Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Phoebe FD121


Official Number: 124692
Yard Numbe: ?
Completed: 1907
Gross Tonnage: 278.44
Net Tonnage: 99.37
Length: 130.0 ft
Breadth: 22.6 ft
Depth: 12.17 ft
Built: Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole
Engine: 400ihp T.3-cyl W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge
Boiler: Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co Ltd, Wallsend-on-Tyne


13.7.1907: Launched by Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole (Yd.No.) for Louis Cohen (64/64), Norbreck as PHOEBE.
3.9.1907: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to London City & Midland Bank Ltd, London (A).
10.9.1907: Completed and registered at Fleetwood (FD121).
10.9.1907: Louis Cohen designated managing owner.
20.6.1912: Mortgage (A) discharged.
21.6.1912: Sold to Phoebe Hoyle (64/64), Halifax.
22.6.1912: Sold to George E. J. Moody (64/64), Grimsby.
24.6.1912: George Edward James Moody designated managing owner.
24.6.1912: Sold to The Lancashire Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood.
26.6.1912: James Alexander Robertson designated managing owner.
12.7.1912: James Alexander Robertson designated manager.
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 108.58 net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
1916: At Fleetwood. Fitted with Hotchkiss 6pdr gun (No.1234); complement increased by two gunners.
3.1917: At Fleetwood. Gun replaced with Hotchkiss 12pdr gun (No.6684).
29.5.1917: Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve. Renamed PHOEBE III (FD121).
1919: Released and reverted to PHOEBE (FD121).
9.1919: Sold to Bachao, Neunes & Machado Ltd, Lisbon (BoT approval dated 26.9.1919).
17.10.1919: Fleetwood registry closed.
10.1919: Registered at Lisbon as CINTRA.
1930: Sold to Corporacâo de Pilotos do Rio e Barra de Lisboa, Lisbon. Registered at Lisbon as PAIVE CURADO.
1939: Sold to Sociedade de Pesca à Vapor “O Exportador” Ltda, Lisbon. Registered at Lisbon as EXPORTADOR SEGUNDO.
1.11.1954: Reported position between Cap Jurby and Cap Blanc.
5.11.1954: Failed to arrive at Lisbon: overdue from this date, twenty-three crew missing presumed lost.

03/01/2009: Page published. 5 updates since then.
12/07/2921: Updated history and technical details.

S.T. Philip Godby FD405

Additional information courtesy of Bill Blow and Milford Trawlers


Admiralty Number: 3783
Official Number: 143785
Yard Number: 404
Completed: 1919
Gross Tonnage: 209
Net Tonnage: 126
Length: 125.6 ft
Breadth: 23.6 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Engine: 550ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley
Speed: 10.5 knots


24.9.1918: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.404) (“Castle” class) for The Admiralty as PHILIP GODBY (Ad.No.3783).
1919: Sold to Henry Smethurst (64/64), Grimsby
6.5.1919: Completed.
15.5.1919: Registered at Grimsby (GY309).
9.5.1919: John Wintringham Smethurst appointed manager.
2.7.1919: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to the London Joint City & Midland Bank Ltd, London (A).
9.2.1920: Mortgage (A) discharged.
9.2.1920: Sold to The Derby Steam Trawling Co Ltd (64/64), Bootle, Liverpool.
12.5.1920: Charles W. Pickering, Fleetwood appointed manager.
6.3.1920: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to London County, Westminster & Parr’s Bank Ltd (B).
18.10.1921: Mortgage (B) discharged.
24.10.1921: The Derby Steam Trawling Co Ltd in liquidation sold to Harry Pennington & Thomas George McKay, Bootle (joint owners).
26.10.1921: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to London Joint City & Midland Bank Ltd, London (C).
4.11.1921: Jules Nierinck appointed manager.
17.12.1921: Mortgage (C) discharged.
19.12.1921: Sold to The Godby Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood.
21.12.1921; Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to The London Joint City & Midland Bank Ltd, London (D).
5.1.1922: Jules Nierinck appointed manager. 25.3.1922: Grimsby registry closed.
29.3.1922: Registered at Fleetwood (FD405).
17.9.1924: At Oban (Sk. W. Hargreaves) picked up doctor and landed him at St. Kilda to treat pneumonia outbreak.
11.12.1924: Sold to Neva Steam Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood (William W. Brierley, manager).
10.2.1925: Registered at Fleetwood as CISNELL (FD405).
3.1928: Sold to Thomas Jenkerson, Milford Haven (Jenkerson & Jones Ltd).
6.3.1928: Fleetwood registry closed.
7.3.1928: Registered at London (LO122).
29.3.1928: Registered at London as TOGIMO (LO122).
1938: Sold to Jenkerson & Jones Ltd, Milford Haven (Thomas Jenkerson, manager).
2.9.1939: Requisitioned for war service and appointed for minesweeping duties (Hire rate £90.12.6d/month).
13.11.1939: Returned to owner.
1.3.1940: Sailed Milford for fishing grounds (Sk. James Gale DSC); twelve crew.
11.2.1940: Off West coast of Ireland about 70 miles from the Fastnet, at 4.00 a.m. hauled and owing to damage prepared to change gear from one side of the ship to the other. At 5.00 a.m. ready to shoot trawl, shelled by U-boat (U.37), doused lights and tried to escape, but hit in chart room and ablaze. Crew abandoned in boat and trawler sunk by gunfire in approx position 50°40N/11°02W, one crewman killed (James Price (18), Co. Kildare, fireman). Boat in way of shell fall and Ch.Eng injured.
12.2.1940: After twenty-eight hours in the boat and with three badly injured men, all eleven picked up by Spanish steamer MONTE NAVAJO (5754grt/1920).
13.2.1940: Landed at Queenstown, Co.Cork.
17.2.1940: Crew returned to Milford.
1.3.1940: London registry closed “Sunk by enemy action”.

(Philip Godby , AB, age 43, b. Cricklade, Wiltshire – VICTORY (SB939))

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S.T. Philip Godby LO122

S.T. Philip Godby LO122
Picture courtesy of The Peter Green Collection

03/01/2009: Page published. 8 updates since then.
09/07/2017: Image added.

S.T. Peter Killen FD406


Admiralty Number: 4207
Official Number: 139806
Yard Number: 449
Completed: 1919
As built: 360disp 125.6 x 23.5 x 12.8 feet
Gross Tonnage: 275.65
Net Tonnage: 118.50
Length: 125.6 ft
Breadth: 23.6 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Built: J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen
Engine: 87hp T.3-cyl by Bellis & Morcom Ltd, Birmingham
Boiler: Boiler by Bow, McLachlan & Co Ltd, Paisley


12.1918: Launched by J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen (Yd.No.449) (“Castle” class) for The Admiralty as PETER KILLEN (Ad.No.4207).
5.2.1919: Forms for tender to purchase received by the Admiralty.
3.1919: Sold to Lieut Andrew Hardie RNR, Cults, Aberdeenshire (Horace E. Stroud, manager).
31.3.1919: Completed as a fishing vessel.
11.4.1919: Registered at Aberdeen O.N.139806 (A149).
5.3.1920: Sold to Herbert Ford (64/64), Birmingham.
5.3.1920: John Maxwell Jones, Plymouth designated manager.
20.3.1920: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Barclays Bank Ltd, London (A).
31.3.1920: Aberdeen registry closed.
3.4.1920: Registered at Plymouth (PH140).
1921: Fishing from Fleetwood.
16.10.1921: Mortgage (A) discharged.
16.10.1921: Sold to Killen Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood.
16.12.1921: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Barclays Bank Ltd, London (B).
17.12.1921: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Herbert Ford, Birmingham for the sum of £5,000 with interest at 6% (C).
20.12.1921: Jules Henri Nierinck, Blackpool designated manager.
20.2.1922: Plymouth registry closed.
24.3.1922: Registered at Fleetwood (FD406).
12.12.1923: Stranded on small island off Isle of Lismore, Loch Linnhe.
13.12.1923: Steam trawlers LOIS (FD424) and IDA ADAMS (FD327) responded to distress, connected and successfully refloated. After carrying out checks, proceeded to Fleetwood.
3.1924: Mortgages (B) & (C) discharged.
3.1924: Sold to René Maubaillarcq & Cie, La Rochelle (Association Rochelaise de Pêche à Vapeur).
11.4.1924: Fleetwood registry closed.
4.1924: Registered at La Rochelle as CRAONNE BEAURIEUX (LR3739).
9.1933: Sold to Hudson Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Hull.
9.1933: La Rochelle registry closed.
26.9.1933: Registered at Hull as SIR JOHN LISTER (H509).
26.9.1933: Archibald Hudson, Hessle designated manager.
10.1933: New boiler fitted.
1938: Sold to Iago Steam Trawling Co Ltd, London. (E. D. W. Lawford, manager).
6.3.1937: In thick fog stranded on Haile Sand, near Donna Nook Beacon. Attended by Spurn lifeboat CITY of BRADFORD (Cox. Robert Cross). Although vessel was pounding in the swell, crew did not want to be taken off and lifeboat withdrew to stand by. When swell turned vessel shorewards, assistance was called for and the lifeboat laid out a kedge anchor. As tide made, hauled off and proceeded to Spurn Light to wait for fog to lift.
29.3.1938: Hull registry closed.
30.3.1938: Registered at London (LO209).
30.3.1938: E. D. W. Lawford designated manager.
1.9.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No. FY.622) (Hire rate £87.16.3d/month).
5.1945: Surveyed and restored at Port Glasgow.
11.8.1945: Returned to owner.
1.1946: Sold to Pair Fishing Co Ltd, Milford Haven. H. J. Richards designated manager.
11.1947: Sold to William Johnston, Newhaven, Edinburgh.
1.1948: London registry closed.
1.1948: Registered at Granton as ESTHER JOHNSTON (GN50). William Johnston designated managing owner.
1954: Owners re-styled William Johnston & Co (Newhaven) Ltd, Newhaven, Edinburgh. Adam W. Wood, Leith designated manager.
1957: Sold to BISCO (£6150) and allocated to Shipbreaking Industries Ltd, Charlestown, Fife for breaking up (Contract No.17E). 15.4.1957: Delivered Charlestown from Granton under own power and breaking up commenced. 1957: Granton registry closed.
(Peter Killen, OS (volunteer), age 21, b. Co. Louth, Ireland – VICTORY (SB828))

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S.T. Craonne Beaurieux LR3739

S.T. Craonne Beaurieux LR3739
Picture © Alex Henri, La Rochelle

03/07/2009: Page published. 7 updates since then.
24/07/2017: Removed FMHT watermark.
12/07/2021: Updated history and technical details.

S.T. Peter Carey FD350


Admiralty Number: 4445
Official Number: 141951
Yard Number: 121
Completed: 1919
Gross Tonnage: 208
Net Tonnage: 113
Length: 125.6 ft
Breadth: 23.5 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Engine: 480ihp T.3-cyl by Gauldie, Gillespie & Co, Glasgow
Built: George Brown & Co, Greenock


25.6.1919: Launched by George Brown & Co, Greenock (Yd.No.121) for The Admiralty (“Castle” class as PETER CAREY (Ad.No.4445).
5.2.1919: Forms for tender to purchase received by the Admiralty.
8.8.1919: Sold to The Victory Steam Fishing Co (Fleetwood) Ltd, Fleetwood.
10.1919: Completed as a fishing vessel.
10.10.1919: Registered at Fleetwood (Part I & Part IV) O.N.141951 (FD350). Walter Morley designated manager.
24.9.1922: Registered at Fleetwood as CICELY BLANCHE (FD350).
1928: Sold to Iago Steam Trawler Co Ltd, Milford Haven (Edward D. W. Lawford, manager).
8.3.1928: Fleetwood registry closed.
10.3.1928: Registered at London (LO126).
5.1928: Chartered by Dept of Scientific & Industrial Research, London for trials (Improvement in stowage and icing of catch) (Along with Aberdeen steam trawler BEN MEIDIE (SN340) (234g/1917)).
16.5.1928: Registered at London as PETER CAREY (LO126).
22.11.1929: While on the fishing grounds 180 miles out of Milford, William Rees, deckhand was washed overboard and drowned.
1.4.1930: Last landing at Milford. Transferred to Fleetwood when Edward D. W. Lawford moved his vessels to the port.
6.1930: Steam trawler DANIEL CLOWDEN (LO129) on Klondyke grounds, shooting the trawl, warps tangled rudder and propeller. After discussion with owners, dispatched to assist, connected and towed to Inishtrahull where warps were freed. Sailed again for grounds In company with DANIEL CLOWDEN which later experienced boiler stay collapse emitting steam and boiling water in which 2nd engineer was scalded. Connected again to DANIEL CLOWDEN which had been drifting without steam and delivered Fleetwood.
9.9.1937: At Fleetwood landed a catch that realised over £1,000.
29.8.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No. FY537) (Hire rate £87.10.0d/month).
11.8.1940: Commanded by Sk. E. G. Catchpole RNR, with HMTrawler EDWARDIAN (GY328) (P.No.FY681) (Ty/Sk. F. A. Cunningham RNR), shot down four German aircraft.
26.1.1943: A/Capt Edward Douglas Wyndham Lawford RN awarded DSO for service in HMS POZARICA (P.No.4.261) A/A ship on Russian convoys.
1.12.1943: With five trawlers that had been moving Thames barges along the South Coast returning to the Thames from Newhaven. PETER CAREY had HM Trawler AVANTURINE (Sk. Edward Gillard) in tow, damaged due to grounding off Cuckmere on 23.11.1943. Off Beachy Head attacked by 5th E boat flotilla of nine German motor torpedo boats. AVANTURINE hit by torpedo from S142 and foundered; no survivors.
9.1945: Re-classed at Glasgow and returned to owner.
1947: Sold to Milford Fisheries Ltd, Milford Haven (Owen Willie Limbrick, manager).
5.1950: Laid up at Milford.
3.1.1951: Last landing at Milford. Transferred to Aberdeen.
25.12.1952: First landing after return to Milford.
18.7.1958: Last landing at Milford. Laid up at Milford Haven.
3.1959: Sold to Belgian principals for breaking up.
8.5.1959: Arrived Hemixen.

(Peter Carey, OS, age 42, b. Cork, Co. Cork – ROYAL SOVEREIGN (SB236)

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S.T. Peter Carey FD350

S.T. Peter Carey LO126
Picture from The Internet

S.T. Peter Carey LO126

S.T. Peter Carey LO126
Picture from the Internet

03/01/2009: Page published. 3 revisions since then
19/08/2014: Updated information.
01/08/2016: Information updated.
16/01/2017: Image added.
15/08/2017: Image added and removed FMHT watermark.
12/07/2021: Updated history.

S.D/L. Perseverance LH2

Wooden Drifter/Liner


Official Number: 91086
Completed: 1886
Gross Tonnage: 48
Net Tonnage: 20
Length: 67.5 ft
Breadth: 17.6 ft
Depth: 7.4 ft
Engine: C.2-cyl by John Cran & Co, Leith
Built: J. MacKenzie & Co, Leith


1886: Completed by J. MacKenzie & Co, Leith (Yd.No.?) for James Wilcock, Manchester (managing owner) as PERSEVERANCE. Registered at Leith (LH2).
1887: Attempted to trawl fish out of Fleetwood, but harassed by smacksmen, their agents and those involved in the inshore fishery and abandoned the venture.
15.8.1889: In collision with The Tyne Improvement Commissioners steam hopper, R.T.C. Hopper No.11 (329grt/1888) in River Tyne sustaining considerable damage to stem and bow planking.
1913: Sold to James Pitchers Jnr, Gt Yarmouth (managing owner).
10.1916: Leith registry closed.
17.10.1916: Registered at Yarmouth (YH429).
15.3.1920: Sold to Thomas Bradley, Gt Yarmouth (managing owner).
1928: Sold for breaking up.
27.1.1928: Yarmouth registry closed “Broken up”.

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S.D/L. Perseverance YH429

S.D/L. Perseverance YH429
Picture from the Internet


03/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
06/05/2018: Removed FMHT watermark from image.