Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Regnault H156


Official Number: 133315
Yard Number: 294
Comleted: 1913
Gross Tonnage: 208
Net Tonnage: 82
Length: 115.3 ft
Breadth: 22.2 ft
Depth: 11.6 ft
Built: J. T. Eltringham & Co Ltd, South Shields
Engine: T.3-cyl by Shields Engineering Co Ltd, North Shields


3.7.1913: Launched by J. T. Eltringham & Co Ltd, South Shields (Yd.No.294) for R. Irvin & Sons Ltd, North Shields as R. IRVIN.
29.7.1913: Registered at North Shields (SN246).
8.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.52). Based Humber.
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at North Shields.
1919: Sold to Richard Thomson (Staithes) Ltd, North Shields (Richard Thomson, Staithes, manager).
27.6.1919: North Shields registry closed.
6.1919: Registered at Whitby (WY45).
1919: Registered at Whitby as NORTHERN QUEEN (WY45).
1920: Sold to F. & T. Ross Ltd, Hull (Percy Ross, manager).
1.1920: Whitby registry closed.
2.2.1920: Registered at Hull (H156).
2.1920: Registered at Hull as Regnault (H156).
1930: Sold to Sutton Steam Trawling Co Ltd, West Hartlepool. Arthur R. Sutton designated manager.
1938: Sold to W. J. Cook, Hartlepool.
1938: Sold to Sedgewick Steam Trawling Co Ltd, West Hartlepool (W. J. Cook, manager).
2.11.1939: Insured value increased from £2,000 to £3,000.
30.11.1939: Insured value increased from £3,000 to £3,500.
4.1940: Sold to The Active Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Geoffrey Edwards Marr, manager).
1943: Sold to J. Bennett (Wholesale) Ltd, London (William A. Bennett, manager).
1943: Landing at Fleetwood from Home and Icelandic grounds.
4.5.1943: Typical landing, Home Waters. 456 kits – hake-248, cod/codling-1, flats-7, ling/coley-153, roker-3, dogs-42, sole & prime-3.
5.1945: Sold to Anglo Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby (J. B. Cobley, manager).
5.1945: Hull registry closed.
5.1945: Registered at Grimsby (GY46).
1950: Leslie Little appointed manager.
10.1951: Registered at Grimsby as INGANES (GY46).
2.1953: Sold for breaking up.
2.1953: Grimsby registry closed.

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S.T. Regnault H156

S.T. Regnault H156
Picture courtesy of The Jeffrey Pullen Collection

04/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
19/07/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Varanga GY61

Additional material courtesy of Bill Blow


Official Number: 160968
Yard Number: 517
Completed: 1929
Gross Tonnage: 361
Net Tonnage: 171
Length: 140.3 ft
Breadth: 24.6 ft
Depth: 13.3 ft
Engine: 600ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley, 1929
Owner: Iago Steam Trawler Co Ltd, Fleetwood


14.3.1929: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.517) for The Atlas Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Grimsby as VARANGA.
17.4.1929: Registered at Grimsby (GY61).
17.4.1929: Frank Somerville Letten & Edward Cyril Grant appointed managers.
25.4.1929: Completed.
13.4.1934: Frank Somerville Letten appointed manager.
29.8.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.1625)(Hire rate £169.19.5d/month).
11.1945: Returned.
15.3.1946: Sold to Iago Steam Trawler Co Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood.
10.4.1946: Percy Campbell, Cleveleys appointed manager.
15.11.1946: Registered at Grimsby as RED CRUSADER (GY61) (MoT Minute R.G.No.1544/1946 dated 19.10.1946).
30.7.1947: Grimsby registry closed.
7.1947: Registered at London (LO462).
11.1949: Homeward from an Icelandic trip (Sk. N. Rogerson), stranded in darkness while on passage through the Sound of Islay. Refloated.
9.1954: Sold to J. Marr & Son Ltd, Fleetwood.
1955: Sold to Jacques Bakker & Zonen, Bruges for breaking up.
9.4.1955: Arrived Bruges with tow, WYRE WARRIOR (FD178) picked up at Milford Haven.
16.4.1955: Delivered.
4.1955: London registry closed.

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S.T. Varanga GY61

S.T. Varanga GY61
Picture courtesy of Jeffrey Pullen

04/01/2009: Page published. 4 revisions since then,
07/12/2014: Picture added.
23/12/2017: Removed FMHT watermark.

S.T. Red Charger LO460

Additional information courtesy of David Slinger


Official Number: 162198
Yard Number: 549
Completed: 1930
Gross Tonnage: 369
Net Tonnage: 149
Length: 143.6 ft
Breadth: 24.5 ft
Depth: 13.2 ft
Engine: 96nhp T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley


30.7.1930: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.549) for F. & T. Ross Ltd, Hull as ARKWRIGHT.
3.9.1930: Registered at Hull (H314).
10.9.1930: Completed. Percy Ross designated manager.
25.7.1939: Insured value £14,500.
24.8.1939: Sailed Hull for Bear Island (Sk. A. Wilson). Ordered to return from sea for requisitioning.
30.8.1939: Arrived Hull, 6 days steaming, no catch.
1939: To requisitioning, at Hull landed from Iceland/Bear Island (Sks. W. Isaacs, J. Wilson) 220 days 14,654 kits £11,063 gross.
31.8.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.653)(Hire rate £182.19.3d/month).
28.10.1939: Py/Ty/Lieut Hugh C. Slater RNR appointed CO.
1.4.1940: Relieved and appointed HM Drifter OCEAN REWARD as CO.
12.1945: Returned to owner.
3.1946: Sold to Iago Steam Trawler Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Cdr. E. D. W. Lawford DSO, manager).
3.1946: Hull registry closed.
1.4.1946: Registered at London as RED CHARGER (LO460).
17.12.1952: Sheltering in Stornoway, hurricane force winds and heavy seas, called by RED CHARGER (LO460)(Sk. John Tomlinson) to come out to assist in connecting to the company steam trawler WILLIAM CALE (LO46) disabled and adrift some seven miles off Rubn’ Re Light, Wester Ross, with wire bridle fouling propeller. In the event services not required.
28.3.1955: Sold to J. Marr & Son Ltd, Hull (Geoffrey Edwards Marr, manager).
4.1955: Sold to BISCO and allocated to West of Scotland Shipbreaking Co Ltd, Troon.
3.6.1955: Delivered Troon Harbour (draughts 5’6”/15’6”).
2.7.1955: Beached (draughts 7’3”/8’2”).
19.8.1955: Rebeached.
31.10.1955: Rebeached.
26.11.1955: Breaking completed.

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S.T. Arkwright H314

S.T. Arkwright H314
Picture courtesy of The Philip Dell Collection

HMT Arkwright

HMT Arkwright
Picture reproduced under IWM Non-Commercial Licence

S.T. Red Charger LO460

S.T. Red Charger LO460
Picture courtesy of The Frans Schaap Collection

04/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
13/07/2015: Picture added.
08/01/2016: Image added.
07/12/2017: Removed FMHT watermarks and disputed image.
05/06/2021: Updated information.

S.T. Rattray FD77

Additional information courtesy of Andy Hall


Official Number: 110860
Yard Number: 341
Completed: 1900
Gross Tonnage: 181.58
Net Tonnage: 70.99
Length: 110.2 ft
Breadth: 21.2 ft
Depth: 11.4 ft
Built: Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


8.11.1900: Launched by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.341) for The Fraserburgh & North of Scotland Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fraserburgh as RATTRAY.
12.1900: Completed. Samuel Robb, Aberdeen designated manager.
11.12.1900: Registered at Fraserburgh (FR834).
12.12.1900: Sailed Aberdeen for Fraserburgh.
20.12.1900: At Fraserburgh, landed over 100 boxes and 10 score of long fish from her maiden trip.
29.1.1901: Arrived Aberdeen (Sk. Whyman) with shell plate damage have drifted onto rocks at Cairnbulg, Aberdeenshire during a gale. Placed on pontoon, keel and six plates set-up. Repairs carried out at a cost of £200.
1902: Robert Laing, Aberdeen designated manager.
31.12.1907: Arrived Aberdeen and reported picking up boat belonging to the steam trawler STAR OF THE WEST (A548) which also arrived Aberdeen. The boat had been lost the previous day during stormy weather.
2.10.1907: On arrival at Aberdeen, Skipper reported the loss of the cook, Vannet Creighton Miller on 30th September whilst fishing in calm seas some 300 miles off Aberdeen in sight of the Holmen Light, Denmark. On hauling and with gutting taking place, Miller was seen washing a frying pan prior to making ready for breakfast. When the crew went aft, some half hour later, the cook was nowhere to be seen. A search was carried out and it was concluded that Miller had fallen overboard. The trawl was hauled and on a reciprocal course a search was carried out but there was no trace of the missing man. Set course for Aberdeen.
19.11.1907: At Aberdeen Sheriff Court the Sheriff gave judgement on the action brought by, Isabella Anderson or Miller, widow of the deceased, Vannet Creighton Miller and her children, against The Fraserburgh & North of Scotland Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fraserburgh for £300 compensation for the death of her husband. The Sheriff found in favour of the trawling company, that his disappearance is not accounted for by any accident arising out of his employment and therefore assoilzies (releases from blame) the respondents and entitles them to expenses, modified to £1 1s, from the claimants.
22.9.1908: At Aberdeen landed 200 boxes 6 scores long fish.
1909: Company experienced operating problems. Placed in voluntary liquidation.
4.1909: Sold to John Smart Jnr, North Shields.
3.4.1909: Sailed Aberdeen for North Shields.
9.1909: Fraserburgh registry closed.
4.9.1909: Registered at North Shields (SN104). John Smart Jnr designated managing owner.
1.11.1909: Reported sighting a Government floating target raft adrift some 15 miles NNE of Longstone Light as a danger to shipping.
27.3.1912: Arrived Aberdeen with injured mate, Thomas Haddaway (44), North Shields, who while hauling the trawl some 60 miles off Aberdeen, was flung to the deck injuring his back and head. Upon arrival he was transferred to the Royal Infirmary.
4.7.1912: At North Shields landed a twelve-foot shark; sold for 2/6d to the manure factory.
7.6.1913: When some three miles off the Tyne, fireman William Brown fell overboard while tipping ashes. Sk. John Duff jumped in after him, supporting him until the crew got them both back onboard. Brown’s condition was such that Sk. Duff returned to the Tyne for medical assistance.
8.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (Ad.No.357).
13.11.1914: At Lowestoft, parent ship HALCYON.
8.1915: Returned to owner.
10.1915: Sold to John Wintringham Smethurst, Grimsby.
13.10.1915: North Shields registry closed.
18.10.1915: Registered at Grimsby (GY720).
10.1916: Sold to L. Bloom, Grimsby.
1916: Sold to Henry Rachkind, Cleethorpes & others (trading as Rattray Steam Trawling Co). Henry Rachkind designated managing owner.
29.5.1917: Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve.
1919: Released.
1919: New boiler fitted.
1920: Arthur Bannister designated manager.
17.10.1921: At High Court, London, the High Court Official Referees resumed the hearing of the action in which J. Gibbing and Co., ship repairers, of St. Andrew’s Dock, Hull, claimed £3,209 against Rachkind and others (Rattray Steam Trawling Co.), Grimsby, the balance of charges for repairing the trawler. The defendants, who had already paid £2,600 in respect of work done to the vessel, pleaded, their defence, that the plaintiffs had agreed to do the work for £2,148, plus reasonable price for extras. They contended that the £2,600 which they had paid was sufficient to cover the plaintiffs’ claim. The defendants said that the vessel was required for the trawling season of 1920 and the plaintiffs agreed to complete the repairs in eight or nine weeks. The company did not complete the work until April of that year and defendants were in consequence deprived of the use of the vessel for twelve weeks, for which they counter claimed £250 a week (£3,000). The plaintiffs denied the defendants’ allegations, and said that they (the defendants) had ordered a large amount of additional work, which increased the price and caused the delay in respect of which the defendants were counter claiming. After the evidence had been taken, an arrangement was come to, by which judgment was entered for plaintiffs, on the claims for £3,150. On the counter claim, referee held by the contract, the plaintiff was not to be held responsible for the delay, and therefore dismissed the counter-claim.
21.10.1921: By order of the Sheriff of Lincolnshire, pursuant of a writ of Execution from the King’s Bench of the High Court of Justice to be sold by auction.
27.10.1021: At 3.00pm in the Royal Hotel, Grimsby, James Eves, auctioneer and valuer, offered for sale.
27.3.1922 (Regd): Sold to George King, John Smith, Alex Philip & John King, Aberdeen.
4.3.1922: Grimsby registry closed.
27.3.1922: Registered at Aberdeen (A872). George King designated managing owner.
16.12.1929: Sold to George Walker Fowler & Benjamin Allenby (joint owners), Aberdeen. George W. Fowler designated managing owner.
24.5.1931: Sold to George Walker Fowler, Aberdeen. George W. Fowler designated managing owner.
10.1.1934: Some 60 miles E of Aberdeen, disabled with trawl around propeller. Steam trawler ARORA (A320), which was steaming in her wake, connected and delivered Aberdeen.
8.1936: Sold to John Martin, Fleetwood (Gremar Steam Fishing Co, Fleetwood). John Martin designated managing owner.
8.9.1936: First landing at Fleetwood, 40 kits – 35 boxes 15 baskets £98 gross.
30.10.1936: At Barrow Magistrates Court, Sk. Wilfred David Edwards pleaded guilty to a charge of illegal trawling around the Leven estuary on 5th October and was fined £10 with £3 10 2d costs.
23.4.1937: Aberdeen registry closed.
20.5.1937: Registered at Fleetwood (FD77).
8.1937: Sold to Pair Fishing Co Ltd, Milford Haven. John Charles Llewellin designated manager.
17.9.1937: Fleetwood registry closed.
23.9.1937: Registered at Milford (M246).
15.11.1937: Sold to John C. Llewellin, Milford Haven.
9.6.1938: Sold to Henry J. Horwood, West Wickham.
27.11.1940: ‘Pareja’ fishing (Sk. C. K. Cornish) with steam trawler CHARMOUTH (M242) (Sk.J. Mengel) DEMS* AA weapons. When in position 53 30N 12 04W off the Co. Galway coast, at 2.30 GMT attacked by unidentified German aircraft dropping two delayed action bombs on the CHARMOUTH, both of which missed. Returned fire with machine guns, loosing several hundred rounds, the aeroplane finally leaving trailing black smoke. Little damage to the two trawlers, CHARMOUTH had cut her warps and Sk. Cornish recovered the net.
30.11.1940: Five German airmen recovered from an uninhabited island off the coast of Co. Kerry which they had reached in rubber boats after their aircraft had crashed in the sea about six miles off the Blasket Islands, Co. Kerry two days earlier. The Blaskets are approximately 60 nautical miles SE of the position given by the trawlers. Both trawlers credited with bringing down an enemy aircraft.
26.2.1941: Sold to Henry J. Richards, Ruislip.
24.6.1942: Last landing at Milford.
7.1942: Sold to Oliver Curphy, Oreston, Plymouth.
14.8.1942: Sold to Oliver Curphy, Oreston, Plymouth; Gerald Edward Leaman Whitmarsh, Plymouth; Stanley Sanger, London & Edward Hatherley, Plymouth. Oliver Curphy designated managing owner.
21.10.1946: Sold to Gerald E. L. Whitmarsh, Plymouth; Stanley Sanger, London & Edward Hatherley, Plymouth. Gerald E. L. Whitmarsh designated managing owner.
12.1.1949: Sold to Edward Whitmarsh, Edward Hatherley & S. Edgcumbe, Plymouth.
19.4.1950: Milford registry closed. Laid up.
3.1952: Sold to BISCO and allocated to John Cashmore Ltd, Newport, Monmouthshire for breaking up.

Note *: DEMS Gunners involved: RATTRAY – J. P. Luca; CHARMOUTH – C. Dyer. Both Milford Haven.

04/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
17/09/2020: Updated history.

S.T. Ratapiko A446

Additional information courtesy of Andy Hall


Official Number: 129379
Yard Number: 367
Completed: 1912
Gross Tonnage: 247
Net Tonnage: 91
Length: 120.3 ft
Breadth: 22.6 ft
Depth: 13.6 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge
Boiler: David Rowan & Co, Glasgow
Built: John Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen, 1912


17.2.1912: Launched by Mrs George Shepherd, Aberdeen at John Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen (Yd.No.367) for John Gilbert Smith, Fleetwood as RATAPIKO.
3.1912: Completed.
14.3.1912: Registered at Aberdeen (A446). John Gilbert Smith designated managing owner.
27.1.1914: At Aberdeen Sheriff Court, John Taylor, ship painter, was fined 10/- with alternative of five days imprisonment for stealing a tin of fat from the ship on 18 or 19 January.
8.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr, 1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.347). Based Granton as an armed trawler.
19.9.1916: Detached on Special Service using name LENNARD.
7.10.1916: Hartlepool steamer JUPITER (2124grt/1901) stopped by U-boat (UB27) 40 miles NE by E from Longstone whilst on passage Archangel-Hull with timber. Scuttled but failed to sink.
8.10.1916: Connected and commenced tow to Firth of Forth until relieved by tugs and trawlers.
16.3.1917: An award was made in the Admiralty Court of £280 to the four crewmen who boarded the steamer JUPITER and the other crew members were awarded £322.
30.1.1918: Escorting Convoy T.M.15 in thick fog, at 1915 stranded on Longstone.
3.2.1918: Salvage underway but hampered by bad weather.
11.2.1918: Refloated and taken in tow by tug for Blyth.
21.4.1918: Returned after repairs on Tyne.
22.4.1918: Operating as a decoy trawler (using name St. GEORGE (SN49)) towing/and in company with HM S/M C.24 .
11.11.1918: Reverted to armed trawler.
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
1919: Sold to The Stepney Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Scarborough.
23.2.1920: Aberdeen registry closed.
27.2.1920: Registered at Scarborough (SH221). Abraham Moore designated manager.
2.9.1920: Converted to cargo. Re-measured 256.50g 99.47n.
2.9.1920: Scarborough Part IV registry closed. Registered as a cargo vessel. W. Aiston, Scarborough, designated manager (Winch removed and placed in MAGNOLIA (SH160)).
1.12.1920: Arrived Burntisland with broken glass from London via Blyth.
22.12.1920: Arrived Littlehampton from Newlyn with stone.
24.12.1920: Paid off. John George, Penzance,2nd Eng and James Mooney, Dundee, cook remained onboard.
26.12.1920: Smoke was seen coming from the vessel, Mooney was found asleep in the charthouse and after the fire was extinguished the body of John George was found in the cabin. A medical examination found that he died of suffocation.
28.12.1920: At the inquest of John George held at Littlehampton, the jury found that death was due to extensive burns, accidentally sustained. James Mooney, the cook, stated that they returned onboard on Christmas night and the deceased refused to allow him to sleep in the cabin and struck him over the head with a bottle. He made his way to the charthouse and remembered nothing until roused by the police.
31.1.1921: Arrived Grangemouth from London with cement.
22.2.1921: Arrived Aberdeen from Seaham with coals.
27.2.1921: Arrived Montrose, light, to load potatoes.
1.3.1921: Sailed for Cowes in company with the former trawlers, STAR of THE ORIENT (222g/1904) and the STAR of ENGLAND (220g/1912) all with potatoes.
31.7.1922: Sold to The Co-operative Steam Fishing Ltd, Scarborough. Christopher Naylor designated manager.
14.10.1923: Arrived Penzance chartered for Isles of Scilly service while PENINNIS (224g/1904) undergoing survey.
28.10.1924: Arrived Penzance chartered for Isles of Scilly service while Peninnis (224g/1904) undergoing survey.
12.1925: Surveyed at Hamburg.
11.1.1926: Sold to Thomas Harrison Scales, Newhaven, Edinburgh.
29.1.1926: Converted back to fishing. Re-measured 246.54g 90.41n.
29.1.1926: Registered at Scarborough Part IV (SH39) after conversion back to fishing. Thomas Harrison Scales designated managing owner.
10.8.1926: Due to continuing strike action by British coal-miners, arrived Leith from IJmuiden with coals.
14.10.1926: Due to continuing strike action by British coal-miners, arrived Leith from Terneuzen with coals.
1935: Change of address, Thomas H. Scales, Leith designated managing owner.
2.12.1929: Stranded on Mitchell’s Baa off Lerwick, Shetland, refloated with no damage.
1931: New boiler.
1934: Sold to Thomas H. Scales & Son, Newhaven, Edinburgh.
1936: Company re-styled, T. H. Scales & Sons Ltd, Newhaven, Edinburgh. Thomas H. Scales, Jnr designated manager.
4.4.1935: Scarborough registry closed.
16.4.1935: Registered at Leith (LH86).
2.7.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.1878) (Hire rate £61.15.0d/month).
1.1942: Based Granton M/S Group 153.
12.1945: Returned to owner.
1946: Sold to I. C. Macfarlane, ??.
1946: Sold to Kelvin Trawlers Ltd, Glasgow (Aberdeen). Registered at Leith as KELVINGROVE (LH86) and operating as a carrier for fish & liver oil.
1948: Returned to fishing.
1952: Sold to Heather Fishing Co Ltd, Newhaven, Edinburgh T. H. Scales & Sons Ltd designated managers.
1954: Sold to William Liston, Edinburgh. William Liston designated managing owner.
1956: Sold to BISCO (£4,150) and allocated to Shipbreaking Industries Ltd, Charlestown, Fife for breaking up (Contract No.3E).
14.5.1956: Delivered Charlestown from Granton under own power.
7.1956: Breaking up commenced.
7.1956: Leith registry closed.

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S.T. Kelvingrove LH86

S.T. Kelvingrove LH86
Picture, at Granton, from the Internet

04/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
02/06/2018: Information updated. Added an image.