Additional information courtesy of Christine Simm
Official Number: 98753
Yard Number: 57
Completed: 1891
Gross Tonnage: 153.61
Net Tonnage: 61.87
Length: 101 ft
Breadth: 20.5 ft
Depth: 11 ft
Engine: C.2-cyl and boiler by Charles D. Holmes & Co, Hull
Built: Cochrane, Cooper & Schofield, Beverley
23.5.1891: Launched by Miss Beatrice Holmes, daughter of one of the owners, at Cochrane, Cooper & Schofield, Grovehill yard, Beverley (Yd.No.57) for Pickering & Haldane’s Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as CORMORANT.
31.7.1891: Completed. Henry A. L. Russell, designated manager.
1.8.1891: Registered at Hull (H156).
20.11.1893: When some 50 miles NE of Spurn at about 11.30am, sighted a foreign barque TONCHALD. The TONCHALD requested assistance and an agreement was made to tow the barque to the Humber. Two crew members of the trawler were transferred to supervise the tow and with great difficulty in the heavy sea, connected and commenced the tow. After about half an hour, the barque rose on a great wave, the tow parted, the chain flying up in the air and crashing down on the heads of Albro, the second hand and Waterman the steward. Both men falling on the deck senseless. Reluctantly the skipper decided to abandon a further attempt to connect and the boat took off the two crewmen from the barque, departing the scene at best speed for Hull. Arrived Hull in the late evening and the two were removed to the Infirmary, where doctors described their condition as most critical.
13.2.1904: Reported that the bosun, Marmaduke (Duke) Stocton (23) had been washed overboard.
23.2.1906: Sold to Christopher Pickering, Hull.
6.1908: New boiler fitted.
1.2.1912: One of a group of trawlers transferred to Blyth, including PETREL (H222), CONDOR (H247) and PRINCE of wALES (H136).
9.3.1912: Sold to Port of Blyth Steam Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Blyth. John E. Rushworth designated manager.
4.4.1912: Registered at Blyth (BH81), J. Oldman skipper.
15.4.1912: Hull registry closed.
20.6.1912: At Blyth Magistrates Court, crew member, Augustus Durbin, fisherman, was charged with stealing from the trawler fish to the value of 5s. Having heard all the evidence and the fact that theft of fish was rife in the port, with 280 fishermen employed, Durbin was fined 5s and costs or 10 days imprisonment.
21.9.1912: At a special Police Court at Blyth, Charles Winpenny was charged with having deserted from the trawler and also disobeying the orders of the skipper. Having heard evidence the defendant was remanded until 24th June for sentencing. No further report.
4.12.1912: At Blyth Police Court, Frederick Coates, fisherman, was sent to goal for seven days for having disobeyed the command of the skipper to join the trawler.
7.1913: Reported that Blyth fish market was to close and the Blyth fleet to be transferred to Grimsby. Negotiations concluded between the Port of Blyth Steam Fishing & Ice Co Ltd and Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Grimsby whereby the latter took over management of the Blyth boats. John D. Marsden, Grimsby designated manager.
17.12.1913: Five steam trawlers were offered for sale by auction in London by Messrs H. E. Moss & Co. The offers were as follows, but in no case did they reach the reserve and all five were withdrawn – CONDOR, £1,751; PETREL, £1,500; CORMORANT, £1,500; PRINCE of WALES, £1,600; COLLINGWOOD (GY1229) £1,500.
2.1914: Sold to Arthur Cargill, Hull; Edward Cargill Jnr, Fleetwood and George Cargill, Hull (Cargill Brothers, Fleetwood) for the sum of £1,710.
2.3.1914: Proposal for change of name submitted to Marine Department, Board of Trade.
3.1814: Registered at Blyth as NIBLICK (BH81).
23.3.1914: First landing at Fleetwood, 10 boxes.
13.6.1914: Landed 100 boxes.
22.6.1914: As a result of the dispute existing between the Fleetwood Fishing Vessel Owners’ Association Ltd and the Humber Amalgamated
Steam Trawlers Engineers’ and Firemen’s Union (Fleetwood Branch) concerning the dismissal of the ASHLYN Ch.Eg, one of 53 trawlers ‘held up’ at the port.
24.6.1914: Following a meeting between Association and Union representatives, Ch Eng re-instated, all action withdrawn.
27.8.1914: Landed 150 boxes.
10.9.1914: Messrs Cargill gave a box of cod to be sold by Mr C. W. Frith for the benefit of the Prince of Wales’ National Relief Fund. The box was decorated and bore several ‘skits’ on the Kaiser. Bidding was spirited the box finally being knocked down to Mr Charles Hudson (Messrs Hudson Bros) for the sum of £6. Mr Cargill intends to give a box of fish from each voyage of the trawler.
26.10.1914: The third box of cod from the trawler was sold three times. It was first purchased by Mr A. Marr for £4 15s and given back for auction again, the second buyer was Mr Harold Rowton who paid £3 and also gave it back. The box was then forwarded to Mr John Duncan at Liverpool Wholesale Fish Market who sold the contents individually for 29s downwards, the contents of the box realising £10.
9.11.1914: On a trip to Tory Island/Donegal Bay grounds (Sk. Herbert Percy Jones). At about 00.12am observed by James Carroll, Tory Island, steaming off the island. With a crew of seven went out by boat to the trawler and saw that she was fishing. He called out to the trawler “ BH81 you’re caught fishing inside the limits.” There was no reply and no lights, later the trawler was seen heading in the direction of Malin Head.
30.1.1915: Fishing in Liverpool Bay (Sk. George Trees Birch), sighted a steamer explode. Hauled gear and proceeded to scene. At about 2.00pm when some 18 miles NW 1/2 N of Bar Lightship, picked up 11 crew members from the Anglesey Steamship Co’s coaster LINDA BLANCHE (530grt/1914) (Capt Ellis), on charter to the Belfast Steamship Co Ltd. At 12.30pm the coaster had been stopped by U-boat (U.21) while on passage Manchester – Belfast with general. Given ten minutes to leave the coaster and in two boats pulled away, the Germans having told Capt Ellis that there was a trawler to the west that would pick them up. Explosive charges were placed in the wheelhouse and in the forecastle, when these exploded the trawler sank in position 53.34N 03.51W. Landed survivors at Fleetwood at 8.00 p.m. The port of Fleetwood was closed by The Admiralty.
12.2.1915: At Falcarragh Petty Sessions, Co. Donegal, Sk. Jones charged by Irish Fisheries Board with being in prohibited waters off Tory Island on 9 November 1914. Having heard evidence from several witnesses, including James Carroll, the magistrates found the case fully proved and were unanimous in imposing a fine of £100 and costs of £150 4 5d. A second charge of being in prohibited waters off Tory Island on 20 November 1914 was also before the court. However, prosecuting solicitor for the Board added that Sk. Jones (sic) had rescued the crew of the coaster LINDA BLANCHE the previous month and the Board were not disposed to inflict any penalty upon the master of this vessel. They had, therefore directed the prosecution to be withdrawn upon payment of costs.
5.1915: Sold to Tena Wood (16/64); Niels Fischer (16/64); Harry Wood (16/64) and Arthur Smith (16/64), Grimsby.
7.5.1915: Fishing in the North Sea in thick fog, in collision with Hull steam trawler HORNSEA (H 485), working as a single boater and severely damaged. Crew taken off by boat from HORNSEA but as the trawler showed no sign of sinking, some crew put back onboard and tow connected.
8.5.1915: Arrived Humber at noon with skipper and crew and later delivered Grimsby for drydock and repair.
19.5.1915: Tena Wood, Niels Fischer and Harry Wood shares mortgaged to National Provincial Bank of England Ltd, London (E), (F), (G).
11.6.1915: Arthur Smith shares mortgaged to National Provincial Bank of England Ltd, London (H).
21.6.1915: Blyth registry closed.
21.6.1915: Registered at Grimsby (GY520).
8.7.1915: Mortgages (E), (F), (G) and (H) transferred to Henry Croft Baker and John Lawrence Green, Grimsby jointly.
1.9.1915: All four mortgages discharged.
2.9.1915: Arthur Smith (16/64) and Niels Fischer (16/64) shares sold to Harry Wood and Tena Wood, Grimsby jointly.
3.9.1915: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) (Harry Wood (32/64) and Tena Wood (32/64)) to Henry Croft Baker and John Lawrence Green, Grimsby jointly (I), (J).
23.12.1915: At Grimsby Magistrate’s Court, Harry Tugwesend , fisherman, fined 40s or 21 days imprisonment for failing to join the trawler as order, his second offence.
23.9.1916: At Grimsby Magistrate’s Court, John James Risdale, fisherman, pleaded guilty of disobedience in failing to join the trawler at sailing time. It was Risdale’s fifth appearance during the current year and he was sentenced to 21 days hard labour without the option of a fine.
29.5.1917: Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve.
1919: Released.
5.1919: New boiler fitted (made 12.1905).
1920: Sold to Harry Wood & Co (Grimsby) Ltd, Grimsby. Harry Wood designated managing owner.
1923: Repossessed by mortgagees in respect of mortgages (I) and (J).
15.11.1923: At Blackpool Bankruptcy Court, Henry (aka Harry) Wood (36), fish buyer, Claremont Avenue, Blackpool appeared for public examination. Statement of affairs showed gross liabilities £58,339 of which £47,616 is expected to rank, with estimated assets nil. Debtor attributed his failure to a slump in steam trawlers in 1920 and heavy losses in the trawling business. Wood was in business as a fish merchant in Grimsby and in 1915 took a quarter share in the trawler. A profit was made and two partners left taking £375 each. His two brothers came in committing £50 each. Other trawlers were bought, until they owned five. Wood also had a third share in Mayfair Steam Fishing Co Ltd, putting in £2,500 in cash and an eighth share in the Nautical Steam Fishing Co Ltd finding £1,250. His house was mortgaged and he was being pressed for payments so he sold three ships and possession was taken of the remainder. He became aware of his insolvency in 1920 with two debts, amounting together of £1,785, both in respect of super-tax on excess profits during 1919 and 1920. He was now a fish merchant operating as manager of his wife’s business trading as ‘ Wood and Wood ‘ at Fleetwood. Examination adjourned to 14 December. Nothing further noted.
12.1924: Sold for breaking up.
16.12.1924: Grimsby registry closed “Broken up”.
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S.T. Niblick BH81
Painting by William Blow from the original painting by F. JAMES
31/12/2008: Page published. 4 updates since then.
27/10/2017: Removed FMHT watermark.
25/06/2021: Updated history.
21/07/2022: Significant update to history.