Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Navena FD149

Additional material courtesy of Mike Thompson


Official Number: 180328
Yard Number: 757
Completed: 1945
Gross Tonnage: 361
Net Tonnage: 139
Length: 136.1 ft
Breadth: 25.2 ft
Depth: 13.2 ft
Engine: 600ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Built: Cook Welton & Gemmell, Beverley
Speed: 11.8 knots


25.10.1945: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.757) for J. Marr & Son Ltd, Fleetwood as NAVENA.
7.1.1946: Completed.
1.1946: Registered at Fleetwood (FD149).
27.7.1946: William R. Reader, mate, washed overboard and drowned.
21.12.1946: Landed at Hull from a Faroes trip, 747 kits grossed £2,055.
24.12.1946: Sold to Kingston Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull for £55,000. Outfitting and gear £1,649.13.9d.
12.1946: Fleetwood registry closed.
30.12.1946: Registered at Hull (H372) (William George O’Dell, manager).
31.12.1946: Sailed for Icelandic grounds (Sk. Reuben Davy).
27.1.1947: Landed 656 kits grossed £3,051 (27 days).
19.2.1947: Registered at Hull as IOLITE (H372).
1947: 345 days 18,719 kits grossed £63,928.
1948: 314 days 17,968 kits grossed £53,299.
1.1.1949 Boiler fitted with super heaters by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, at Princes Dock, Hull. Cost £2,616.
11.8.1949: Sold to J. Marr & Son Ltd, Hull (Geoffrey Edwards Marr, manager) for £37,500 en bloc with ACHROITE (H81) for £35,000. Total £72,500 (through W. A. Massey & Sons Ltd, Hull, shipbrokers commission £300 on each vessel).
9.2.1951: Sold to National Trawling & Fishing Co Ltd, Cape Town for £55000.
9.2.1951: Hull registry closed (M O T Ref GSP66701). Registered at Cape Town (CTA31).
Pre 1966: Company sold to Irvin & Johnson Ltd, Cape Town, who became managers.
1969: Stripped of all usable parts and non-ferrous metals.
21.3.1969: Scuttled at ‘Irvin Johnson’ artificial reef in False Bay.

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S.T. Navena FD149

S.T. Navena FD149
Picture courtesy of The Alan Hirst Collection

S.T. Navena FD149

S.T. Navena FD149
Picture courtesy of the JJ collection

S.T. Iolite H 372

S.T. Iolite H 372
Picture from the Internet

16/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
15/06/2017: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.

S.T. William Mannell LO370

Additional information courtesy of Geoff Davidson and Gary Hicks Plymouth Merchant Ships


Admiralty Number: 3512
Official Number: 144425
Yard Number: 671
Completed:3 1917
Gross Tonnage: 276
Net Tonnage: 106
Length: 125.6 ft
Breadth: 23.4 ft
Depth: 12.6 ft
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough
Engine: 480ihp T.3-cyl by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough


7.12.1916: Laid down by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.671) (“Castle” class) for The Admiralty. 23.3.1917: Launched as WILLIAM MANNELL (Ad.No.3512).
2.6.1917: Completed as an escort trawler (1-12pdr and W/T).
11.5.1920: Sold by auction at London (Baltic Exchange) to John Walters, Milford Haven (John H. Bishop, manager).
11.6.1920: Registered at London (LO370).
26.7.1923: Sold to John H. Bishop, Milford Haven (managing owner).
16.1.1931: Laid up at Milford.
5.10.1934: Sold to Yolland & Llewellin, Milford Haven (Charles Llewellin, manager).
1934: Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Basil A. Parkes, Cleveleys, manager)
10.6.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr) (P.No.FY.1665) (Hire rate £80.10.0d/month).
1945: Sold to Yolland & Llewellin, Milford Haven (John Yolland, manager).
19.11.1945: Returned.
1.1.1946: Messrs Yolland & Llewellin partnership dissolved. Transferred to Yolland Bros, Milford Haven (John Yolland, manager).
13.9.1948: Sold to J. Marr & Son Ltd, Fleetwood for £12,500.
9.2.1949: Sailed Fleetwood for West of Scotland grounds (Sk. Reuben J. Melhuish); twelve crew.
21.2.1949: On Dhuheartach grounds, gale warning received and proceeded to anchor in small bay S of Glengad Head, Co. Donegal in company with GAVA (FD380).
22.2.1949: At 4.00 a.m. decided to leave anchorage. On weighing, wind WSW to WNW but suddenly visibility reduced in a squall. Rudder jambed and struck rocks at Glengad Head. At approx 4.30 a.m. vessel abandoned by boat to the GAVA. At approx 6.30 a.m. Skipper and Chief Engineer returned briefly in shore boat. At approx 12.15 p.m. refloated and with Gava standing by, Skipper and two deck hands returned to secure warps from GAVA. At approx 1.00 p.m. underway for Culdaff Bay with intention of beaching. At approx 2.15 p.m. vessel started to settle and crew taken off. Tow continued but at 3.00 p.m. vessel sank by the head in 14 fathoms 21/2 miles E of Dunmore Head, off Portaleen, Co. Donegal; all crew saved.
25.8.1949: At BOT Formal Investigation (No.S.413), Sk. Melhuish was found to have lacked seamanlike care in proceeding from the anchorage and made no attempt to maintain steam and operate the pumps after stranding. His ticket was suspended for six months.

William Mannell (aka William Lambert), Quartermaster’s mate, age 33, b. Aldeborough, Suffolk – VICTORY (SB530))

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S.T. William Mannell LO370

S.T. William Mannell LO370
Picture Courtesy of John McLaughlin

16/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
04/09/2015: Information updated.
17/07/2017: Removed FMHT watermark.

S.T. Lord Nuffield FD88


Official Number: 165665
Yard Number: 1183
Completed: 1937
Gross Tonnage: 466
Net Tonnage: 188
Length: 161.3 ft
Breadth: 26.6 ft
Depth: 14.1 ft
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby
Engine: T.3-cyl by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull


Note: Last of pre-WW2 Hull trawlers to be broken up

27.4.1937: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.1183) for Pickering & Haldane’s Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as Lord Nuffield.
25.6.1937: Registered at Hull (H473).
7.1937: Completed at a cost of £21,686. Albert Turgoose & James Clark designated joint managers.
5.7.1937: Sailed Hull on first trip to Icelandic grounds (Sk. Naylor).
26.7.1937: At Hull landed 1,301 kits £786 gross.
25.2.1938: Stood by BUCKINGHAM (GY1096) which had gone ashore 2 miles north of Filey after her propeller shaft had broken.
3.1939: Off Torness Point in a NW gale (Sk. L. Naylor) suffered engine problems. After several unsuccessful attempts, company ship connected and vessel delivered to Scrabster.
25.7.1939: Insured value £24,600.
21.8.1939: Sailed Hull for Iceland (Sk. L. Naylor). Ordered to return from sea for requisitioning.
1.9.1939: At Hull landed 219 kits £194 gross.
1939: To requisitioning, at Hull landed from Bear Island/Iceland/White Sea (Sks. L. Naylor, K. Newbridge) 214 days 16,300 kits £11,799 gross.
19.9.1939: Requisitioned for war service as an anti-submarine trawler (1-4”, AA weapons, ASDIC, DC)(P.No.FY.221) (Hire rate £314.11.0d/month).
1.1940: Based Ardrossan with 29th A/S Group(Sk. D. E. S. Mair RNR).
1942: Based at Gibraltar with 31st A/S Group.
10.11.1942: With others sank Italian submarine EMO off North African coast (Lieut. D. S. Mair RNR).
7/8.1943: Took part in Operation Husky – Sicily landings.
09.1943: Took part in Operation Avalanche – Salerno landings.
10.1944: Based Tripoli as convoy escort.
12.1944: Pickering & Haldane’s bought by J Bennett, London.
20.06.1945: Company restyled as Lord Line Ltd, Hull (Thomas W. Boyd, manager).
14.12.1945: Returned to owners.
12.1947: Converted for burning oil fuel, F.P. above 150° F.
5.1949: Trawling off Vadsö (Sk. K. Hawkridge). Arrested by Norwegian fishery patrol for alleged fishing within territorial waters. Refused to haul, advised by RN warship to comply and escorted to Vadsö. Released on bail.
15.12.1949: At court in Vadsö Sk. K. Hawkridge was fined £750 with 10,000 kroner damages and 500 kroner costs.
17.4.1950: Lord Line Ltd in liquidation. Sold to Associated Fisheries Trawling Co Ltd, Hull for £23,000 (Thomas W. Boyd, manager).
22.7.1953: Company restyled Lord Line Ltd, Hull (Thomas W. Boyd, manager).
6.10.1962: Sailed Hull for Iceland, last trip from port (Sk. J. Cook).
25.10.1961: At Hull landed 1,168 kits grossed £5,516.
12.12.1962: Arrived Fleetwood.
1.1.1963: Sold to Wyre Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood for £29,229 (Leslie Wheildon, manager).
15.1.1964: Hull registry closed.
16.1.1964: Registered at Fleetwood (FD88).
1967: Sold to Scrappingco S.r.l., Brussels for breaking up.
8.6.1967: Delivered Antwerp.
1967: Fleetwood registry closed.

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S.T. Lord Nuffield FD88

S.T. Lord Nuffield FD88
Picture courtesy of The Phil Rogers Collection

S.T. Lord Nuffield FD88

S.T. Lord Nuffield FD88
Picture courtesy of The Phillip Dell Collection

S.T. Lord Nuffield FD88

S.T. Lord Nuffield FD88
Picture courtesy of The JJ Collection

S.T. Lord Nuffield FD88

S.T. Lord Nuffield FD88
Picture courtesy of The Phil Smith Collection

Emo sinking

Emo sinking
Picture from the Internet

16/01/2009: Page published. 7 updates since then.
11/04/2014: Picture added.
24/02/2017: Removed disputed image.
14/09/2020: Added an image and updated history.
04/10/2020: Added an image.

S.T. Lord Lister FD157

Additional information courtesy of Richard Jones


Official Number: 133402
Yard Number: 530
Completed: 1912
Gross Tonnage: 285
Net Tonnage: 114
Length: 133.5 ft
Breadth: 23 ft
Depth: 12 ft
Engine: 64hp T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby


17.6.1912: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.530) for The Yorkshire Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull as LORD LISTER.
9.8.1912: Registered at Hull (H484).
14.8.1912: Completed. John McCann designated manager.
5.1915: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr, 1-7.5” A/S Howitzer) (Ad.No.1568).
16.8.1917: Some 5 miles off the entrance to Lough Swilly, Co. Donegal, picked up forty-seven survivors of Anchusa class sloop HMS BERGAMOT, serving as a Special Service Q-ship, which had been torpedoed and sunk by U-boat (U84) on 13.8.1917 in the North Atlantic.
21.10.1918: Off Tory Island, picked up crew of Icelandic trawler NJÖRDUR (RE36) sunk by U-boat (U122) gunfire and landed them at Londonderry.
27.10.1918: At 2045 when 5 miles NNW of Altacarry Lighthouse, Rathlin Island, collided with and sank HM Trawler NEPTUNIAN (Ad.No.1523) (H626). Eight survivors picked up and landed at Londonderry.
1919: Returned to owner.
9.7.1919: Sold to Frederick Langley, Hull (managing owner).
29.9.1920: Sold to The Lister Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull. Charles H. Dugglsby designated manager.
17.4.1925: Sold to The Midland Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull. Frederick Langley designated manager.
14.7.1927: Sold to Dinas Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood.
13.8.1927: Hull registry closed.
16.8.1927: Registered at Fleetwood (FD157). Joseph Arthur Marr Jnr designated manager.
1929: Sold to Empresa de Pesca Bello Horizonte Ltda, Lisbon, Portugal. J. E. Loforte, manager.
20.7.1929: Fleetwood registry closed.
7.1929: Renamed BELLO HORIZONTE.
1934: Sold to Soc. de Pesca Santa Fé Ltda, Lisbon. Registered at Lisbon as SANTA TERESINHA.
15.9.1939: Foundered after being in collision 30 miles N of Cape Roca.
Click to enlarge image

S.T. Lord Lister FD157

S.T. Lord Lister FD157
Picture courtesy of The Alan Hirst Collection

16/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
03/09/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
02/11/2020: Updated information.

S.T. Lady Stanley FD125


Admiralty Number: 3714
Official Number: 143865
Yard Number: 305
Completed: 1917
Gross Tonnage: 276
Net Tonnage: 107
Length: 125.3 ft
Breadth: 23.4 ft
Depth: 12.6 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by J. P. Rennoldson & Sons Ltd, South Shields
Built: J. P. Rennoldson & Sons Ltd, South Shields


2.10.1917: Launched by J. P. Rennoldson & Sons Ltd, South Shields (Yd.No.305) (“Castle” class) for The Admiralty as GEORGE CLARKE (Ad.No.3714).
20.12.1917: Completed as a minesweeper (1 – 12pdr).
15.5.1919: Loaned to US Navy (North Sea Minesweeping Detachment).
11.10.1919: Returned to The Admiralty.
By 18.06.1920: Allocated to Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries and engaged in commercial trawling.
13.08.1920: Minesweepers’ Cooperative Trawling Society Ltd, London registered.
24.08.1920: Registered at London (Part I & IV) as GEORGE CLARKE O.N.143865 (LO412).
1920: Allocated to the Minesweepers’ Cooperative Trawling Society Ltd, London.
11.1920: At J. Samuel White & Co Ltd, Cowes fitted out for fishing under Special Survey of Lloyd’s Register and classed 100 A1 Stm Trawler at Cowes.
01.1922: Scheme abandoned, the necessary working capital of £100,000 having not been subscribed. Laid up.
1923: Sold to Hull Northern Fishing Co Ltd, Hull (William R. Nowell, manager).
26.11.1923: London registry closed.
3.12.1923: Registered at Hull as TRANIO (H885).
1930: Frank O. Hellyer & Owen S. Hellyer appointed managers.
13.1.1933: In thick fog stranded 11/2 miles NE of Spurn Point Signal Station; attended by Humber lifeboat CITY of BRADFORD.
15.2.1933: Refloated with assistance of lifeboat and proceeded Hull.
1934: New boiler (made 1920).
10.2.1936: Sold to Harry E. Rees, Milford Haven.
11.2.1936: Hull registry closed.
13.2.1936: Registered at Milford (M196).
28.2.1936: Sold to Harry E. Rees (32/64) & Bernard L. Koppehagen (32/64), Roehampton Harry E. Rees designated managing owner.
27.2.1938: Last landing at Milford.
4.3.1938: At 7.00 am. stranded on rocks at Killarey, Aran Islands, Co. Galway. Failed to come afloat in evening, making a lot of water and abandoned by crew. Steamer DUN ÆBBNGUS (234grt/1912) in attendance. Declared a total loss and abandoned to the Underwriters.
13.5.1938: Milford registry closed.
10.1938: Refloated by islanders.
11.1938: Sold to Saint Andrew’s Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull.
12.11.1938: Arrived Fleetwood under tow.
14.11.1938: Slipped for repair.
4.1.1939: Registered at Fleetwood as LADY STANLEY (FD125). Basil A. Parkes, Thornton-le-Fylde appointed manager.
21.1.1939: First landing at Fleetwood (Sk. W. James), 232 boxes grossed £606.
10.11.1939: When in transit in Pentland Firth in darkness ran ashore at Swilke Point, Stroma. Badly pounded but slipped off rocks and taken in tow by steam trawler WIGMORE (GY469) and after checks proceeded in company for the Humber. Repaired at Hull.
12.6.1940: Requisitioned for war service as an auxiliary patrol vessel (P.No.4.233) (Hire rate £80.10.0d/month).
5.1941: Fitted out as a minesweeper.
9.1945: Returned to owner.
1945: Sold to J. C. Llewellin (Trawlers) Ltd, Milford Haven. John C. Llewellin appointed manager. Fishing from Hull under Saint Andrew’s Steam Fishing Co Ltd, trip management.
1.1.1946: Messrs Yolland & Llewellin partnership dissolved.
3.1948: Sold to Stephen Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen.
3.1948: Fleetwood registry closed.
1.4.1948: Registered at Aberdeen (A543). John N. Stephen appointed manager.
20.6.1958: Sold to Seafield Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen.
1960: Sold to BISCO (£3174) and allocated to Shipbreaking Industries Ltd for breaking up at Charlestown, Fife (Contract No.91E).
3.12.1960: Delivered Charlestown from Aberdeen under own power.
16.4.1962: Breaking up commenced.
5.6.1962: Aberdeen registry closed “Vessel broken up”.

(George Clarke (aka George Seddin, George Seddons, George Rodney Clarke), OS, age 24, b. Stockport, Cheshire – VICTORY (SB893))

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HMT Lady Stanley

HMT Lady Stanley
Picture reproduced under IWM Non-Commercial Licence

S.T. Lady Stanley FD125

S.T. Lady Stanley A543
Picture courtesy of Kor (shipsnostalgia)

S.T. Lady Stanley FD125

S.T. Lady Stanley A543
Picture courtesy of Kor (shipsnostalgia)

16/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
05/06/2016: Information updated.
21/10/2016: Information updated.