Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. City of York FD16


Official Number: 114306
Yard Number: 71
Completed: 1904
Gross Tonnage: 202
Net Tonnage: 64
Length: 116.8 ft
Breadth: 21.1 ft
Depth: 11.4 ft
Built: Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd
Engine: 52hp T.3-cyl and boiler by Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Hull


25.10.1904: Launched by Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole (Yd.No.71) for Horace Bourne, Adlington, Chorley (26/64); Thomas F. Kelsall, Fleetwood (16/64); William Johnson, Manchester (8/64); John Johnson Jnr, Manchester (8/64); Gertrude Marion Barton, Prestwich Park (4/64) and Louise Barton, Prestwich Park (2/64), as CITY OF YORK.
11.1904: Completed.
22.11.1904: Registered at Fleetwood (FD16), Thomas F. Kelsall appointed manager.
20.2.1906: Four shares (G. M. Barton) mortgaged to Alfred Ernest Woodhouse, Manchester for £130 @71/2% interest (A).
24.2.1906: Two shares (L. Barton) mortgaged to Alfred Ernest Woodhouse, Manchester for £70 @ 71/2% interest (B).
13.3.1906: Mortgages (A) & (B) discharged.
19.3.1906: Four shares (G. M. Barton) and two shares (L. Barton) mortgaged to Alfred Henry Hirst, Golcar for £229 and £114 resp. @71/2% interest.
11.11.1906: Horace Bourne now residing Poulton-le-Fylde.
4.6.1907: Four shares (G. M. Barton) and two shares (L. Barton) mortgaged to Alfred Henry Hirst, Golcar for £220 and £50 resp. @ 8% interest.
22.12.1910: Change of Fleetwood address for Thomas F. Kelsall.
Pre 1912: Sold to Fred Kelsall & Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Thomas F. Kelsall, manager).
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 78.64net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
6.1915: Requisitioned for war service as a boom defence trawler (1-12pdr) (Ad.No.NI). Based Scapa.
5.1918: New boiler fitted.
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
1922: Sold to Robson Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood (Robson Preston, manager).
31.1.1928: Sk. R. H. Pook was fined £20 at Bangor for trawling within the three mile limit off the Welsh coast and failing to display the fishing signal.
1928: Sold to Mason Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood (Thomas Cardwell, manager).
20.10.1928: In heavy seas and darkness, rescued nine crew members of steamer SAINT BRANDON (386grt/1924), stranded on Cairns of Coll while on loaded passage Scarbost, Skye to Glasgow. Landed survivors at Tobermory.
5.1935: Sold to J. V. Hepburn, Aberdeen.
15.5.1935: Fleetwood registry closed.
13.6.1935: Registered at Aberdeen (A324).
15 10.1939: Returning to Stornoway to land (Sk. George Marsh) ran on rocks off Tolsta Head, Isle of Lewis in position 58°12N/06°10W; crew got away in punt and in morning landed near village of Tolsta.
10.4.1940: Aberdeen registry closed.

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S.T. City of York FD16

S.T. City of York FD16
Picture courtesy of The John Stevenson Collection

15/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
20/05/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
15/12/2019: Updated information.

S. T. Brock FD47


Official Number: 136893
Yard Number: 583
Completed: 1914
Gross Tonnage: 304
Net Tonnage: 122
Length: 130.4 ft
Breadth: 24 ft
Depth: 13.4 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, Middlesbrough
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough


10.6.1914: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.583) for The “Wyre” Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood as BROCK. 1.8.1914: Registered at Fleetwood (FD47). Magnus B. J. Wedum designated manager.
8.1914: Completed.
11.1914: Requisitioned for war service as an armed trawler (1-6pdr) (Ad.No.927). Fitting out at Devonport.
2.12.1914: Sailed for Queenstown, Co. Cork (Ch Sk. John Sandham RNR). Fitted out as an A/S trawler.
18.2.1915: Fitted with 1-12pdr. 18.4.1915: Fitted with Hydrophones.
7.5.1915: Passenger liner LUSITANIA (30,396grt/1907) on passage New York – Liverpool with 1,959 passengers. At about 2.00 pm. when about 15 miles S of Old Head of Kinsale torpedoed by U.boat (U20); sank in 18 minutes in position 51.24N 08.31W. Left Queenstown and arrived on scene just after 3.00 pm. picked up 65 survivors and assisted others in boats. Landed survivors at Queenstown. Total loss of life 1198 persons.
16.5.1916: Off Co. Cork with HMS LAVENDER (P.No.T23); HM Paddle Tug HELLESPONT (P.No.W86); HM Trawlers BLUEBELL III (Ad.No.479) (GW5) and MOROCOCALA (Ad.No.2656) (A238) assisted in salvage of Glasgow steamer KELVINBRAE. (4068grt/1907).
2.1917: Sk. J. W. Tilney RNR appointed (Ch Sk. John Sandham to HM Trawler Ristango (Ad.No.819) (GY946)). 5.1918: Sailed for Weymouth to join Southern Patrol (Sk. George M. May RNR).
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
10.1928: Fitted with W/T.
4.8.1938: Put into Belfast with boiler trouble.
31.8.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr, 2-20mm AA) (P.No.FY.621) (Hire rate £81.1.4d/month).
20-26.5.1940: Evacuation from Boulogne, Calais & Dunkirk (Ty/Sub Lt. Henry Paddison Granlund RNVR).
25.5.1940: Sailed Dover for Calais in company with the HM trawlers ARLEY (P.No.FY.620) (FD44), BOTANIC (P.No.FY.707) (FD47), CALVI (GY269), FYLDEA (P.No.666) (FD72), MARETTA (P.No.FY.665) (FD45), POLLY JOHNSON (H322) and drifters PLAYMATES (P.No.FY.738) (YH141) and WILLING BOYS (P.No.FY.947) (LT737) with river launches, AMBLEVE, ESCAUT, SAMBRE, SEMOIS and YSER in tow.
26.5.1940: At 0140 arrived off the French coast. No evacuation order given, but Belgian river launch SEMOIS embarked wounded and transferred to ARLEY, which sailed for Folkestone with 110 French soldiers. Remainder returned to Dover.
26.5.1940: At 1857 ‘Operation Dynamo’ (Dunkirk evacuation) put into effect.
29.5.1940: Arrived off Dunkirk. At 1330 FYLDEA and ARLEY entered Dunkirk harbour and pulled the fully laden passenger steamer LOCHGARRY (1280grt/1898) away from the east pier. They occupied the vacant berth and berthed with CALVI, JOHN CATTLING and POLLY JOHNSON, triple banked. At 1530 attacked by German aircraft (Junkers Ju87, Stuka dive bombers), CALVI sunk alongside and POLLY JOHNSON badly damaged. Having embarked troops on leaving, POLLY JOHNSON started to founder. ARLEY ordered to take off her troops and sink her by gunfire.
30.5.1940: At 0830 arrived Dover with 6 troops.
4.6.1940: ‘Operation Dynamo’ terminated.
3.1.1941: Lt. Henry P. Granlund RNVR, awarded DSC for good service in HM Minesweeping Trawlers and Drifters
1945: Returned to owner.
1945: Sold to Shire Trawlers Ltd, London. William A. Bennett designated manager.
1949: Sold for breaking up. Fleetwood registry closed.

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S. T. Brock FD47

S. T. Brock FD47
Picture courtesy of The John Stevenson Collection

S.T. Brock FD47

S.T. Brock FD47
Picture from the Internet

HMT Brock

HMT Brock
Picture from the Internet

The Sandhams

Skipper John Sandham (2nd left)
Picture courtesy of The Gareth Walsh Collection

15/01/2009: Page published.
22/06/2014: Picture 2 added.
26/05/2017: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.
14/05/2019: Updated the history for this vessel.
14/04/2020: Added an image.

S. T. Bostonian FD41

Additional information courtesy of Chris Petherbridge and Geoff Davidson


Official Number: 148233
Yard Number: 290
Completed: 1916
Gross Tonnage: 289
Net Tonnage: 115
Length: 130.7 ft
Breadth: 23.6 ft
Depth: 13 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, Middlesbrough
Built: Smith’s Dock Co. Ltd. South Bank on Tees, Middlesborough


1916: Completed Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.290) for Ch. Laurens, Cherbourg as GAVROCHE.
By 1925: Sold to Martial Francois Feydel, La Rochelle.
1926: Sold to Angibeau, La Rochelle. Registered at La Rochelle as DRAGON ROUGE.
1928: Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood. Basil Arthur Parkes designated manager.
1928: Remeasured 289g 115n 130.7 x 23.6 x 13.0 feet.
6.1929: By James Robertson & Sons (Fleetwood) Ltd completed Special Survey of Lloyd’s Register and classed 100 A1 Stm Trawler at Fleetwood.
22.6.1929: Registered at Fleetwood (Part I & IV) as BOSTONIAN O.N.148233 (FD41). Fred Parkes, Blackpool designated manager.
1934: Top Fleetwood trawler – 10,546 boxes.
12.1.1938: Sailed for West of Scotland grounds (Sk. Herbert Atkinson); thirteen crew all told
14.1.1938: Missing. Believed lost South of Barra in severe weather conditions, lifebuoy found Struan, Skye and wreckage in Talisker Bay, Skye; presume ship foundered, crew lost.
31.1.1938: On return to Fleetwood, Sk. John Wilson of the CALDEW (FD347) said that while off Eagle Island on Friday 21 January he had heard Sk. Atkinson calling the Boston control ship TEKOURA (FD12) on the radio telephone at 5.30pm, but there had been no reply. He tried to call BOSTONIAN but there was no reply.
23.3.1938: Fleetwood registry closed.
1.5.1939: At Fleetwood steam trawler ELLENA (FD394) (Sk. John Goodman) landed a ship’s compass and binnacle taken onboard while fishing off Barra Head. Examined by compass adjuster, Mr McKenzie who was in no doubt that the compass came from the steam trawler BOSTONIAN (FD41).

Lost: All Fleetwood residents except Frank Hall, Milford.
Sk. Herbert Anderson; W. Wright, Mate; James Bird, Bosun; John Farrell, Ch Eng; William Sergeant 2nd Eng; John Alfred Cooper, John Miller, J. Wood and Leon Irvin, deckhands; Alexander Gates and John E. Gibbons, firemen; Frank Hall, cook.

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S. T. Bostonian FD41

S. T. Bostonian FD41
Picture courtesy of John Stevenson

Bostonian Clipping

Bostonian Clipping
Courtesy of geoff Davidson

15/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
12/11/2015: Information updated.
06/10/2016: Clipping added.
12/12/2018: Updated information, removed FMHT watermark from image.

S.T. Boston Heron FD48

Additional information courtesy of David Slinger


Official Number: 162133
Yard Number: 1201
Completed: 1939
Gross Tonnage: 314
Net Tonnage: 116
Length: 130.7 ft
Breadth: 24.5 ft
Depth: 11.9 ft
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby
Engine: 125hp T.3-cyl by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull. Fitted for burning oil fuel F.P. above 150° F
Note: One of the first trawlers built to burn oil under the boiler


23.3.1939: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.1201) for Neale & West Ltd, Cardiff as AKITA.
23.5.1939: Registered at Cardiff (CF4).
1.6.1939: Completed as a fishing vessel. Joshua S. Neale designated manager.
30.8.1939: Requisitioned by The Admiralty from the builders having been fitted out as a minesweeper (1-12pdr) (P.No. FY.610) (Hire rate £235.10.0d/month). Based Swansea with M/S Group 133.
10.1945: Returned and re-classed at Barry.
1955: Laid up.
5.1956: Neale & West Ltd closed their Cardiff base citing high coal prices, unruly crews and Spanish over-fishing; vessels for sale.
5.1956: Five vessels bought en bloc by Fred Parkes, Blackpool – AKITA (CF4), CHAFFCOMBE (CF18), OKU (CF3), SASEBO (CF27) and St. BOTOLPH (CF8).
5.1956: Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood.
5.1956: Cardiff registry closed.
5.1956: Registered at Fleetwood (FD48). Fred Parkes, Blackpool designated manager.
1.1957: Registered at Fleetwood as BOSTON HERON (FD48).
19.12.1957: Sold to Milford Fisheries Ltd, Milford Haven. Owen W. Limbrick designated manager.
23.12.1957: Arrived Milford from Fleetwood (Sk. Reggie High) and Milford crew.
18.1.1958: First landing at Milford (Sk. Arthur Harvey).
27.6.1960: Sailed Milford (Sk. Arthur Harvey) on charter to MAAF & WFA for experimental trips to the unproven grounds to the south westward of Ireland known as “the Farm” (South Farm Bank).
12.1961: Sold to Merchants (Milford Haven) Ltd, Milford Haven. Albert Henry Davies designated manager.
30.11.1962: Sailed Milford for North Atlantic grounds (Sk.John William Bean); twelve crew.
3.12.1962: Fishing Minch, SW gale gusting 60mph, Sk. Bean decided to run for shelter in East Loch Tarbert, Isle of Harris. At around 9.0pm struck reef off Stilamair Island, Isle of Scalpay. Vessel pounded by seas with extensive bottom damage. RFA ROBERT DUNDAS (1110grt/1938) and Fisheries Board for Scotland, FPV BRENDA (350grt/1951) ordered to scene. Local MFV SCALPAY ISLES (SY429) (Sk. Finley Morrison) directed operations and five men, including the skipper, rescued by local fishermen and Stornoway lifeboat crew, but seven men lost.
13.12.1963: At the Formal Investigation (No.S.460) held at Milford the Court found that Sk. John William Bean contributed to the stranding by wrongful default in failing to heed warnings given by the Decca Navigator and not taking immediate action. After the stranding all proper steps were taken for the preservation of vessel and crew. Sk. Bean’s certificate was suspended for three months.
1.1964: Fleetwood registry closed.

(Survivors: Milford unless stated. Sk John W. Bean (41); John Donovan (33), Mate; Brian Naden (27), Hakin, Third hand; deckhands Frank Fisher (51), Hakin & Chris McCulloch (27), Hakin.

Lost: Milford unless stated. Jack Dyson (42), Hakin, Bosun; Bill Bailey (62), Pembroke Dock, Ch Eng; Harold J. Edwards (59), 2nd Eng; deckhand Bob Brown 29); cook, Billy Hannaford (37), Hakin; firemen, Harry Harries (59), St. Davids & Bill Prockett (53) Johnston.)

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S.T. Boston Heron FD48

S.T. Boston Heron CF4
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Boston Heron FD48

S.T. Boston Heron FD48
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Boston Heron FD48

S.T. Boston Heron FD48
Picture courtesy of The JJ Collection

S.T. Boston Heron FD48

S.T. Boston Heron FD48
Picture © John Stevenson

15/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
11/06/2019: Minor update.
17/02/2020: Added an image.
06/07/2020: Updated information.

S.T. Auk H755


Official Number: 118762
Yard Number: 54
Completed: 1903
Gross Tonnage: 168.32
Net Tonnage: 45.38
Length: 110.0 ft
Breadth: 21.1 ft
Depth: 11.1 ft
Built: Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by Charles D. Holmes & Co, Hull


9.7.1903: Launched by Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole (Yd.No.54) for Kelsall Brothers & Beeching Ltd (64/64), Hull as AUK.
21.8.1903: Registered at Hull (H755).
8.1903: Completed (George Beeching, Hull & John E. A. Kelsall, London, managers).
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 63.62net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
11.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-3pdr) (Ad.No.422).
3.1917: Fitted out to “Q” ship under names BEN NEVIS, CLAYMORE, GIRDLER, GLEN AFRIC, HOPE, LORNE, St GOTHARD and SPIKA.
30.3.1918: Reverted to minesweeping role and renamed ANTIC.
11.1918: Returned to owner at Hull and reverted to AUK (H755).
7.6.1919: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to The London County Westminster & Parr’s Bank Ltd, London (A). John Slater designated manager.
6.3.1923: Mortgagee re-styled as Westminster Bank Ltd, London.
14.10.1927: Mortgage (A) transferred to William Augustus Hayward, Eastbourne.
14.10.1927: Mortgage (A) transferred to Mercantile Marine Finance Corporation Ltd, London.
22.10.1928: Robert Burton appointed manager.
16.9.1932: Charles Hugh Emerson appointed manager.
10.1932: Mercantile Marine Finance Corporation Ltd in liquidation.
1.11.1932: Mortgage (A) transferred to Harold Frank Hayward, London; Maud Florence Katherine Rogers, Chelsea and Ernest Norton, London (joint mortgagees).
23.1.1936: Mortgage (A) discharged.
11.2.1936: Sold to Brixham Trawlers Ltd, Brixham.
14.2.1936: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) for £750 with interest at 5% with Harold Frank Hayward, London; Maud Florence Katherine Rogers, Corfe Castle and Ernest Norton, London (joint mortgagees)(B). Ralph S. Dugdall appointed manager.
12.1937: Transferred to Fleetwood when Brixham Trawlers Ltd moved to the port.
9.12.1937: Sailed Brixham for Fleetwood in company with PINTAIL (H982).
14.12.1937: First landing at Fleetwood 8 boxes.
27.12.1937: Second landing at Fleetwood, 118 boxes grossed £250.
2.12.1938: Brixham Trawlers Ltd registered office transferred to Fleetwood. Ralph S. Dugdall designated manager.
4.4.1939: After attempting to get medical help for Sk. George Bradley suffering from double pneumonia at Llandudno and foiled by heavy seas, proceeded at full speed for Fleetwood so that he could be taken to hospital.
30.4.1943: Typical wartime landing. 110 kits – hake-32, cod/codling-17, haddock-6, whiting-3, flats-4, ling/coley-38, roker-7, gurnard-3.
19.12.1945: Sailed Fleetwood for West of Scotland grounds.
31.12.1945: At Tobermory, deck hand Bernard Brooks (17) died in the fish room when a block of ice, approx 2 tons, fell on him.
1.1.1946: Called Oban to land body before sailing for Fleetwood.
20.4.1953: Mortgage (C) discharged.
26.6.1958: Gordon Cranford Dugdall appointed manager.
1.8.1959: Company taken over by Boston Deep Sea Fisheries Ltd, Fleetwood.
8.1.1960: Sir Fred Parkes, Blackpool appointed manager (Arthur J. Lewis, manager).
31.3.1960: Sold for breaking up.
15.8.1960: Hull registry closed “Vessel broken up”.

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S.T. Auk H755

S.T. Auk H755
Picture from the Internet.

S.T. Auk H755

S.T. Auk H755
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Auk H755

S.T. Auk H755
Picture courtesy of The Osta Collection

15/01/2009: Page published. 5 updates since then.
15/01/2016: Information updated.
09/02/2017: Removed disputed image.
21/07/2019: Updated information.