Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Sea Monarch FD169


Official Number: 139277
Yard Number: 322
Completed: 1915
Gross Tonnage: 329
Net Tonnage: 138
Length: 136 ft
Breadth: 24 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley
Engine: 70nhp T.3-cyl and boiler by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull


31.5.1915: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.322) for Humber Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as SEA MONARCH.
17.8.1915: Completed (Richard H. Hobbs, manager).
27.11.1915: Registered at Hull (H411).
2.1916: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr, 1-7.5” A/S Howitzer) (Ad.No.1983). Based Portland.
Post 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Hull.
16.12.1919: Sold to Fresh Fish Supplies Ltd, Hull (Thomas Nightingale, manager).
8.2.1922: Sold to Thomas Hamling & Co Ltd, Hull (Harold Hall, manager) along with SEA SWEEPER (H171) for £11,500 each.
6.1.1926: Thomas Boyd appointed manager.
4.5.1928: Sold to Dinas Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Joseph Arthur Marr Jnr, manager) along with SEA SWEEPER (H171) for £7,000 each.
10.5.1928: Hull registry closed.
18.6.1928: Registered at Fleetwood (FD169).
7.1928: Mortgaged to William Deacons Bank Ltd, London.
31.3.1936: Landed from an Iceland trip landed only 1,000 stone of fish, £494 gross.
30.1.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a boom defence vessel (Hire rate £90.9.6d/month).
3.1940: Fitting out at Rosyth at a cost of £17,545 (P.No.Z.115).
5.1940: At Lyness.
23.11.1943: Compulsorily acquired by M.O.W.T.
1.1.1944: Fleetwood registry closed.
1944: Based at Fort William (D. MacBrayne Ltd, Glasgow, agents).
6.1946: Laid up. Estimated cost of re-conditioning £8,750.
31.1.1947: Sold to James N. Connell, Glasgow for breaking up.
28.2.1947: Delivered Clyde.
9.1947: Breaking up completed.

Note: A very fast free running trawler, on Admiralty service in 1916 was capable of 11 knots.

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S.T. Sea Monarch FD169

S.T. Sea Monarch FD169
Picture © John Clarkson

S.T. Sea Monarch FD169

S.T. Sea Monarch FD169 at Scapa Flow
Picture courtesy of Maggie Jamieson

16/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
31/07/2021: Updated information.

S.T. Scorpion FD165

Additional information courtesy of Geoff Davidson


Official Number: 98764
Yard Number: 37
Completed: 1891
Gross Tonnage: 154.94
Net Tonnage: 56.57
Length: 100.5 ft
Breadth: 20.5 ft
Depth: 10.7 ft
Built: Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow
Engine: C.2-cyl by Muir & Houston, Glasgow


17.9.1891: Launched by Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow (Yd.No.37) for The British Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as SCORPION.
6.10.1891: Registered at Hull (H166).
10.1891: Completed (William L. Robins, manager).
7.2.1893: On the North Sea fishing grounds, towing the starboard gear on a heading SbyW. Mate, Rowlands, in charge of watch with James Mathews, deckhand, as lookout; mate was asleep. Look out observed the Hull smack GARNETT BROTHERS (H1390) with gear down towing in a Northerly direction, he saw the smack’s light fall but did either alter course or rouse the mate. When a collision was inevitable Mathews woke the mate by shouting “Man overboard”. The mate ran to the wheel, but too late to alter course and rang the telegraph for full speed astern, but before stern way was on her she struck the smack. Severely damaged the GARNETT BROTHERS started to settle and crew was taken onboard before the smack foundered.
3.3.1893: At BOT formal inquiry held at Hull, the Court found that the collision was due to the SCORPION having failed to comply with article 17 of the Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea and adjudged that the certificate of the mate, Rowlands, be suspended for twelve months and that of the deckhand, Mathews, be cancelled and to pay £10 towards the cost of the inquiry.
14.2.1899: Arrived Hull following severe storm and landed boatswain with leg broken.
4.7.1899: In the salvage action between the SCORPION and the Danish steamer N. G. PETERSON (1282grt/??) in which the trawler had offered towage services, which were afterwards declined. The master of the steamer had originally intended to employ the SCORPION to tow him to Sunderland, but another vessel took him in tow. The Judge, Mr Justice Bucknill gave judgement in favour of the SCORPION and awarded £150 and costs.
7.1.1905: Outward from Hull for Dogger Bank grounds; nine hands all told. At about 4.30pm. when some 90 miles ENE of Spurn Point, saw a steamer on the port bow. The weather was stormy and a heavy sea was running. At about 5.00pm. distress rockets were seen and the trawler closed the steamer which proved to be the London registered ANNANDALE (1526grt/1878). In response to a hail, the master replied that his rudder was broken and “ could you manage to steer me in”. The skipper of the SCORPION answered “yes” and was told to come in and make fast. After many attempts a line was secured. During the night the wind increased to a heavy gale.
8.1.1905: At 7.30am. Flamborough Head was sighted and they continued on their way with the Hull tug ORION (83grt/1900) assisting. At 9.00pm. the ANNANDALE was delivered to safe anchorage in the Humber.
22.3.1905: In the Admiralty Division of the High Court, London owners of the SCORPION sought salvage money for the incident. In giving judgement, Mr Justice Deane remarked that the ship was able to use her own engine and only required the trawler to steer her and thought the proper reward was £400 for salvage service, £75 for repairs and loss of fishing, making £475 in total.
4.11.1912: Sold to James Alexander Robertson, Fleetwood.
15.11.1912: Hull registry closed.
16.11.1912: Registered at Fleetwood (FD165).
7.12.1912: Sold to The Lancashire Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Fleetwood (James A. Robertson, manager).
2.1913: Sold to Charles James Smith, Scarborough.
25.2.1913: Fleetwood registry closed.
26.2.1913: Registered at Scarborough (SH182). James Johnson appointed manager.
9.5.1913: Sold to Dogger Bank Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Scarborough. Richard W. Crawford appointed manager.
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 63.71 net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
4.6.1917: Sold to Dixon Chew, Scarborough (trading as Scorpion Steam Trawling Co). Dixon Chew designated managing owner.
29.5.1917: Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve.
22.3.1918: Dyke Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Scarborough registered as a private company with a capital of £9,000 in £1 shares to take over the business of “Scorpion Steam Trawling Co” including the steam trawler SCORPION. Directors are H. Crowther, R. W. Crawford, J. Johnson and J. Scatchard, all Scarborough.
25.11.1918: Sold to George Henry Cambridge, Filey James Johnson, Scarborough appointed manager.
1919: Released.
1919: Fishing out of Lowestoft.
1921: Returned to Scarborough.
1927: Sold for breaking up.
1927: Scarborough registry closed.

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S.T. Scorpion FD165

S.T. Scorpion FD165
Picture © John Clarkson

16/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
20/01/2016: Information updated.
30/01/2016: Significant information update.
13/04/2018: Removed FMHT watermark from image.

S.T. Red Hackle FD309


Official Number: 184313
Yard Number: 225
Completed: 1950
Gross Tonnage: 674
Net Tonnage: 237
Length: 180.5 ft
Breadth: 30.2 ft
Depth: 16.1 ft
Built: John Lewis & Son Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: T.3-cyl by John Lewis & Son Ltd, Aberdeen (E.No.296)
Boiler: by John G. Kincaid & Co Ltd, Greenock
Fitted for burning oil fuel, F.P. above 150 degrees F.


14.8.1950: Launched by John Lewis & Son Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.225) for Iago Steam Trawler Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Cdr. E. D. W. Lawford DSO, manager) as RED HACKLE.
11.1950: Completed. Registered at London (LO109).
1953: London registry closed.
1953: Registered at Fleetwood (FD309).
6.1953: Represented Fishing Vessels (Fleetwood) at the Review of the Fleet by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to celebrate her Accession to the Throne (Coronation Review) at Spithead (Sk. Lt Cdr Eric Littler, DSC RNR).
10.5.1954: Last landing at Fleetwood 2,289 boxes/100 baskets grossed £6,820.
5.1954: Sold to Lord Line Ltd, Hull (Thomas W. Boyd, manager).
14.5.1954: Sailed Hull for Iceland first trip for new owners (Sk. N. Enevoldson).
2.6.1954: At Grimsby landed 2,525 kits grossed £6,282.
6.1954: Fleetwood registry closed.
6.1954: Registered at Hull as LORD HAWKE (H39).
6.10.1954: Sailed Hull for White Sea (Sk. N. Enevoldson).
27.10.1954: At Hull landed 2,298 kits grossed £8,344.
13.07.1960: In the Humber estuary. Radio operator John McLeod missing presumed lost overboard.
1963: Transferred within the Associated Fisheries Group to Northern Trawlers Ltd, Grimsby.
4.1963: Hull registry closed.
4.1963: Registered at Grimsby (GY89).
1968: Sold to Jos. de Smedt, Antwerp for breaking up.
6.9.1968: Delivered Antwerp from Grimsby in tow.
22.10.1968: Hulk left Antwerp for Burght.

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S.T. Red Hackle FD309

S.T. Red Hackle FD309
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Red Hackle FD309

S.T. Red Hackle FD309
Picture courtesy of the JJ collection

S.T. Red Hackle LO109

S.T. Red Hackle LO109
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Red Hackle LO109

S.T. Lord Hawke H39
Picture courtesy of the JJ collection

16/01/2009: Page published. 4 revisions since then.
24/08/2015: Picture added.
13/11/2017: Removed FMHT watermark and disputed image.

S.T. Pigeon FD171

Additional Material courtesy of Mike Thompson


Official Number: 108527
Yard Number: 551
Completed: 1897
Gross Tonnage: 143
Net Tonnage: 39
Length: 106 ft
Breadth: 20.6 ft
Depth: 10.9 ft
Engine: 300ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by N.E. Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland
Built: Edward Bros, North Shields


20.5.1897: Launched by Edwards Bros, North Shields (Yd.No.551) for Kelsall Brothers & Beeching Ltd, Manchester as PIGEON.
21.6.1897: Registered at Fleetwood (FD171).
1897: Completed (John E. A. Kelsall & George Beeching, Fleetwood, managers).
1899: Transferred to Hull.
8.4.1899: Registered at Hull (H155).
12.5.1899: Fleetwood registry closed.
11.9.1903: E. Folkard, 3rd Hand committed suicide by jumping overboard and was drowned.
5.11.1911: In North Sea (Sk.C. G. Wilkins) in a strong gale and heavy sea at about 6.15pm. heard a whistle blowing. Approached and found steam trawler BASSEIN (H68) in distress. Skipper asked to standby as he had shipped a heavy sea and was filling with water.
6.11.1911: Situation deteriorated, distress signals shown and skipper requested crew to be taken off. About 2.30am. boat launched and crew of nine taken off. Vessel listing heavily to starboard and hoping for a moderation in weather, laid by until the following morning.
7.11.1911: At about 4.30am BASSEIN foundered. (Later Bosun Frederick George Gowen, Hull and 3rd Hand Frank Clayton, Grimsby of PIGEON awarded BoT Sea Gallantry Medal (bronze) for rescue).
9.1.1912: Bosun E. Costello had finger and thumb taken of when hand trapped by boat painter during transfer to cutter.
2.9.1912: Re-measured after lengthening at Goole to 118.2 ft 166g 69n.
2.9.1912: Hull registry closed and vessel registered anew in consequence of material alterations (H155).
8.9.1911: Registered office transferred to Hull (George Beeching, Hull & John E. A. Kelsall, London, managers).
11.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.378).
12.1915: Renamed PIGEON II. Based The Nore.
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Hull. Reverted to PIGEON (H155).
7.6.1919: John Slater, London appointed manager.
22.10.1928: Robert Burton appointed manager.
1931: Sold to George Duncan, Mallaig.
1931: Sold to Star Fishing Co Ltd, London (George Duncan, Mallaig, manager).
25.10.1933: Reported alongside at Fraserbugh in sinking condition, apparently abandoned.
1933: Sold for breaking up.
31.12.1934: Hull registry closed “Broken up”.

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S.T. Pigeon FD171

S.T. Pigeon FD171
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

16/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
08/09/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
13/07/2021: Updated history and technical details.

S.T. Phyllis Rosalie FD24


Official Number: 162068
Yard Number: 964
Completed: 1934
Gross Tonnage: 433
Net Tonnage: 162
Length: 157.2 ft
Breadth: 26.4 ft
Depth: 12.3 ft
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough
Engine: T.3-cyl by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough


15.1.1934: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.964) for Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood as PHYLLIS ROSALIE.
31.1.1934: Registered at Fleetwood (FD24).
2.1934: Completed (Basil A. Parkes, Cleveleys, manager).
1934: Port’s best single trip, 1,611 boxes.
15.7.1935: Represented Fleetwood at the King George V Silver Jubilee Review at Spithead. Her Skipper, Walter Holmes DSC was presented to H.M. King George.
1935: Port’s best single trip, 1769 boxes.
9.1935: As a result of the Abyssinian crisis and failure of British diplomacy, the Government authorised The Admiralty to procure twenty modern trawlers for conversion to minor war vessels.
11.1935: Following successful trials sold to The Admiralty.
21.11.1935: Fleetwood registry closed. Fitted out as a “Gem” class anti-submarine trawler. Renamed HMTrawler AMETHYST (P.No.T12).
24.11.1940: Mined in Barrow Deep, Thames estuary. All crew landed safely at Southend (Ty/Lieut the Hon W. K. Rous RNVR).

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S.T. Phyllis Rosalie FD24

S.T. Phyllis Rosalie FD24

HMT Amethyst

HMT Amethyst
Picture courtesy of Mark Stopper

S.T. Phyllis Rosalie FD24

S.T. Phyllis Rosalie FD24
Picture courtesy of The Osta Collection

16/01/2009: Page published. 5 revisions since then.
14/04/2014: Picture added.
02/12/2014: Picture added.