
23.5.1944: Assigned as a magnetic minesweeper to Operation Neptune – Normandy landings.
5.6.1944: Sailed for beachhead approaches with minesweeping flotillas.
29.6.1944: Ordered to Plymouth on successful completion of operations in British sector.
3.7.1944: Operation Neptune ended.
1946: Laid up at Rosyth on Disposal List (SORF, Rosyth).
4.1946: Sold to The Great Western Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Aberdeen.
11.2.1947: Registered at Aberdeen as SIR AGRAVINE O.N.182005 (A276). Basil Arthur Parkes designated manager.
15.2.1947: Alteration to tonnage and other particulars. Certificate of Survey at Aberdeen dated 14.2.1947. 273.50g 103.50n.
1948: Transferred to fish out of Fleetwood.
10.8.1954: Last landing at Fleetwood (Sk. Harold Harrison), 689 boxes 60 baskets £1,378 gross £1,352 net.
8.1954: Sold to Nils Utheim, Karvag, Nordmor, Norway.
1.9.1954: Aberdeen registry closed. Registered at Kristiansund as UTHEIM.
1957: Converted to motor and fitted with 4stroke 8-cyl oil engine by A/S Volund, Copenhagen.
1972: Sold to Rolf Hansen Partrederi, Kristiansund, Norway. Registered at Kristiansund as FEDERAL (M.22.K)
24.7.1973: Off Krakeneset, Norwegian Sea, started to take in water and after taking on a list, capsized and foundered. Kristiansund registry closed.

Click to enlarge image

HMT Sir Agravaine

HMT Sir Agravaine
Picture reproduced under IWM Non-Commercial Licence

S.T. Sir Agravine A276

S.T. Sir Agravine A276
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

M.T. Federal M22K

M.T. Federal M22K
Picture courtesy of The Frank Pook Collection

17/01/2009: Page published 7 updates since then.
12/08/2017: Removed disputed image and FMHT watermarks and posted another image.
22/10/2020: Added an image and updated history.

S.T. Seddon GY991

Additional material courtesy of Bill Blow


Official Number: 139922
Yard Number: 346
Completed: 1916
Gross Tonnage: 296
Net Tonnage: 115
Length: 136.2 ft
Breadth: 23 ft
Depth: 12.2 ft
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd
Engine: 540ihpT.3-cyl by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull


20.5.1916: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd (Yd.No.346) for The Standard Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Grimsby as SEDDON.
11.1916: Completed.
30.10.1916: Registered at Grimsby (GY991).
30.10.1916: Walter William Butt appointed manager.
11.1916: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.3313). Based Dover.
Post 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Grimsby.
11.04.1924: On an Icelandic trip, deckhand Walter Swaine contracted double pneumonia and passed away. He was buried at sea. Death certificate reads “Off the coast at Reykjavik”.
26.8.1926: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Midland Bank Ltd, London (A).
10.8.1932: Grounded east bank of river at Blyth after calling for bunker coal. Refloated with no damage.
8.4.1938: Bill Butt appointed manager.
28.6.1938: Albert Wright Butt appointed manager.
2.6.1940: Requisitioned for war service as an auxiliary patrol vessel (P.No.4.166) (Hire rate £83.17.4d/month).
15 – 25.6.1940: Operation Ariel *.
19.6.1940: Sailed Plymouth for France.
1.12.1941: Mortgage (A) discharged.
14.1.1942: Sold to Saint Andrew’s Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Hull (temporary address, 231 Dock St, Fleetwood).
22.1.1942: Basil Arthur Parkes, Cleveleys appointed manager.
2.1946: Returned after survey and restoration at Fleetwood.
29.3.1946: Sold to Seddon Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), London & Fleetwood.
5.4.1946: Borys Kilaczycki, London appointed manager.
29.3.1946: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Saint Andrew’s Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull for £9,000 with interest at 4% B).
8.8.1947: Mortgage (B) discharged.
12.8.1947: Sold to Dagon Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), London.
12.8.1947: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Seddon Fishing Co Ltd, London for £7.500 with interest at 4% (C).
18.8.1947: Czeslaw Antkowiak, London appointed manager.
12.2.1949: Mortgage (C) discharged.
16.4.1951: Sold to Craig Stores (Aberdeen) Ltd, Aberdeen.
21.4.1951: Joseph Craig, appointed manager.
21.4.1951: Grimsby registry closed.
27.4.1951: Registered at Aberdeen (A684).
1960: Sold to BISCO and allocated to James A. White & Co Ltd, St. David’s, Fife for breaking up.
22.4.1960: Delivered St. David’s from Aberdeen under own power.
3.10.1960: Aberdeen registry closed “Vessel broken up.”

* Operation Ariel – withdrawal of remaining troops of the British Expeditionary Force from France plus other nationals, civil and military.

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Walter Swaine

Walter Swaine
Picture courtesy of The Anne Burton Collection

S.T. Seddon GY991

S.T. Seddon A684
Picture courtesy of The John Stevenson Collection

S.T. Seddon A684

S.T. Seddon A684
Picture courtesy of Grimsby Reference Library

S.T. Seddon  GY991

S.T. Seddon GY991
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Seddon GY991

S.T. Seddon GY991
Picture courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

S.T. Seddon GY991

S.T. Seddon GY991
Picture (at Grimsby) courtesy of The Bill Blow Collection

S.T. Seddon GY991

S.T. Seddon GY991
Picture from the Internet

17/01/2009: Page published. 7 updates since then.
14/08/2015: Picture added.
10/10/2016: Information and picture added.
14/04/2018: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.
01/08/2021: Updated history.