Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Penguin LO97

Additional information courtesy of Gary Hicks Plymouth Merchant Ships


Official Number: 114622
Yard Number: 398
Completed: 1902
Gross Tonnage: 190.2
Net Tonnage: 57.87
Length: 112.4 ft
Breadth: 21.1 ft
Depth: 11.6 ft
Built: A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: 420ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Alex Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


18.10.1902: Launched by A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.398) for James Chant (32/64) & Thomas Paddon (32/64), Plymouth as PENGUIN.
11.1902: Completed.
20.11.1902: James Chant designated managing owner.
30.11.1902: Registered at Plymouth (PH178)
16.12.1906: With steam trawler MAGNOLIA (M146) towed disabled steamer IDA ZSCHIMMER (362grt/?) of Rostock from SSW of the Longships to Falmouth arriving at 8.00 p.m.
10.8.1908: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Lloyds Bank Ltd, London (A).
26.9.1912: Sold to Chant & Paddon Ltd (64/64), Plymouth.
26.9.1912: James Chant & Herbert William Chant appointed managers.
10.10.1912: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Lloyds Bank Ltd, London (B).12.10.1912: Mortgage (A) discharged.
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 73.73 net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
11.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr) (Ad.No.528).
15.1.1916: Based Milford. On patrol and i.a.w. Standing Orders, steaming without lights. At 6.20 am. off Tuskar Rock, collided with HM Drifter EVERARD (INS30)(Ad.No.2460) which subsequently sank.
17.1.1916: Mortgage (B) discharged.
2.3.1918: Sold to Herbert Ford, Birmingham.
4.3.1918: John Maxwell Jones, Plymouth appointed manager.
4.3.1918: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Barclays Bank Ltd, London (C).
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Plymouth.
8.11.1920: Mortgaged (C) discharged.
9.11.1920: Sold to Thomas Davidson, Aberdeen.
6.12.1920: Plymouth registry closed.
6.12.1920: Thomas Davidson designated managing owner.
13.12.1920: Registered at Aberdeen (A154).
7.9.1933: Sold to The Hewett Fishing Co Ltd, London (Robert S. Hewett, manager).
7.9.1933: Arrived Fleetwood from fishing grounds with broken propeller.
5.6.1934: Aberdeen registry closed.
7.6.1934: Registered at London (LO97).
1936: Sold for breaking up.
10.2.1937: London registry closed “Broken up”.

03/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.

S.T. Pembroke Castle FD340


Official Number: 108324
Yard Number: 566
Completed: 1898
Gross Tonnage: 153
Net Tonnage: 48
Length: 105.5 ft
Breadth: 20.8 ft
Depth: 10.9 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by N.E. Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Sunderland
Built: Edwards Bros, North Shields


8.11.1897: Launched by Edwards Bros, North Shields (Yd.No.566) for The Castle Steam Trawlers Ltd, London as PEMBROKE CASTLE.
3.1898: Completed. George H. D. Birt, Milford Haven appointed manager.
30.3.1898: Registered at London (LO165).
8.1906: London registry closed.
13.8.1906: Registered Swansea (SA27).
29.8.1906: Crawford Heron, Swansea appointed manager.
26.7.1907: Sold to William Forbes, Newhaven, Edinburgh (managing owner).
28.7.1907: Mortgaged to North of Scotland Bank, Aberdeen.
6.8.1907: Mortgage transferred to William Rafferty, Glasgow.
8.8.1907: Swansea registry closed.
8.1907: Registered at Granton (GN67).
1912: Sold to George Craig, Aberdeen (managing owner).
1912: Granton registry closed.
13.12.1912: Registered at Aberdeen (A531).
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 57.54 net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
30.11.1916: Sold to Port St. Mary Fishing & Curing Co Ltd, London (Charles Jeffs, Jnr, Cleveleys, manager).
3.1917: At Fleetwood. Fitted with Hotchkiss 6pdr gun (No.2164); complement increased by two gunners.
29.5.1917: Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve.
1919: Released.
1.8.1919: Aberdeen registry closed.
5.8.1919: Registered at Fleetwood (FD340).
11.1919: Landed at Milford having broken down on the fishing grounds.
11.1926: Sold for breaking up.
26.11.1926: Fleetwood registry closed “except so far as relates to mortgage”. Advice received from beneficial owner.

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S.T. Pembroke Castle A531

S.T. Pembroke Castle A531and Valkyrien Danmark on the slip.
Picture courtesy of Simon Price

03/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
10/04/2020: Added an image and updated history.

S.T. Patricia Hague FD58


Official Number: 162175
Yard Number: 541
Completed: 1930
Gross Tonnage: 365
Net Tonnage: 149
Length: 140.3 ft
Breadth: 24.6 ft
Depth: 13.3 ft
Engine: 96nhp T.3-cyl by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Speed: 11 knots
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley


27.09.1929: The board of Kingston Steam Trawling Co Ltd decided to build two distant water trawlers to a design submitted by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd.
18.12.1929: Contracts signed with the shipyard to build the ships at a cost of £14,975 each, this included C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd price to make the engine and boiler. (C. D. Holmes had become major shareholders in Cook, Welton & Gemmell so separate contracts involving the two companies were discontinued).
The names chosen were KINGSTON OLIVINE and KINGSTON CORAL. In the tender the shipyard included the option to build additional vessels to this design at the same price. This option was exercised and an additional vessel was ordered but due to amendments, a price of £15,050 was agreed. The name chosen was KINGSTON CYANITE.
Total cost with amendments, fishing gear and other equipment £16,970.12s 6d
15.5.1930: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.541) for Kingston Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as KINGSTON CYANITE (named by Mrs J. Flint, wife of skipper).
10.6.1930: Registered at Hull (H237).
12.6.1930: Completed trials and accepted (John William Lown, manager).
14.6.1930: Sailed on first trip to Icelandic grounds (Sk. J. Flint).
3.7.1930: At Hull landed 836 kits grossed £575 (depressed market).
9.1935: As a result of the Abyssinian crisis and failure of British diplomacy, the Government
authorised The Admiralty to procure twenty modern trawlers for conversion to minor war vessels.
4.10.1935: Sailed Hull for Icelandic grounds (Sk. J. Flint).
16.10.1935: The Admiralty requested a list of vessels in Kingston’s fleet including cost and earnings and from this list KINGSTON CORAL and KINGSTON CYANITE were chosen; an offer of £11,000 per vessel was accepted.
28.10.1935: At Hull landed last trip 687 kits grossed £586.
1.11.1935: In conducting Admiralty trials some faults were discovered.
13.11.1935: Trials completed successfully and accepted.
25.11.1935: Sold to The Admiralty. Price revised to £10,900.
29.11.1935: Hull registry closed. Fitted out as a “Berberis” class minesweeper (1-12pdr AA, 2- MGs (2 x 1)). Renamed HMS LAUREL (P.No.T.29).
1.1940: Based Grimsby M/S Group 92 (Sk. F. G. Blockwell RNR).
1.1942: Based Gibraltar M/S Group 92 (Ty/Sk. T. W. Morgan RNR).
3.1944: Fitted out as wreck dispersal vessel (P.No.4.417) and assigned to Operation Neptune – Normandy landings.
5.1944: Held in readiness at Port Talbot.
22.6.1944: Sailed Thames for Solent.
3.7.1944: Operation Neptune ended. Employed on wreck dispersal/recovery.
1947: Sold to Granton Trawling Co Ltd, Newhaven, Edinburgh (William Carnie, Jnr, manager). Registered at Granton as STRATHYRE (GN46).
1.1948: Special Survey at Leith.
6.1948: Restored and reclassed as a Steam Trawler at Leith.
1951: Sold to The Clifton Steam Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood.
1951: Granton registry closed.
1951: Registered at Fleetwood as PATRICIA HAGUE (FD58).
21.5.1955: Sold to BISCO and allocated to West of Scotland Shipbreaking Co Ltd, Troon.
23.5.1955: Delivered Troon Harbour from Fleetwood under own power (draughts 5’2”/15’6”).
26.5.1955: Breaking commenced.
15.6.1955: Beached (draughts 7’3”/5’6”).
22.6.1955: Rebeached.
23.6.1955: Rebeached.
8.9.1955: Breaking completed.
1.1956: Fleetwood registry closed.

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HMT Laurel

HMT Laurel
Picture reproduced under IWM Non-Commercial Licence

HMT Laurel

HMT Laurel
Picture reproduced under IWM Non-Commercial Licence

S.T. Patricia Hague FD58

S.T. Patricia Hague FD58
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

03/03/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
25/05/2017: Added image and removed FMHT watermarks.

S.D/T. Patria LT178 (Seasonal)


Official Number: 149235
Yard Number: 1033
Completed: 1916
Gross Tonnage: 140.33
Net Tonnage: 66.09
Length: 102.2 ft (31.15m)
Breadth: 20.7 ft (6.31m)
Depth: 9.7 ft (2.95m)
Built by Gebr. Boot, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands
Engine T.3-cyl and boiler by Burgerhout’s Maschfb., Rotterdam


1916: Completed by Gebr. Boot Scheepsbouwwerf “De Hoop”, Leiderdorp (Yd.No.1033) for N.V. Visscherij Exploitatie Maats “Witte Star”, IJmuiden as ATLANTIC (IJM256).
1919: Sold to Union des Pêcheries Maritimes S. A., Brussels & Ostend. R. Pelteir designated manager. Renamed IRMA. Registered at Fécamp, France.
1928: Sold to W. Loendersloot, IJmuiden. Renamed PATRIA (IJM19).
6.1930: Sold to John C. Hayward (21/64), Alexander D. Penman (21/64) & George F. Spashett (22/64), Lowestoft.
6.1930: IJmuiden registry closed.
1930: Re-measured 102.3 x 20.4 x 9.5 feet.
4.6.1930: Registered at Lowestoft (Part I & IV) as PATRIA O.N.149235 (LT178).
1932: Transferred to fish out of Fleetwood (Alex Keay, managing agent).
09.04.1932: Broken main steam pipe at Fleetwood.
14.11.1933: Broken propeller Fleetwood.
25.03.1935: Damaged in collision with Belgian motor boat at sea during a gale.
02.12.1937: Damaged in collision with steam drifter PRIMEVERE (LT345).
24.12.1937: Damaged H.P. cylinder at Milford Haven.
15.01.1938: Returned to Milford Haven with damage from heavy seas.
30.11.1939: Damaged in collision with steam drifter KIDDAW (LT361).
9.3.1939: Sold to Kittiwake Ltd, Lowestoft. John Victor Breach designated manager. Fishing out of Fleetwood during WW2.
19.01.1941: Broken propeller.
15.2.1941: Suffered boiler damage, steam trawler CONNI (SH107) connected and delivered Fleetwood.
05.06.1942: Broken tail shaft off Fleetwood.
7.5.1943: Typical wartime landing. 104 kits – cod/codling-13, plaice-31, flats-1, roker-50, gurnard-4, sole & prime-5.
19.11.1943: Towed the disabled trawler WARREN (GY1096) into Fleetwood.
03.11.1944: Damaged in collision with hopper at Fleetwood.
15.12.1944: Broken mainmast off Peel, I.O.M.
9.4.1945: R. H. Self designated manager.
28.2.1946: Sold to Jack Breach Ltd, Lowestoft. Charles W. Dance designated manager.
6.1946: Company taken over by Small & Co Ltd, Lowestoft.
26.6.1946: Owners re-styled The Shoals Fishing Co Ltd, Lowestoft. Charles W. Dance designated manager.
18.10.1947: At Lowestoft (Sk. H. G. Meen) landed 253 crans from Dowsing ground. Prunier Trophy winner.
26.10.1947: Stood by steam drifter MARGARET HIDE (LT 746) damaged by heavy weather.
1.12.1947: Broken propeller.
24.5.1948: Damaged stem and bow plating after striking quay at Aberdeen.
16.12.1949: Sprung mizzen mast in heavy weather.
4.10.1952: When entering Lowestoft in collision with steam trawler WITHAM (GY283).
8.11.1952: Put into Lowestoft with 77 of her complement of 91 nets damaged.
30.1.1954: Sold to Colne Fishing Co Ltd, Lowestoft for breaking up under White Fish Authority “scrap & build” programme. Dennis Arthur Stephens, manager. 8.8.1954: Sailed Lowestoft for Antwerp towing steam drifter BUCKLER (LT756) also sold for breaking up.
9.8.1954: Lowestoft registry closed.

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S.T Patria LT178

S.T Patria LT178
Picture courtesy of the Barry Banham Maritime Photo Collection

S.D/T. Patria LT178

S.D/T. Patria LT178
Picture courtesy of The Peter Green Collection

S.D/T. Patria LT178

S.D/T. Patria LT178
Picture courtesy of The Robert Durrant Collection

03/01/2009: Page published. 8 updates since then.
18/08/2017: Added an image and removed FMHT watermark.
10/07/2021: Updated history and technical details.

S.T. Parramatta FD182

Additional material supplied by Mike Thompson


Official Number: 98767
Yard Number: 460
Completed: 1891
Gross Tonnage: 143.87
Net Tonnage: 30.40
Length: 105.4 ft
Breadth: 20.6 ft
Depth: 11.0 ft
Built: Hepple & Co Ltd, North Shields
Engine: 360ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Hepple & Co Ltd, North Shields


24.8.1891: Launched by Hepple & Co Ltd, North Shields (Yd.No.460) for John E. A. Kelsall (64/64), Manchester as PARRAMATTA.
10.1891: Completed.
10.10.1891: Registered at Hull (H170). John E. A. Kelsall designated Managing owner. Fishing out of Fleetwood.
30.5.1897: Sold to Kelsall Brothers & Beeching Ltd (64/64), Manchester (John E. A. Kelsall & George Beeching, Fleetwood, manager).
9.1897: Hull registry closed.
4.9.1897: Registered at Fleetwood (FD182).
24.3.1899: Fleetwood registry closed. Transferred to Hull.
13.4.1899: Registered at Hull (H445).
28.3.1904: In North Sea (Sk. G. Smith). At 8.50am. struck steam trawler ADRIATIC (H448) (Sk. W. Wood) on port side while she was dead in the water boarding boat for cutter. Crew took to boat and picked up by steam trawler THRUSH (H703). At about 11.00am. ADRIATIC foundered. Returned to Hull with bows stove in and landed survivors.
22.5.1905: Lengthened to 119.0 ft 168g 63n.
22.5.1905: Hull registry closed on lengthening and vessel registered anew (H445).
10.10.1905: At Hull landed ten survivors of the barque DEA London for Frederikstad with a cargo of coke which foundered in the North Sea in heavy weather.
8.9.1911: Registered office transferred to Hull. George Beeching, Hull & John E. A. Kelsall, London designated managers.
12.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr) (Ad.No.679 later 814).
9.1915: Returned to owner at Hull.
29.5.1917: Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve.
1919: Released.
7.6.1919: John Slater, London appointed manager.
1925: Sold for breaking up.
29.6.1925: Hull registry closed “Broken up”.

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 S.T. Parramatta H445

S.T. Parramatta H445 Picture courtesy of The James Cullen Collection

03/01/2009: Page published. 5 updates since then.
17/09/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
10/07/2021: Updated history and technical details.