Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Braconvale FD80

Additional information courtesy of Göran Olsson


Official Number: 180344
Yard Number: 772
Completed: 1947
Gross Tonnage: 295
Net Tonnage: 116
Length: 129.6 ft
Breadth: 24.8 ft
Depth: 13.0 ft
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Beverley
Engine: 650IHP T.3-cyl by Charles D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Speed: 10.5 knots


6.12.1946: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.772) for Association Rochelaise de Peche a Vapeur, La Rochelle as ARTOIS (LR4049).
27.1.1947: Completed.
1951: Sold to Grange Fishing Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd). Registered at Fleetwood as BRACONVALE (FD80).
1952: Sold to Don Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd). Fishing from Fleetwood.
30.5.1952: In fair weather, good visibility but rough seas, collided with Swedish wooden motor fishing vessel GULSKÄR (LL357) (74grt/1950) which was at anchor 32 miles NW of Muckle Flugga Lighthouse. Sustained no damage, GULSKÄR was struck midships on port side and damaged but able to return to Sweden for repair.
11.8.1955: Transferred to Grimsby.
19.12.1955: Sold to Findus Hammerfest, Hammerfest (Hammerfest Havfiske A/L, managers). Registered at Hammerfest as MASI (F-29-H).
Pre 1959: Sold to Hammerfest Havfiske A/L, Hammerfest (Leif Throne-Holst, manager).
1959: Lengthened to 153.8 feet 357g 125n.
1959: Converted for burning oil fuel, F.P. above 150° F.
Pre 1966: Delete manager.
1970: Sold to Anda Brodrene A/S, Stavanger for breaking up.
31.3.1970: Breaking up commenced at Stavanger.

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S.T. Artois LR4049

S.T. Artois LR4049
Picture courtesy of The Osta Collection

S.T. Braconvale FD80

S.T. Braconvale FD80
Picture courtesy of the JJ collection

S.T. Braconvale FD80 (As Masi)

S.T. Masi F29H
Picture courtesy of the JJ collection

S.T. Masi F29H

S.T. Masi F29H
Picture courtesy of Jonleif (TPF)

S.T. Masi F29H

S.T. Masi F29H
Picture courtesy of Frode

14/01/2009: Page published. 8 updates since then.

S.T. Braconglen FD283


Official Number: 180337
Yard Number: 377
Completed: 1949
Gross Tonnage: 338
Net Tonnage: 123
Length: 137.5 ft
Breadth: 25.6 ft
Depth: 12.3 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull. Built 1945, fitted 1949. Fitted: for burning oil fuel, F.P. above 150° F
Built: Richards Ironworks Ltd, Lowestoft


2.12.1948: Launched by Richards Ironworks Ltd, Lowestoft (Yd.No.377) for Don Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood) (Basil A. Parkes, manager) as BRACONGLEN.
3.1949: Completed. Registered at Fleetwood (FD283).
13.5.1949: First landing at Fleetwood, 1286 boxes grossed £3,729.
28.7.1950: Last landing at Fleetwood 381 boxes grossed £1,219.
7.1950: Sold to Government of Ceylon, Colombo (Edmund R. A. de Zylva, Director of Fisheries). Taken in hand by Richards and fitted with refrigerated fishroom and air conditioning.
1950: At Lowestoft yard of Richards Ironworks Ltd. Fitted with fish room refrigeration and accommodation modfied and air conditioned by J. & E. Hall Ltd, Dartford.
1950: Fleetwood registry closed.
1951: Registered at Columbo.
Pre 1966: Transferred to Government of Ceylon (Government Stores Dept), Colombo.
1971: Sank in Colombo harbour.

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S.T. Braconglen FD283

S.T. Braconglen FD283
Picture courtesy of The Osta Collection

S.T. Braconglen FD283

S.T. Braconglen FD283
Picture courtesy of the JJ collection

S.T. Braconglen FD283

S.T. Braconglen FD283
Picture courtesy of Fred Baker

14/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.

S.T. Ashlyn FD1

Additional information courtesy of Granton Trawlers and Christine Simm

Official Number: 132420
Yard Number: 400
Completed: 1914
Gross Tonnage: 304
Net Tonnage: 112
Length: 125.8 ft
Breadth: 23.4 ft
Depth: 13.8 ft
Built: J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen
Engine: 530ihp T.3-cyl by J. Abernethy & Co, Aberdeen


12.3.1914: Launched by J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen (Yd.No.400) for the The Brooklyn Fishing Co Ltd, Fleetwood as ASHLYN.
9.4.1914: Registered at Fleetwood (FD1). Richard W. Mason designated manager.
4.1914: Completed.
20.4.1914: Landed at Fleetwood from maiden trip.
29.5.1914: Landed 200 boxes.
9.6.1914: Arrived Fleetwood from fishing grounds. Following representations made by the skipper and after consulting with the Superintendent Engineer, the managing owners discharged the Ch Eng, Fry, by giving him the usual and legal discharge.
10.6.1914: Landed her catch. The Ch Eng feeling unfairly dismissed, sought the help of Mr Storey, secretary of the Fleetwood branch of the Humber Amalgamated Steam Trawlers Engineers’ and Firemen’s Union. As a result an ultimatum was given to the Fleetwood Fishing Vessel Association, of which the managing owners were members, that the Union had decided to let no union member sail in the trawler until such time as the matter was investigated. They also endeavoured to stop the ASHLYN from sailing on the midnight tide as planned. Sailed for the fishing grounds.
11.6.1914: The Union informed the Association that they were withdrawing all their men from vessels owned or managed by the Brooklyn Fishing Co.
16.6.1914: The Union further informed the Association that until the Ch Eng was re-instated and recompensed for the time he had been ashore they would not man any of the trawlers ‘held up’. The Association responded and said that they could not accept the suggestion but were quite willing to investigate the case when all vessels controlled by the managing owners and ‘held up’ by the action of the Union had gone to sea.
18.6.1914: The Union representatives met with the Association with a view to settling the dispute but owing to the attitude taken by the representatives it was later decided at a full meeting of the Association to give notice that unless trawlers ‘held up’ put to sea before midnight on the 19th, all trawlers arriving would held over until the dispute was settled.
19.6.1914: Union men rejected offer of Association to hold an inquiry with owners. Proposed a meeting with two men from owners, two from the Association, two from the Union and Mr Turner of the Board of Trade as chairman or his nominee. Trawlers, coaled, iced and provisioned and ‘held over’.
21.6.1914: A meeting of the Union was held to institute picketing but this was not accepted by all members and 30 of the 90 members signed off.
23.6.1914: Returned to Fleetwood from fishing grounds. Meeting of Union at Dock Gates. Mr Threlfall and George Yates, Fleetwood branch spoke to members. In the afternoon Fleetwood Fish Buyers Association Ltd held a meeting to discuss situation. Sub Committee formed to engage the Association offering to mediate.
24.6.1914: Shortly before noon the Union received a message from the owners stating that they would meet them. In consequence a meeting was convened at 3.00pm. The owners represented by Mr C. Hudson. President of the Association; Mr J. A. Robertson, Mr W. C. Frith, Capt Olney and Mr R. Jackson, secretary. The men were represented by Mr Joseph Rapson of the Hull executive of the Union, Mr Storey, Fleetwood branch and Messrs Rogerson, Monaghan and Cahill. Before any evidence was taken or any matter in the dispute considered the men’s leaders generously signed an agreement allowing vessels to sail at once, on the undertaking given by the Association that a full inquiry should be held immediately. At 5.00pm the meeting commenced. Revealed that the original dismissal was as a result of personal disagreement between the skipper and the Ch Eng. The outcome was to re-instate Ch Eng Fry and compensate him. Withdrawal of labour and all other actions ceased. Another matter agreed was a re-structuring of the pay scale to be introduced based on port conditions, to run for 12 months. Meeting ended at 9.00pm.
25.6.1914: Thirty-four trawlers sailed on morning tide.
6.11.1914: Landed 230 boxes.
11.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr) (Ad.No.191).
1917: Thomas Cardwell designated manager. Based Clyde.
Post 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
29.1.1920: Landed 156 boxes.
28.7.1920: Landed 300 boxes.
30.11.1920: Landed 250 boxes.
3.1.1921: Landed 545 boxes.
25.7.1921: Landed 390 boxes.
19.12.1921: Landed 120 boxes.
22.01.1922: Delivered Killybegs, Co Donegal by steam trawler AUREA (FD300) having been picked up disabled whilst fishing the Donegal Bay grounds.
23.1.1922: Arrived Londonderry in tow of AUREA for repairs.
26.1.1922: Both trawlers sailed Londonderry for fishing grounds.
7.2.1922: Landed 80 boxes.
9.5.1922: At Fleetwood Magistrates Court, William Roberts of Douglas, IoM deckhand, was charged with failing to join the ship having “had a drop to drink”. The trawler was delayed for one hour and proceeded to sea short handed. Roberts had taken his 5s advance and spent it on drink, The Chairman said the advance was like putting orange peel and banana skins in the way of the men causing them to trip up. It was money advanced to them for their own good not for mischief. Roberts, with four previous convictions, was remitted to prison for 28 days hard labour.
19.6.1922: Landed 200 boxes.
21.12.1922: Landed 290 boxes.
13.2.1923: Landed 160 boxes.
13.8.1923: Landed 350 boxes.
30.11.1923: Landed 243 boxes.
4.2.1924: Landed 220 boxes.
27.10.1924: Landed 217 boxes.
1.1.1924: Landed 50 boxes.
11.9.1925: Landed 170 boxes.
12.9.1925: At Fleetwood Police Court, Joseph Harrison, was fined 20s for failing to join the trawler. When contacted by the ship’s husband, Gilbert Wright he said that he was not going to sea as another crew man told him he had been sacked by the mate. Harrison went to see the mate who denied having made the statement. When he offered to go to sea he was not allowed to do so.
24.9.1925: Landed 270 boxes.
22.1.1926: Landed 280 boxes.
16.7.1926: Landed 240 boxes.
15.11.1926: Landed 220 boxes.
15.8.1927: Landed 380 boxes.
27.12.1927: Landed 500 boxes.
11.4.1928: Landed 118 boxes.
18.9.1928: Landed 575 boxes of herring.
21.1.1929: Landed 250 boxes.
12.8.1929: Landed 195 boxes.
5.4.1930: On arrival at Fleetwood from the Rockall grounds, the skipper reported the loss on Friday afternoon off the Mull of Galloway of a deckhand, Sidney Smith (28) of 143 Poulton Road who was hauled overboard by the net and drowned. His body was not recovered. Landed 280 boxes.
9.12.1930: Landed 183 boxes including two sturgeon, one of 7ft 4in at 7st the other at 3st. Both were purchased by Mr J. D. Clarke for the continental market.
16.3.1931: Last landing at Fleetwood, 153 boxes.
3.1931: Sold to A. A. Gueulle-Bourgain, Boulogne-sur-Mer (Albert Arthur Gueulle-Bourgain).
1931: Re-measured 38.22 (125.4) x 6.89 (22.6) x 4.21 (13.8) metres (feet) 302g.
20.3.1931: Sailed Fleetwood for Boulogne-sur-Mer (Sk. Dan Haig): Fleetwood crew.
21.3.1931: Delivered and crew returned to Fleetwood by steamer and rail.
22.3.1931: When the the Euston-Liverpool train was near Atherstone, Warwickshire, Harry Bentley (41) 63 Belmont Road, 2nd Eng, somehow fell out of the train receiving fatal injuries from a passing train. At the subsequent Coroner’s Court at Tamworth a verdict of Accidental Death was recorded.
23.3.1931: Fleetwood registry closed.
3.1931: Registered at Boulogne as BERNADETTE (B1488).
1933: Company restyled Veuve Gueulle-Bourgain & Fils, Boulogne-sur-Mer.
1937: Sold to Gueulle-Germe et Gueulle-Wattez (Pierre Gueulle-Germe and Alfred Gueulle-Wattez).
3.7.1940: Seized at Dover. Transferred to The Admiralty.
11.1940: Fitted out for boom defence duties (P.No. Z.175).
12.1945: Returned to owner.
1951: Sold to Gueulle-Frères, Boulogne-sur-Mer.
1953: Removed from registry.
1955: Broken up.

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S.T. Ashlyn FD1 in dock

14/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
05/03/2017: Information updated.
19/07/2019: Information updated.
07/11/2021: Major information update.

S.T. Arley FD44


Official Number: 136893
Yard Number: 582
Completed: 1914
Gross Tonnage: 304
Net Tonnage: 122
Length: 130.4 ft
Breadth: 24.0 ft
Depth: 13.4 ft
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, Middlesborough
Engine: 69rhp T.3-cyl by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, Middlesbrough
Speed 10.5 knots


10.6.1914: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.582) for The “Wyre” Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Magnus B. J. Wedum, manager) as ARLEY.
18.7.1914: Registered at Fleetwood (FD44).
7.1914: Completed.
10.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr, 1-6pdr, 1-7.5” A/S Howitzer) (Ad.No.591). Based Malta.
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
7.3.1921: In thick fog in the Western Approaches, approx 80 miles off Lands End, steam trawler SWAN (FD116) was run down by Seattle registered steamer EDGEMONT (6865grt/1919), struck amidships and foundered. Six men lost and five picked up by ARLEY and returned to Fleetwood.
10.1928: Fitted with W/T.
26.11.1936: Sailed Fleetwood for Iceland after fitting out as a fish carrier for Icelandic vessels bringing catches back to Fleetwood.
31.8.1939: Requisitioned for war service and fitted out for minesweeping duties (P.No.FY.620) (Hire rate £81.1.4d/month).
20-26.5.1940: Evacuation from Boulogne, Calais & Dunkirk.
25.5.1940: Sailed Dover for Calais in company with the trawlers BOTANIC (P.No.FY.707) (H463), BROCK (P.No.FY621) (FD47), CALVI (GY269), FYLDEA (P.No.666) (FD72), MARETTA (P.No.FY.665) (FD45), POLLY JOHNSON (H322) and drifters PLAYMATES (P.No.FY.738) (YH141) and WILLING BOYS (P.No.FY.947) (LT737) with several river launches in tow.
26.5.1940: At 1.40am. arrived off the French coast. No evacuation order was given, but Belgian river launch SEMOIS embarked wounded and transferred to ARLEY; sailed for Folkestone with 110 French soldiers.
26.5.1940: At 6.57pm. ‘Operation Dynamo’ (Dunkirk evacuation) put into effect.
29.5.1940: At 1330 entered Dunkirk harbour in company with FYLDEA to pull the fully laden passenger steamer LOCHGARRY (1280grt/1898) away from the east pier; occupied the vacant berth. BROCK, CALVI, JOHN CATTLING and POLLY JOHNSON berthed, triple banked. At 1530 attacked by German aircraft (Junkers Ju87, Stuka dive bombers), CALVI sunk alongside and POLLY JOHNSON badly damaged. Having embarked troops on leaving, POLLY JOHNSON started to founder. Ordered to take off her troops and sink her by gunfire.
30.5.1940: Returned to Dover at 0730. landed 45 troops.
4.6.1940: ‘Operation Dynamo’ terminated.
1944: Sold to Milford Fisheries Ltd, Milford Haven (Owen W. Limbrick, manager).
3.2.1945: Mined in the North Sea and foundered when under tow (Sk. W. Limb DSC RNR). Engineman David Petrie was the only casualty.

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S.T. Arley FD44

S.T. Arley FD44
Picture courtesy of The James Cullen Collection

S.T. Arley FD44

S.T. Arley FD44
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

S.T. Arley FD44

S.T. Arley FD44
Picture from the Internet

14/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
26/05/2017: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.
14/05/2015: Updated history for this vessel.
10/07/2019: Updated information.
29/08/2022: Added an image.

S.T. Andradite (1) FD191


Official Number: 148431
Yard Number: 464
Completed: 1925
Gross Tonnage: 352
Net Tonnage: 150
Length: 140.3 ft
Breadth: 24 ft
Depth: 12.9 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Beverley


1924: The Board of Kingston Steam Trawling Co Ltd decided to build two more distant water trawlers to the same design as their two previous vessels ANDALUSITE and ALALITE. Contracts were signed with Cook, Welton & Gemmell to build the ships at £7,700 each and Charles D. Holmes to make the engines and boilers at £6,125 each. Total cost £13,825 each. The names chosen for these vessels were ANDRADITE and AXINITE.

26.1.1925: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.464) for Kingston Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as ANDRADITE.
24.3.1925: Registered at Hull (H176).
30.3.1925: Completed trials and accepted. John William Lown designated manager.
2.4.1925: Sailed Hull on maiden trip to Icelandic grounds.
22.4.1925: At Hull landed 860 kits grossed £1,398.
6.9.1933: Sold to J. Marr & Son Ltd, Fleetwood (Geoffrey Edwards Marr, manager) for £7,600.
7.9.1933: Hull registry closed.
9.9.1933: Registered at Fleetwood (FD191).
14.12.1933: Registered at Fleetwood as ORILLA (FD191).
23.11.1935: Transferred to Hull. The City Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull. Leslie James Marr designated manager.
31.12.1937: Last trip out of Hull. Sailed Iceland (Sk. C. Pratt).
17.1.1938: At Hull after 17 days landed 302 kits £366 gross .
3.1939: Sold to P/F Vaga Trolarafelag, Sörvagur, Faroe Islands (D. Niclasen, manager) for £5,000.
3.1939: Remeasured 298g 115n.
9.3.1939: Fleetwood registry closed. Registered at Sandevaag as VESTURVARDI (VA214).
1943-1944: Landing frequently at Fleetwood.
1952: Sold to Government of Poland (“Dalmor” Przedsiobiorstwo Polowow Dalekomorskich Sp.z.ogr.opd., Gdynia, managers). Registered at Gdynia as MALY WOZ (GDY179).
1964: Sold for breaking up in Poland.

(Note. Building instalment costings:
31.7.1924: Frames – £2000
5.9.1924: Plating – £2000
18.9.1924: Launch – £2000
17.11.1924 : Final – £1500
15.1.1925: Extras – £62.18.9d Total – £7,562.18.9d
Engine and boiler maker
5.9.1924: £1412.10s
2.10.1924: £1412.10s
28.10.1924: £1412.10s
7.11.1924: Final – £1912.10s
15.1.1925: Extras – £30.1.0d Total – £6,180.1.0d

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S.T. Vesturvardi VA214

S.T. Vesturvardi VA214
Picture courtesy of The Jonleif Collection (TPF)

S.T. Andradite FD191

S.T. Vesturvardi VA214
Picture courtesy of The Jonleif Collection (TPF)

14/01/2009: Page published. 7 updates since then.
02/07/2019: Updated information.