Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98

Additional information courtesy of Bill Blow and Mike Thompson


Official Number: 181346
Yard Number: 1336
Completed: 1948
Gross Tonnage: 636
Net Tonnage: 245
Length: 177.9 ft
Breadth: 30.7 ft
Depth: 15.1 ft
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby
Engine: 1000ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull


Note: First vessel built for Lord Line Ltd, Hull

26.4.1947: Contract signed to build six trawlers to this design, yard Nos. 1336-1341, at a cost of £99,000 each. Revised cost to build £104,457. Final cost with full fit out £107,998.
25.3.1948: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.1336) for Lord Line Ltd (64/64), Hull as LORD WAVELL.
7.9.1948: Registered at Hull (H578).
9.9.1948: Completed.
11.9.1948: Sailed Hull on first trip.
3.12.1949: Converted for burning oil fuel, F.P. above 150° F. Total cost £13,17
17.04.1950: Lord Line Ltd in liquidation. Sold to Associated Fisheries Trawling Co Ltd (64/64), Hull for £79,000. Thomas William Boyd appointed manager.
22.7.1953: Company re-styled Lord Line Ltd (64/64), Hull. Thomas William Boyd appointed manager.
18.3.1963: Sailed Hull for Norway Coast (Sk. H. Smith).
8.4.1963: At Hull landed 2,546 kits grossed £8,047.
10.4.1963: Following reorganisation of Associated Fisheries Group, Hull fleet transferred to Grimsby.
22.4.1963: Hull registry closed.
23.4.1963: Registered at Grimsby (GY97).
2.5.1963: John Arthur Butt appointed manager.
22.2.1966: Sold to Northern Trawlers Ltd (64/64), Grimsby.
29.3.1966: John Arthur Butt appointed manager.
04.1967 Transferred within Associated Fisheries Group to Wyre Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood.
26.4.1967: Sold to Wyre Trawlers Ltd (64/64) Fleetwood.
19.5.1967: Leslie Wheildon appointed manager.
19.5.1967: Grimsby registry closed.
6.1967: Registered at Fleetwood (FD98).
5.1967: Sold to L. E. Adams, Plymouth (Ocean Marine Salvage Co, Plymouth) for conversion to a diving and salvage vessel. Fleetwood fishing vessel registry closed. Unofficially renamed LORD J. WAVELL to satisfy terms of sale.
1968: Arrested by Admiralty Marshall at Falmouth.
2.1970: Sold at auction to Haulbowline Industries Ltd, Passage West, Co. Cork for breaking up.
29.3.1970: Delivered Passage West from Falmouth in tow.
18.3.1975: Registry closed “Vessel broken up”.

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S.T. Lord Wavell FD98

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98

S.T. Lord Wavell H578
Picture courtesy of The Jan Harteveld Collection

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98

S.T. Lord Wavell GY97
Picture courtesy of the JJ collection

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

Lord J Wavell

Lord J Wavell
Picture courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98

S.T. Lord Wavell FD98
Picture courtesy of The David Buckley Collection

S.T. Lord Wavell GY97

S.T. Lord Wavell GY97
Picture courtesy of The David Buckley Collection

14/01/2009: Page published. 8 updates since then.
13/04/2014: Picture 4 changed.
16/12/2017: Removed disputed image and FMHT watermarks
01/07/2018: Added an image.
20/10/2020: Added an image.
08/05/2021: Updated history.
05/03/2024: Added 2 images.

S.T. Sulby FD87

Pictures and documents courtesy of Bob Dawson

Download witness statements in pdf format
Reg King’s Statement
Bernard Nolan’s Statement pt.1
Bernard Nolan’s Statement pt.2
Harold Blackburn’s Statement
Newspaper Report

Letter from Alexander Keay to Mrs. Dawson
Part 1 (PDF format)
Part 2 (PDF format)


Official Number: 127573
Yard Number: 401
Completed: 1909
Gross Tonnage: 287
Net Tonnage: 111
Length: 130.3 ft
Breadth: 23 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by Shields Engineering Co Ltd, North Shields
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, North Shields, 1909


3.2.1909: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, North Shields (Yd.No.401) for The “Wyre” Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood as SULBY.
9.3.1909: Registered at Fleetwood (FD87).
3.1909: Completed. Richard C. Ward & John N. Ward designated joint managers.
1910: John N. Ward designated manager.
7.2.1912: Stranded 3 miles N of Ramsey (Sk. Fairclough); ten crew.
19.2.1912: Attempts to refloat with tugs unsuccessful.
7.4.1912: Arrived Fleetwood in tow after successfully being refloated.
7.4.1912: Reported that John N. Ward who had gone over to the Isle of Man in connection with the salvage of SULBY, had died on the island.
4.1912: Magnus B. J. Wedum designated manager.
8.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr) (Ad.No.131).
1914: Based Portsmouth.
1918: Based Kirkwall.
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
13.3.1926: Sold to George Hindle, Wilpshire, Lancs. Joseph A. Taylor, Albert V. Thompson & Harold Taylor, designated joint managers.
17.6.1930: Outward for fishing grounds in Fleetwood Channel. Carbide drum fell into engine crankpit smashing engine, gas generated exploded causing considerable damage; no casualties. Steam trawler VELIA (FD49) connected and beached vessel at Fleetwood.
18.6.1930: Not making any water, refloated by tugs and entered Wyre Dock for survey and repair.
16.2.1931: Sold to Islay Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood. Henry Melling designated manager.
10.3.1931: Sold to Cape Fisheries Ltd, London. Albert V. Thompson, Fleetwood designated manager.
5.7.1932: Sold to Alexander Keay, Fleetwood & Andrew Wilson, Buckie. Alexander Keay designated managing owner.
18.3.1933: Sold to Alexander Keay, Fleetwood. Alexander Keay designated managing owner.
25.4.1933: Homeward from West of Scotland grounds, stranded at Strongarve, 4 miles N of Mull of Kintyre. Glasgow steamer LOCHIEL (318g/1906) and Southend lifeboat standing by. At 3.00 pm. refloated and after checks, proceeded to Fleetwood.
15.11.1939: At Fleetwood landed 7,400 stone of herring, £438 gross, the seasons best landing.
5.8.1939: At Fleetwood landed first herring catch of the season – 330 boxes.
21.11.1939: On fishing grounds 35 miles NW of Rathlin Island (Sk. Clarence Hector Hudson), eleven crew, in company with CUIRASS (GY436) and WILLIAM HUMPHRIES (LO533). At 8.00 a.m. stopped by by U-boat (U.33) with warning shot, crew abandoned in two boats, but shelled while lowering port boat. Sunk by gunfire, five rounds from deck gun, in approx position 55.27N 08.01W. In gale force winds, boat with Skipper and four crew* never seen again.
23.11.1939: After 38 1/2 hours in open boat ** (H. Blackburn, bosun) made a landfall at Tobermory and picked up by Tobermory lifeboat.

*Lost presumed drowned – Sk.Clarence H. Hudson; J. Dawson, Mate; James Wood; R. A. Fisher and R. J. Randles

**Survivors – H. Blackburn, Bosun; J. Geddes; H.G. Hay; A. Lewis; J. Threlfall, S. Melhuish and F. Brunt.

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S.T. Sulby FD87

S.T. Sulby FD87
Picture courtesy of The Bob Dawson Collection

S.T. Sulby FD85

S.T. Sulby FD85
Picture courtesy of The Bob Dawson Collection

S.T. Sulby FD87

S.T. Sulby FD87
Picture courtesy of The Brian Dodd Collection

S.T. Sulby FD87

S.T. Sulby FD87
Picture courtesy of The Brian Dodd Collection

S.T. Sulby FD87

S.T. Sulby FD87
Stranded at Strongarve
Image courtesy of David Buckley

Note incorrect spelling of the name of the lighthouse. This should be “Rubha nan Gall”

News Cutting Sulby Survivors

News Cutting Sulby Survivors

14/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
14/03/2014: Information updated, documents and image added.
29/08/2022: Added images.
21/12/2023: Added an image.

S.T. St. Just LO434


Official Number: 162200
Yard Number: 552
Completed: 1930
Gross Tonnage: 377
Net Tonnage: 158
Length: 145 ft
Breadth: 24.6 ft
Depth: 13.2 ft
Engine: 96nhp T.3-cyl and boiler by C D Holmes
Built: Cook Welton & Gemmell, Beverley
Speed: 11.2 knots


(In 1935 the Hull trawler LEONIDAS (162186) (H267) was lengthened by Smiths Dock Co. Ltd. The work involved creating an improved hull form with new bow and stern sections. The design was successful, not only providing increased fish room capacity, but also, as was expected, reducing coal consumption and giving a slightly higher free running speed. Other owners stemmed vessels at Middlesbrough for similar work to be undertaken)

23.8.1930: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.552) for Saint Andrew’s Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull as St. JUST.
19.9.1930: Registered at Hull (H320).
23.9.1930: Completed. Charles F. Foster designated manager.
1932: William H. Paterson designated manager.
24.8.1934: The Supreme Court in Oslo, upheld the fine of 5,000kr for illegal fishing inside the four mile limit off the Norwegian coast.
1936: Saint Andrew’s Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull and ships sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood. Basil A. Parkes, Thornton-le-Fylde designated manager.
29.8.1938: Completed lengthening by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, Middlesbrough to 158.2 feet (including fitting new bow and stern sections). Re measured 394g 176n.
25.7.1939: Insured value £18,000.
14.8.1939: Sailed Hull for Bear Island (Sk. A. Lewis).
30.8.1939: At Hull landed 993 kits grossed £808.
1939: To requisitioning, at Hull landed from Bear Island/Iceland/Norway Coast (Sks. T. Kane, H. Fletcher, Arthur Lewis), 219 days 15,255 kits £11,375 gross.
9.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.673) (Hire rate £215.4.1d/month). Renamed FIREFLY. Based Leith.
3.2.1940: Sailed Leith to recover and de-activate loose British moored mines in Firth of Forth (Lieut. David B. Johnstone RNR). With a mine alongside attended by boat party, a passing destroyer set the boat in motion and one of the oars touched and detonated the mine. Thirteen crewmen* were killed including the CO and a similar number wounded. Badly damaged but remained afloat and taken in tow by HM Trawler WARDOUR (GY523) (P.No.FY581) for Leith. Repaired and returned to service. Based Yarmouth (Ty Sk. J. W. Gibbs RNR) with M/S Group 30.
15.9.1940: Based Sheerness with M/S Group 30.
1.1941: At Sheerness (Ty Sk. E. A. Runnquist RNR).
1943: Based Harwich with M/S Group 30.
31.8.1943: Sold to Heward Trawlers Ltd, London (R. S. Hewett & H. F. Hayward). Robert S. Hewett, London designated manager.
10.1945: Restored and surveyed at Port Glasgow and reverted to St. JUST (H320).
29.10.1945: Returned.
1946: Hull registry closed.
1946: Registered at London (LO434). Fishing out of Fleetwood.
15.8.1949: At anchor 3 miles off Fleetwood in Lune Deeps. Steam trawler TORONTO (LO196) (Sk. W. Randles) weighed and proceed but fouled anchor cable of St. JUST which wound itself round propeller. Cable fractured and proceeded to Wyre Dock.
1961: Sold to Haulbowline Industries Ltd, Passage West, Cork for breaking up.
27.2.1960: Sailed Fleetwood for Cork.
1.3.1961: Delivered Passage West.
1961: London registry closed.

Lost*: – Ty. Lt. David B Johnstone RNVR; Ty.S/Lt. Carl Dobson RNVR; Ty.S/Lt. Norman F. Peat RNVR; Ty.S/Lt. Geoffrey W. Vaughan RNVR; CPO Charles E. Baldwin; Benjamin R. Barker, Engineman; Henry E. Beavers, John R. Clay, Peter Reid, Alexander Stewart, James Stewart, Seamen; Walter E. Johnson, Seaman cook.
5.2.1940: Edward Barker, 2nd Hand, died of wounds.

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S.T. St. Just LO434

S.T. St. Just LO434
Picture courtesy of Robert Hewett

S.T. St. Just LO434

S.T. St. Just LO434
Picture from the Internet

S.T. St Just LO434

S.T. St Just LO434
Picture from the Internet

S.T. St. Just LO434

S.T. St. Just LO434
Picture from the Internet

14/01/2009: Page published. 7 updates since then.
16/02/2017: Removed disputed images.
17/08/2017: Added an image.
17/11/2018: Updated information.
13/12/2018: Added an image.

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199


Official Number: 163990
Yard Number: 1139
Completed: 1935
Gross Tonnage: 448
Net Tonnage: 190
Length: 157.3 ft
Breadth: 26.1 ft
Depth: 14.1 ft
Built: Cochrane & Son Ltd, Selby
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull


18.4.1935: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.1139) for Pickering & Haldane’s Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as LORD STANHOPE.
3.6.1935: Registered at Hull (H199).
12.6.1935: Completed at a cost of £19,525 (Albert Turgoose & James Clark, joint managers).
17.6.1935: Sailed Hull for first trip to Iceland (Sk. C. Smith).
6.7.1935: At Hull landed 795 kits grossd £996.
5.1937: In collision with Norwegian fishing boat HILDUR near Baasfjord, northern Norway; boat cut in two and sank. Skipper and one man picked up but four lost.
25.7.1939: Insured value £21.800.
4.8.1939: Sailed Hull for White Sea (Sk. C. Smith).
25.8.1939: At Hull landed 1,881 kits £1,482 gross.
1939: To requisitioning, at Hull landed from White Sea/Iceland (Sks. C. Smith, G. Smith) 223 days 14,409 kits £14,586 gross.
25.8.1939: Requisitioned for war service as an anti-submarine trawler (1-4”, AA weapons) (P.No.FY.163) (Hire rate £280.0.0d/month). Based Plymouth with 20th A/S Group.
5.1944: Assigned to Operation Neptune – Normandy landings.
23.5.1944: Convoy escort duties in British waters and across the Channel in support of landings.
3.7.1944: Operation Neptune ended.
12.1944: Pickering & Haldane bought by J Bennett, London.
20.6.1945: Company restyled as Lord Line Ltd, Hull (Thomas W. Boyd, manager).
10.1945: Surveyed and restored at Hartlepool.
7.11.1945: Returned to owners.
30.11.1945: Insured value £40,000; for 1946 proposed £44,000.
10.1947: Converted for burning oil fuel, F.P. above 150° F.
17.4.1950: Sold to Associated Fisheries Trawling Co Ltd, Hull for £22,000 (Lord Line in liquidation)
22.07.1953: Company restyled Lord Line Ltd, Hull.
12.10.1962: Sailed Hull for Iceland, last trip from port (Sk. Niels M. Pederson).
1.11.1962: At Hull landed 613 kits grossed £4,105.
8.3.1963: Sold to Wyre Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood for £28,358 (Leslie Wheildon, manager).
9.4.1963: First landing at Fleetwood.
26.10.1963: Sailed Fleetwood for Icelandic grounds (Sk. George Harrison); sixteen crew.
27.10.1963: Landed sick Bosun in Belfast.
5.11.1963: On west of Iceland grounds, in view of heavy weather, decided to change to east of Iceland grounds.
7.11.1963: At about 0220 in heavy swell, E by N Force 7 and moderate visibility stranded on the south coast of Iceland, 4 miles West of Ingolfshofdi Light, in position 63°48N/ 16°40W; all eighteen crew (including two Norwegian gutters) ferried ashore in liferaft with shore assistance. Fleetwood trawler KINGSTON DIAMOND (FD84) stoodby. Later declared a total loss.
6.1.1964: Hull registry closed. “Transferred to Port of Fleetwood”.
15/16.9.1964: BOT Inquiry (S.469) found Sk. George Harrison partly to blame and suspended his ticket for twelve months; acting Bosun John J. Larkin censured.

Note: Allocated FD50 but never used the PLN

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S.T. Lord Stanhope H199

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199
Picture courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199
Picture courtesy of the JJ collection

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199
Picture courtesy of The JJ Collection

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199

S.T. Lord Stanhope H199
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

14/01/2009: Page published. 2 updates since then.
02/12/2017: Removed disputed image and FMHT watermarks.
04/11/2019: Added an image.
02/05/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Sisapon FD92

Additional material courtesy of Bill Blow


Admiralty Number: T395
Official Number: 166653
Yard Number: 734
Completed: 1944
Gross Tonnage: 568
Net Tonnage: 224
Length: 178.1 ft
Breadth: 30.0 ft
Depth: 15.2 ft
Built: Cook Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley
Engine: 1000ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Speed: 11 knots


20.3.1943: Ordered.
30.3.1944: Laid down.
20.7.1944: Launched by Cook. Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.734) (“Military” class) for The Admiralty as ROYAL MARINE (P.No.T395).
30.10.1944: Completed as an A/S trawler (1-4” HA/LA, 4-MG, 4-20mm, ASDIC, DC).
1944: Armament 1-4” HA/LA, 6-20mm, ASDIC, DC.
1946: Laid up at Milford Haven on Disposal List (SORF, Pembroke Dock).
10.4.1946: Sold to The Standard Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Grimsby.
25.11.1946: Registered at Grimsby as SISAPON O.N.166653 (GY381).
25.11.1946: Albert Wright Butt appointed manager.
10.1947: Converted for burning oil fuel, F.P. above 150° F.
20.12.1948: Alteration of tonnage to 581.21g 212.42 net. Certificate of Survey dated Grimsby 19.1.1948.
1953: Made two trips to Greenland fishery, including one to Newfoundland.
24.2.1960: John Arthur Butt appointed manager.
1963: Company became part of Associated Fisheries Ltd.
24.3.1965: Sold to Wyre Trawlers Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood.
14.4.1965: Arrived Fleetwood.
26.4.1965: Grimsby registry closed.
26.4.1965: Leslie Wheildon appointed manager.
27.4.1965: Registered at Fleetwood (FD92).
01.1967: Outwards for Icelandic grounds in thick fog (Sk.Tony Barkworth), took the ground alongside Wyre Light. Refloated on next tide, sound and proceeded on voyage.
8.3.1967: At Fleetwood (Sk. Alan Bedford) landed from 20 day Icelandic trip, 870 kits grossed £7,308.
12.5.1967: Sold to Belgian shipbreakers for breaking up.
12.6.1967: Sailed Fleetwood for Antwerp.
15.6.1967: Breaking commenced.
20.6.1967: Fleetwood registry closed “Vessel sold to foreigners for breaking up.”

click to enlarge images

S.T. Sisapon FD92

S.T. Sisapon FD92
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Sisapon FD92

S.T. Sisapon FD92
Picture courtesy of The JJ Collection

S.T. Sisapon FD92

S.T. Sisapon FD92
Picture courtesy of The John Worthington Collection

S.T. Sisapon FD92

S.T. Sisapon FD92
Picture courtesy of The John Worthington Collection

S.T. Sisapon FD92

S.T. Sisapon GY381
Picture courtesy of The JJ Collection

S.T. Sisapon FD92

S.T. Sisapon GY381
Picture courtesy of The JJ Collection

S.T. Sisapon FD92

S.T. Sisapon GY381
Picture courtesy of The JJ Collection

14/01/2009: Page published. 7 updates since then.
28/12/2016: Information updated and image added.
16/08/2017: Removed disputed image and FMHT watermarks.
01/01/2018: Added an image.