Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Loch Torridon FD44


Official Number: 163180
Yard Number: 965
Completed: 1934
Gross Tonnage: 413
Net Tonnage: 156
Length: 157 ft
Breadth: 26.7 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough
Engine: T.3-cyl by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough


1.2.1934: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.965) for Oddsson & Co Ltd, Hull as BRIMNES.
26.2.1934: Registered at Hull (H9).
2.1934: Completed (Jon S. Oddsson, manager).
1.3.1934: Sailed Hull on first trip to Norway Coast grounds (Sk. J. Oddsson).
19.3.1934: At Hull landed 1,924 kits grossed £1,366.
25.7.1939: Insured value £21,500.
23.8.1939: Sold to Hudson Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull (Hudson Brothers Trawlers Ltd, managers).
9.1939: Requisitioned for war service.
23.8.1939: Sold to The Admiralty (M.O.W.T.) (£23,422) and fitted out for anti-submarine duties (P.No. FY.254).
3.5.1940: Hull registry closed.
20.10.1945: A Control Committee was formed to manage Hull and Grimsby trawlers which had been bought by the Admiralty in pre war and were being offered for sale back to their original owners. The owners who bought back these vessels and wanted to take part in the scheme agreed to register the trawlers under the Hull Ice Co. Ltd and profits were shared. Management of the trawlers was given to the companies which had bought them.
12.1945: Surveyed at Glasgow.
1.1.1946: Sold to Hull Ice Co Ltd, Hull (Charles D. Hudson, manager).
16.11.1946: Sold to Charleson-Smith Trawlers Ltd, Hull (20/-).
18.12.1946: Registered at Hull as STELLA SIRIUS (H165).
8.3.1948: Sold to A. & M. Smith Ltd, Aberdeen.
15.3.1948: Registered at Hull as LOCH TORRIDON (H165). Continued to operate out of Hull.
14.2.1953: Outward for fishing grounds (Sk. E. March). In thick fog in the Humber in collision with coaster EMERALD (1382grt/1952), sustained damage to shell plating in way of port bunker. Beached between Victoria Dock and Alexander Pier.
20.3.1953: After removal of 250 tons of bunker coal patched and refloated. Repaired and returned to service.
8.7.1954: Sailed Hull for Iceland, last trip before sale (Sk. J. A. Jennings).
27.7.1954: At Hull landed 1,888 kits grossed £3,971.
7.1954: Sold to Dinas Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Alfred J. Marr, manager).
4.8.1954: Hull registry closed.
8.1954: Registered at Fleetwood (FD44).
28.8.1954: First landing at Fleetwood from Iceland 1,474 boxes 80 baskets grossed £5,772.
30.5.1959: Company taken over by J. Marr & Son Ltd.
19.6.1959: Sold for breaking up to Van Heyghen Freres, Ghent.
22.6.1959: Arrived Ghent. Fleetwood registry closed.

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S.T. Brimnes H9

S.T. Brimnes H9
Picture courtesy of The James Cullen Collection

S.T. Loch Torridon H165

S.T. Loch Torridon H165
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Loch Torridon FD44 beached after collision

S.T. Loch Torridon FD44 beached after collision
Picture courtesy of The Frank Pook Collection

S.T. Loch Torridon H9

S.T. Loch Torridon H9
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Loch Torridon FD44 beached after collision

S.T. Loch Torridon FD44 beached after collision
Picture courtesy of The Steve Farrow Collection

S.T. Loch Torridon FD44 under tow after collision

S.T. Loch Torridon FD44 under tow after collision
Picture courtesy of The Steve Farrow Collection

17/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
01/02/2015: Picture added.
23/07/2015: Picture added.
10/03/2017: Image added.
15/04/2021: Updated history, removed incorrect image.

S.T. Lilamar FD128

Additional information courtesy of David Slinger and Andy Hall


Admiralty Number: 4216
Official Number: 136086
Yard Number: 201
Completed: 1919
As built: 360disp 125.6 x 23.5 x 12.8 feet
Gross Tonnage: 276
Net Tonnage: 113
Length: 125.4 ft
Breadth: 23.4 ft
Depth: 12.6 ft
Built: C. Rennoldson & Co, South Shields
Engine: 480ihp T.3-cyl by Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Newcastle


14.2.1919: Launched by C. Rennoldson & Co, South Shields (Yd.No.201) (“Castle” class) for The Admiralty as EDWARD GALLAGHAN (Ad.No.4216).
5.2.1919: Forms for tender to purchase received by the Admiralty.
3.1919: Sold to The Ebor Fishing Co Ltd, Middlesbrough.
26.8.1919: Completed as a fishing vessel.
9.9.1919: Registered at Middlesbrough (Part I & IV) as EBOR DOWNS O.N.136086 (MH54). Charles W. Robinson designated manager.
1920: Sold to Harley & Miller Ltd, Liverpool. Alfred J. Harley, Meols designated manager.
1923: Charles C. Miller designated manager.
1926: Middlesbrough registry closed.
3.8.1926: Registered at Liverpool (LL57).
1928: Fishing out of Fleetwood.
14.6.1928: Landed 122 boxes.
8.10.1928: Landed 208 boxes.
1928: Sold to Consolidated Fisheries Ltd, Grimsby.
17.12.1928: Liverpool registry closed.
5.1.1929: Registered at Swansea as CARDIFF CASTLE (SA90). Sir John D. Marsden, Bart, Grimsby designated manager. Fishing out of Swansea.
29.8.1939: Requisitioned for war service on examination service and as a minesweeper (P.No. FY.512) (Hire rate £85.18.9d/month).
1944: Sold to The Dinas Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood. David Marr designated manager.
11.1945: Cardiff registry closed.
5.11.1945: Registered at Fleetwood (FD128).
1.1946: Remeasured following restoration and special survey at Londonderry – 276g 107n.
1.1946: Returned after survey and restoration at Londonderry.
4.1.1946: Registered at Fleetwood as LILAMAR (FD128).
2.1958: Sold to Hammond Lane Foundry Ltd, Dublin for breaking up.
12.2.1958: Arrived Dublin from Fleetwood under own power.
8.7.1958: Fleetwood registry closed.

(Edward Gallaghan (aka Gallagher), OS (volunteer), age 27, b.North Mayo, Ireland – VICTORY (SB580))

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HMT Cardiff Castle

HMT Cardiff Castle
Picture reproduced under IWM Non-Commercial Licence

S.T. Lilamar FD128

S.T. Lilamar FD128
Picture courtesy of The David Buckley Collection

S.T. Lilamar FD128

S.T. Lilamar FD128
Picture courtesy of The Stephen Myerscough Collection

S.T.Lilamar FD128

S.T.Lilamar FD128
Picture © John Clarkson

17/01/2009: Page published. 7 updates since then.
09/03/2017: Image added.
05/03/3019: Information updated.
12/09/2021: Updated technical information.

S.T. Lark (2) – GY322

Additional information courtesy of Bill Blow

Official Number: 125075
Yard Number: 538
Completed: 1907
Gross Tonnage: 280.04
Net Tonnage: 123.35
Length: 135.0 ft
Breadth: 23.0 ft
Depth: 12.1 ft
Built: Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Engine: 500ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Hull


10.9.1907: Launched by Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Hull (Yd.No.538) for Pioneer Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Grimsby as LARK.
12.10.1907: Registered at Grimsby (GY322).
12.10.1907: George Edward James Moody appointed manager.
10.1907: Completed. Fishing from Fleetwood.
12.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr, 1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.480).
2.1915: Renamed LARK II.
19.4.1915: Registered at Grimsby as LARK II.(GY322) (BoT Minute 7058/1915). Based Granton.
30.8.1916 – 30.12.1916: Detached for duty with SNO Leith.
8.10.1916-11.10.1916: With HM Trawlers ROSSKEEN (Ad.No.633) (GN14); WALTER S. BAILEY (Ad.No.707) (H546) and ZONIA (Ad.No.265) (H546) assisted in salvage of Hartlepool steamer JUPITER (2124grt/1901) damaged by explosive charges placed by Uboat (UB27) on 7.10.1915.
7.2.1916: Sold to The Grimsby Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Grimsby.
14.2.1916: George Edward James Moody appointed manager.
17-19.12.1917: With HM Trawler JOHN C. MEICKLE (Ad.No.436)(SN70) assisted in salvage of steamer OESTON.
1919: Returned to owners.
11.1923: Sold to Sociedade de Pesca a Vapor Espardarte Lda, Lisbon (BoT consent Minute 17869 dated 16.11.1923).
24.11.1923: Grimsby registry closed. Registered at Lisbon as ESPADARTE II.
1933: Sold to Alberto Graca, Lisbon. Registered at Lisbon as INVEVCIVEL SEGUNDO.
1956: Broken up at Lisbon. Lisbon registry closed.


12.1914: Fitted with Hotchkiss 12pdr and 6pdr HA and fitted out for minesweeping duties (Ad.No.480).
2.1915: Renamed LARK II.
17-19.12.1917: With HMTrawler JOHN C. MEICKLE (Ad.No.436)(SN70) assisted in salvage of steamer OESTON.
By 1.10.1918: At Penzance (General Patrol and Escort work) (Chief Sk. RNR).

Click to enlarge image

S.T. Lark GY322

S.T. Lark GY322
Picture courtesy of Alan Hirst

17/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
08/04/2016: Information updated.
01/10/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.

S.T. Kite H773

Additional information courtesy of Lynne Elvin and Hull Trawlers


Official Number: 118781
Yard Number: 59
Completed: 1903
Gross Tonnage: 167.71
Net Tonnage: 48.71
Length: 110.3 ft
Breadth: 20.9 ft
Depth: 11.1 ft
Built: Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd
Engine: 285ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Charles D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull


26.8.1903: Launched by Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd (Yd.No.59) for Kelsall Brothers & Beeching Ltd (64/64), Hull as KITE.
15.10.1903: Registered at Hull (H773).
15.10.1903: George Beeching, Hull & John Edmund Ambrose Kelsall, London appointed managers.
10.1903: Completed
29.12.1912: In the North Sea off the Dogger Bank with the boxing fleet. With other trawlers responded following the foundering of steam trawler BRITANNIC (H447) after being run into amidships by steam trawler BUZZARD (H971). Picked up two survivors and transferred them to BUZZARD which suffered only minor damage to her fore end.
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 63.43 net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
11.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.415).
2.1915: Renamed KITE II.
12.1918: Returned and reverted to KITE (H773).
7.6.1919: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to The London County Westminster & Parr’s Bank Ltd, London (A).
7.6.1919: John Slater designated manager.
6.3.1923: Mortgagee re-styled as Westminster Bank Ltd, London.
14.10.1927: Mortgage (A) transferred to William Augustus Hayward, Eastbourne.
14.10.1927: Mortgage (A) transferred to Mercantile Marine Finance Corporation Ltd, London.
28.9.1928: Robert Burton designated manager.
16.9.1932: Charles Hugh Emerson designated manager.
10.1932: Mercantile Marine Finance Corporation Ltd in liquidation.
1.11.1932: Mortgage (A) transferred to Harold Frank Hayward, London; Maud Florence Katherine Rogers, Chelsea and Ernest Norton, London (Joint mortgagees).
23.1.1936: Mortgage (A) discharged.
11.2.1936: Sold to Brixham Trawlers Ltd, Brixham.
14.2.1936: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Harold Frank Hayward, London; Maud Florence Katherine Rogers, Corfe Castle and Ernest Norton, London for £750 with interest at 5% with (joint mortgagees)(B).
1.2.1936: Ralph Stockman Dugdale designated manager.
11.2.1936: Sold to Brixham Trawlers Ltd (64/64), Brixham.
14.2.1936: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) for £750 with interest at 5% to Harold Frank Hayward, London; Maud Florence Katherine Rogers, Corfe Castle and Ernest Norton, London (Joint mortgagees)(B).
12.1937: Transferred to Fleetwood when Brixham Trawlers Ltd moved to the port.
4.12.1937: Sailed Brixham for Fleetwood in company with THRUSH (H703), fishing round.
14.12.1937: First landing at Fleetwood 56 boxes, grossed £147.
26.11.1938: Brixham Trawlers Ltd registered office transferred to Fleetwood.
2.12.1938: Ralph S. Dugdall designated manager.
9.2.1939: Mortgage (B) discharged.
13.2.1939: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Midland Bank Ltd, London (C).
20.4.1953: Mortgage (C) discharged.
26.7.1955: Sold to Belgian shipbreakers for breaking up.
4.8.1955: Hull registry closed “… on sale of the ship to foreigners (Belgian subjects)”.
31.7.1956: Arrived Boom from Fleetwood under own power.

Click to enlarge image

S.T. Kite H733

S.T. Kite H733
Picture courtesy of Fred Baker

S.T. Kite H773

S.T. Kite H773
Picture from the Internet

17/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
28/01/2017: Removed disputed image.
16/07/2017: Updated information.
23/03/2018: Added an image.

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84


Official Number: 167077
Yard Number: 651
Completed: 1939
Gross Tonnage: 581
Net Tonnage: 214
Length: 178.1 ft
Breadth: 30.0 ft
Depth: 15.2 ft
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley
Engine: 1050ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Charles D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Speed: 12.8 knots


14.9.1939: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.651) for Jutland Amalgamated Trawlers Ltd, Hull as LADY MADELEINE.
22.11.1939: Registered at Hull (H243).
30.11.1939: Completed trials and accepted (E. Cargill, manager).
24.1.1940: Requisitioned for war service as an anti-submarine trawler (P.No.FY.283)(Hire rate £435.15.0d/month). Based Greenock with Clyde Escort Group (Ty Lieut. P. H. Potter RNR).
29.1.1941: Picked up twenty survivors from the London registered steamer KING ROBERT (5886grt/1920) sunk by U-boat (U94) and landed them at Greenock.
1941: Iceland Command.
1942: Escort Group 49.
21.5.1942: Convoy PQ16 sailed Reykjavik for Archangel, part of escort group.
26.6.1942: Convoy QP13 sailed Archangel for Reykjavik, part of escort group.
16.10.1942: Sold to Kingston Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull (John William Lown, manager) for £113,316.12.3d (plus registration fee £9.2.6d) in en bloc purchase with LADY HOGARTH (H479) and LADY ROSEMARY (H477).
15.12.1942: Convoy JW.51A sailed Liverpool for Kola Inlet, part of escort group.
29.1.1943: Convoy RA.52 sailed Kola Inlet for Loch Ewe, part of escort group.
3.2.1943: With A/S trawler NORTHERN WAVE (P.No.FY.153), picked up 4 survivors from American steamer GREYLOCK (7460grt/1921) torpedoed and damaged by U-boat (U255) in Norwegian Sea (70.52N 00.21W); sunk by gunfire from escort. Survivors landed at Gourock.
5.7.1944: Some 20 miles W of Cape Wrath picked up two wounded crew members of NOREEN MARY (GN17) sunk by U-boat (U.247) gunfire.
8.6.1945: The Admiralty advised the company that vessel had arrived at Walker on Tyne for refit and restoration by the Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd, Tyne Branch, Walker on Tyne.
6.2.1956: Arrived Hull.
13.2.1946: Returned to owner at Hull (William O’Dell, manager).
6.2.1946 Sailed for Bear Island fishing grounds.
5.4.1946: Registered at Hull as KINGSTON DIAMOND (H243).
1.10.1946 Sparehand G. Osbourne was fatally injured following uprooting of a bollard. On inspection found to be caused due to defective bolts. Notice placed under common law claim against Shipbuilding Corporation Ltd for £1,940.
20.10.1948: Claim finally settled to the satisfaction of both parties.
12.1949: Converted for burning oil fuel, F.P. above 150° F by Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co Ltd, Wallsend. Fitted with new furnaces and fuel tanks cost £19,600.
1953: Made one trip to Greenland fishery.
25.5.1959: Donald Holmes Swift appointed manager.
5.4.1961: Lawrence Hall Swain appointed manager.
30.9.1963: Sold to Associated Fisheries Ltd for £5,000.
25.10.1963: Transferred within the Associated Fisheries Group to Wyre Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood.
1964: Registered at Fleetwood (FD84).
1965: Sold to Smith & Houston Ltd, Port Glasgow for breaking up.
8.4.1965: Sailed Fleetwood for Port Glasgow.
1.1966: Still in course of breaking up.

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S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84
Picture courtesy of The James Cullen Collection

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84
Picture courtesy of The Stephen Myerscough Collection

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84
Picture courtesy of The Phillip Dell Collection

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84

S.T. Kingston Diamond H243
Picture courtesy of The JJ Collection

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84

S.T. Kingston Diamond FD84
Picture courtesy of The Peter Hearn Collection

17/01/2009: Page published. 6 revisions since then.
29/08/2014: Picture 6 added.
17/09/2014: Amended history.
28/01/2017: Removed disputed image.
04/10/2020: Added an image.
21/03/2021: Updated history.