Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Nettle FD342

Additional information courtesy of Andy Hall and Colin Reed


Official Number: 121230
Yard Number: 311
Completed: 1905
Gross Tonnage: 173.26
Net Tonnage: 64
Length: 110.4 ft
Breadth: 22 ft
Depth: 11 ft
Built: Mackie J Thomson, Govan
Engine: C.2-cyl by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge


19.4.1905: Launched by Mackie & Thomson, Govan (Yd.No.311) for Charles Finlay Paton, Glasgow (trading as Glasgow Trawling Co Ltd, Glasgow) as NETTLE.
5.1905: Completed.
17.5.1905: Registered at Glasgow (GW11). Charles Finlay Paton designated managing owner. Crewed and operated from Granton.
19.11.1906: On fishing grounds 30 miles E from North Berwick collided with trawler U.S.A. (GN25) sustaining considerable bow damage.
5.9.1907: In Firth of Clyde between Cumbrae and Bute, in collision with and sank bucket dredger CALEDONIAN (249g/1875). Arrived Greenock with severe damage to bow and starboard shell plates.
1912: Sold to Patons’ Trawlers Ltd, Glasgow. Charles F. Paton designated manager.
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 69.45net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
7.1918: Sold to Port St. Mary Fishing & Curing Co Ltd, London. Charles Jeffs Jnr, Cleveleys designated manager.
25.07.1918: Sailed Fleetwood for Icelandic grounds in company with J. BAELS-MAURICX (FD362) (Sk. George Cooke), senior ship and MANNOFIELD (A526) (Sk. B. Hume, Blackpool).
7.8.1918: Around noon, from a position off Vestmannaeyjar, streamed log and in company set course for home.
9.8.1918: At about 2.30pm. when some 63 miles NW of St. Kilda, sighted a submarine on the surface, which closed and when about 4,500yds away opened fire the shells falling ahead, either side and astern. Sk. George Cook ordered the NETTLE to keep clear, withdrew and laid to ready to respond to any call for assistance (see J. BAELS-MAURICX and MANNOFIELD for action details). After about 3 1/2 hours of shelling by the submarine and the two trawlers, observed the submarine withdrawing; closed J. BAELS-MAURICX and after discussion set course in company for Castlebay, Barra.
10.8.1918: At Castlebay after the wounded had been attended to, it was agreed to sail for Fleetwood, a distance of about 250 miles, keeping inside the islands; sailed for Fleetwood at 9.30pm.
12.8.1918: At 9.00am. passed Lune Buoy and came to anchor, proceeded to Wyre Dock on the afternoon tide and reported incident to Lieut. James A. Robertson OBE RNVR, Port Fishery Commander.
5.9.1918: At the Wyre Dock Cafe a a luncheon was held presided over by Lieut. Robertson in his role as president of the Fleetwood Fishing Vessel Owners’ Association. This was followed by an address and presentation by Cdr Abbott RN of a gold watch and gold albert to each skipper and silver watches, all suitably inscribed, to all crew members of the three trawlers.
8.1919: Granton registry closed.
8.8.1919: Registered at Fleetwood (FD342).
1919: Joseph A. Taylor, Fleetwood designated manager.
10.11.1919: Sold to The Nettle Trawler Co Ltd, London. Benjamin Allenby c/o Sam Isaacs Ltd, Aberdeen designated manager.
28.11.1919: Fleetwood registry closed.
14.1.1920: Registered at Aberdeen (A262).
11.1921: The Nettle Trawler Co Ltd in liquidation. Laid up at Pointlaw, Aberdeen.
12.12.1921: Advertised for sale by John Fraser, Liquidator, along with steam trawler Diana (FD135). Last Lloyd’s survey 10.1919. Vessel in good order, recently overhauled and extensive repairs carried out and sold with all gear on board as she lies.
13.1.1922: Sold to Charles Finlay Paton, Glasgow. Charles Finlay Paton designated managing owner.
1925: Sold to Joseph A. Taylor, Fleetwood.
18.9.1925: Aberdeen registry closed.
19.9.1925: Registered at Fleetwood (FD61). Harold Taylor designated manager.
1926: Sold to Bourne Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood. Joseph A. Taylor & Harold Taylor designated joint managers.
11.1931: Fishing off the Butt of Lewis caught a strange creature 38ft long, tail 6ft across and weighing about four tons. In attempting to bring it aboard the rigging and stays of the mast were carried away and the verandah under the wheelhouse smashed. The creature was carried for about 30 miles but space was needed on deck and it was thrown overboard further damaging the rigging and mast stays.
1933: Sold for breaking up.
2.11.1933: Fleetwood registry closed “Broken up”.

29/12/2008: Page published. 6 updates since then.
21/07/2016: Information updated.
28/06/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
15/06/2018: Information update.
22/02/2020: Removed incorrect image and text.

S.T. Nellie Melling FD25

Additional information courtesy of Bill Blow


Admiralty Number: 4415
Official Number: 143889
Yard Number: 642
Completed: 1918
Gross Tonnage: 203
Net Tonnage: 87
Length: 115.4 ft
Breadth: 22.1 ft
Depth: 12.1 ft
Built: Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: Engine: 430ihp T.3-cyl by James Abernethy & Co, Aberdeen (built 1917)
Boiler: Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


9.9.1918: Launched by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd. No.642)(“Strath” class) for Admiralty as THOMAS BURNHAM (Ad.No.4415).
29.9.1918: Completed (1-12pdr).
27.11.1919: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part I) as THOMAS BURNHAM O.N.143889.
1919: Allocated to Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries and engaged in commercial trawling.
01.01.1920: Landed at Milford.
1920: Allocated to the National Fishery Scheme for the setting up of the Minesweepers’ Cooperative Trawling Society Ltd, London.
13.08.1920: Minesweepers’ Cooperative Trawling Society Ltd, London registered.
08.1920: At HM Dockyard, Pembroke completed fitting out for fishing under Special Survey of Lloyd’s Register and classed 100A1 Stm Trawler at Milford.
13.08.1920: Minesweepers’ Cooperative Trawling Society Ltd, London registered.
24.08.1920: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part IV) (LO446).
11.1921: Sold to Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co (Grimsby) Ltd (64/64), Grimsby. John Denton Marsden desgnated manager.
28.11.1921: London registry closed.
7.12.1921: Registered at Grimsby (GY1325).
13.2.1922: Registered at Grimsby as FLORIBELLE (GY1325) (BoT Minute M/R.G.36930 dated 20.1.1922)
15.11.1923: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to London Joint City & Midland Bank Ltd, London (A).
27.11.1923: Mortgagee restyled Midland Bank Ltd, London.
4.3.1924: John D. Marsden knighted.
29.6.1927: Owners re-styled Consolidated Fisheries Ltd, Grimsby (Sir John D. Marsden, Bart, manager).
24.7.1928: Mortgage (A) discharged.
25.7.1928: Sold to Archibald Glen Brown (64/64), Granton.
26.7.1928: Grimsby registry closed.
26.7.1928: Registered at Granton (GN80).
26.7.1928: Archibald Glen Brown designated managing owner.
1932: Sold to Alexander W. Gardner, North Shields. Alexander W. Gardner designated managing owner.
1933: Registered at North Shields as COPIEUX (GN80).
1933: Granton registry closed.
21.4.1933: Registered at North Shields (SN157).
3.1938: Sold to George Cormack, Aberdeen. George Cormack desgnated managing owner.
25.2.1938: North Shields registry closed.
28.2.1938: Registered at Aberdeen (A465).
27.11.1939: Requisitioned for war service designated as a minesweeper (Hire rate £60.18.0d/month).
3.2.1940: Returned to owner.
10.1942: Sold to Milford Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Milford Haven.
5.10.1942: Aberdeen registry closed.
12.10.1942: Registered at Milford (M183). James C. Ward designated manager.
6.1945: Sold to The River Ness Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen for £12,500.
2.9.1945: Milford registry closed.
4.10.1945: Registered at Aberdeen (A599). George Craig designated manager.
13.5.1949: Sold to Mellings Ltd, Fleetwood .
17.5.1949: Aberdeen registry closed.
18.5.1949: Registered at Fleetwood (FD25). William Melling, designated manager.
7.7.1949: First landing at Fleetwood, 177 boxes, £718 gross.
7.1949: Registered at Fleetwood as NELLIE MELLING (FD25).
20.7.1949: First landing, 276 boxes, £1056 gross.
1.2.1954: Fishing off Isle of Man (Sk. Harry Buckley). On hauling found body in trawl. Skipper ordered body to be put back in water. (Body believed to be one of seven airman from RAF B29 Washington aircraft missing in area, 5.1.1954).
3.1955: Sold to Alexander Hay & John Main, Aberdeen.
25.3.1955: Fleetwood registry closed.
26.5.1955: Registered at Aberdeen (A17). Alexander Hay designated managing owner.
5.7.1955: Registered at Aberdeen as GIRDLENESS (A17) (MoT&C.A. Minute R.S.S.8/1/0494 dated 18.6.1955).
4.7.1957: Stranded near Cantick Head; Longhope lifeboat stood by.
7.7.1957: Refloated after jettisoning most of her bunkers. Returned to Aberdeen but declared CTL.
8.1957: Sold BISCO and allocated to G. & W. Brunton, Grangemouth for breaking up.
11.9.1957: Arrived Grangemouth under tow from Aberdeen.
25.9.1957: Delivered.
3.12.1957: Aberdeen registry closed “Vessel broken up at Grangemouth.”

(Thomas Burnham, AB (volunteer), age 30, b. Fareham. Hampshire – ROYAL SOVEREIGN (SB400))

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S.T. Girdle Ness A17

S.T. Girdle Ness A17
Picture courtesy of Grimsby Reference Library

29/12/2008: Page published. 6 updates since then.
09/11/2011: Removed FMHT watermarks from image.
20/06/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Nellie Braddock FD175


Official Number: 132415
Yard Number: 385
Completed: 1913
Gross Tonnage: 314
Net Tonnage: 128
Length: 130.1 ft
Breadth: 23.6 ft
Depth: 13.3 ft
Built: J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: T.3-cyl by J. Abernethy & Co, Aberdeen


6.3.1913: Launched by J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.385) for The Clifton Steam Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood as Nellie Braddock.
14.4.1913: Registered at Fleetwood (FD175).
4.1913: Completed (Joseph A. Taylor & Ernest Tomlinson, managers).
11.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr) (Ad.No.521).
5.12.1914: Reported that vessel had stranded near Ballylumford, Islandmagee, Co. Antrim whilst minesweeping.
6.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
1924: William W. Brierley appointed manager.
8.6.1930: In Wyre Channel, one of 23 trawlers inbound, grounded on west side, refloated but a few hundred yards from lock pit came fast on Tiger’s Tail. Working engine refloated after two hours but came fast again on a falling tide, completely blocking channel. Refloated on next tide and entered Wyre Dock.
2.4.1936: In collision in Donegal Bay with steam trawler ESCALLONIA (GY631); sustained damage to stem and shell plating at bow.
Pre 8.1938: Laid up at Fleetwood.
1939: Sold to Thos W. Ward Ltd, Sheffield for breaking up at Preston.
5.5.1939: Fleetwood registry closed “Broken up”.

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S.T. Nellie Braddock FD175

S.T. Nellie Braddock FD175
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

S.T. Nellie Braddock  FD175

S.T. Nellie Braddock FD175
Picture courtesy The David Slinger Collection

29/12/2008: Page published. 6 updates since then.
30/05/2016: Information updated.
10/09/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
19/06/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Nelis FD119

Additional information courtesy of Bill Blow


Official Number: 160819
Yard Number: 1030
Completed: 1928
Gross Tonnage: 347
Net Tonnage: 135
Length: 140.3 ft
Breadth: 24 ft
Depth: 13.3 ft
Engine: 600ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby


30.10.1928: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.1030) for Pickering & Haldane’s Steam Trawling Co Ltd (64/64), Hull as LORD MELCHETT.
7.1.1929: Registered at Hull (H1).
1.1929: Completed (Albert Turgoose & James Clarke, joint managers).
17.8.1939: Sailed Hull for Iceland (Sk. P. M. Pedersen).
1.9.1939: At Hull landed 973 kits grossed £949.
9.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.672) (Hire rate £163.7.7d/month). Based Harwich with M/S Group 5.
04.1944: Fitted out for dan laying and assigned to Operation Neptune – Normandy landings.
23.5.1944: Attached to the 6th Minesweeping Flotilla as a dan layer.
15.06.1940: Sailed Thames for Normandy having been delayed with engine trouble.
3.7.1944: Operation Neptune ended.
20.06.1945: Sold to Lord Line Ltd (64/64), Hull.
30.4.1946: Released.
5.1946: Returned after survey and restoration at Greenock.
5.1948: Sold to The Premier Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Grimsby. Bill Butt appointed manager.
5.1948: Hull registry closed.
13.5.1948: Registered at Grimsby (GY577).
10.7.1948: Renamed NELIS (GY577) (MoT Minute.R.G.No.1257/1948 dated 15.6.1948).
8.12.1949: In court at Hammerfest, Sk.??? fined £740 with £750 costs for trawling inside the Norwegian four mile limit.
29.3.1955: Sold to The Great Western Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Aberdeen.
30.3.1955: Basil Arthur Parkes, North Ferriby appointed manager.
12.7.1955: Sold to Fern Leaf Co Ltd (64/64) Fleetwood.
21.7.1955: William Newton appointed manager.
21.7.1955: Grimsby registry closed.
7.1955: Registered at Fleetwood (FD119).
16.4.1957: Sold to BISCO and allocated to Thos. W. Ward Ltd, Sheffield for breaking up.
17.4.1957: Arrived Preston.
7.1957: Fleetwood registry closed.

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S.T. Lord Melchett H1

S.T. Lord Melchett H1
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Nelis FD119

S.T. Nelis FD119
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Nelis GY577

S.T. Nelis GY577
Picture courtesy of The Billy Worrall Collection

29/12/2008: Page published. 4 updates since then.
29/03/2017: Removed FMHT logo and posted image.
27/02/2022: Added an image.
15/05/2024: Added an image.

S.T. Nancy Hague FD133

Additional information courtesy of Bill Blow


Official Number: 132406
Yard Number: 470
Completed: 1911
Gross Tonnage: 299
Net Tonnage: 121
Length: 130.5 ft
Breadth: 23 ft
Depth: 13.2 ft
Engine: 525ihp T.3-cyl by Shields Engineering Co Ltd, North Shields
Boiler: Richardsons Westgarth & Co Ltd, Middlesbrough
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough


1911: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.470) for The New Docks Steam Trawling Co (Fleetwood) Ltd, Fleetwood as NANCY HAGUE.
6.6.1911: Registered at Fleetwood (FD133).
6.1911: Completed. Ernest Tomlinson designated manager)
18.3.1915: Requisitioned for war service (Ad.No.1360). Commissioned at Fleetwood.
21.3.1915: Arrived Devonport.
26.3.1915: Mounting fitted, gun not available. Fitted with modified mine-sweep.
30.3.1915: Allocated Unit 85 – Section D based at St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly (Sk. T. Farley RNR).
21.12.1915 – 28.12.1915: Refit at Falmouth. Relief KING FREDERICK (Ad.No.2659).
10.1916: Allocated Unit Nos. 85, 87, 147 – Sections C, D, E, F 3rd Division based Isles of Scilly (Sk. T. Farley RNR ). Fitted 1-3pdr.
1.10.1918: At St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly for General Patrol and Escort work.
1918: Joseph A. Taylor & Ernest Tomlinson Ltd designated joint managers.
1919: Returned to owners.
1924: William W. Brierley designated manager.
1938: Sold to The Clifton Steam Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood.
9.1939: On a trip to St. Kilda ground (Sk. Reginald King).
18. 9.1939: Trawling WNW of St. Kilda. Stopped by U-boat (U.35) in position 58.09N 09.17W; tried to escape and made use of radio to send emergency signals. Examined i.a.w. Prisenordnung (Prize Regulations) Art.54. Seized along with ARLITA (FD188) and LORD MINTO (FD51), as the smallest and oldest and ships boats were not considered safe for crews, allowed to take both crews onboard before they were sunk by gunfire; returned to Fleetwood. At 2047 H M destroyers SOMALI (P.No.F33) and MATABELE (P.No.F26) detached to assist.
10.4.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a boom defence vessel (P.No.Z.166) (Hire rate £74.15.0d/month). Cost of conversion £20,524.
27.8.1942: Sold to Northern Trawlers Ltd, London. William A. Bennett designated manager. 23.11.1943: Compulsorily acquired by M.O.W.T.
10.2.1944: Fleetwood registry closed.
1944: Based at Fort William (D. MacBrayne Ltd, Glasgow, agents).
6.1946: Laid up for disposal. Estimated cost of re-conditioning £7,500.
3.1947: Sold to Kelvin Trawlers Ltd (64/64), Glasgow.
3.1947: Remeasured 284.7g 109.13n.
17.3.1947: Registered at Grimsby as KELVINDALE (GY463) (MoT Minute R.G.No.1663/1946 dated 20.11.1946).
7.3.1947: Ian Clarkson Macfarlane designated manager.
30. 6.1947: Grimsby registry closed.
3.7.1947: Registered at Aberdeen (A371).
1954: Sold to BISCO and allocated to Malcolm Brechin, Granton for breaking up.
26.2.1954: Arrived Granton from Aberdeen under own power.
10.3.1954: Aberdeen registry closed “Vessel broken up”.

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S.T. Nancy Hague FD133

S.T. Nancy Hague FD133
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

S.T. Nancy Hague FD133

S.T. Nancy Hague FD133
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

S.T. Kelvindale A371

S.T. Kelvindale A371
Picture from The Internet

29/12/2008: Page published. 5 updates since then.
14/04/2015: Picture added.
08/10/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
30/09/2020: Added an image and updated history.