Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Moth FD167

Additional information courtesy of Göran Ollson


Official Number: 98736
Yard Number: 24
Completed 1891
Gross Tonnage: 149
Net Tonnage: 48
Length: 100.5 ft
Breadth: 20.5 ft
Depth: 10.7 ft
Engine: C.2-cyl by Muir & Houston, Glasgow
Built: Mackie & Thomson, Govan


22.4.1891: Launched by Mackie & Thomson, Govan (Yd.No.24) for The British Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as MOTH.
5.1891: Completed (William L. Robins, manager).
21.5.1891: Registered at Hull (H139).
2.11.1912: Sold to James Alexander Robertson, Fleetwood (managing owner).
15.11.1912: Hull registry closed.
16.11.1912: Registered at Fleetwood (FD167).
7.12.1912: The Lancashire Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Fleetwood (James A. Robertson, manager).
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 55.16 net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
6.1914: Sold to Fiskeri A.B. Sälen, Gothenburg (A. Th. Assmundsson, manager).
1.7.1914: Fleetwood registry closed
7.1914: Registered at Gothenburg as GILBERT (GG584).
28.8.1918: At about 1910 left fishing grounds off Hirtshals, Denmark for the Swedish west coast in company with Gullholmen steam trawler GUERNSEY (LL936).
29.8.1918: In the early morning in bad weather with SE wind and drizzle, when approaching Mastrandsfjord with the intention of sailing the inshore route from Marstrandsfjorden to Gothenburg, between 0200 and 0300 they met an outbound steamer. GILBERT went ahead of the steamer and GUERNSEY behind and just after the steamer passed the crew of GUERNSEY heard a loud explosion from the direction of the GILBERT. There is no doubt that the GILBERT had been mined, but in view of the weather and the possibility of further mines the crew of the GUERNSEY refused to go near the area where the GILBERT was lost with her crew of ten. Gothenburg registry closed.

29/12/2008: Page published. 6 updates since then.

S.T. Morgan Jones FD129


Official Number: 143830
Yard Number: 4
Completed: 1918
As built: 360disp 125.6 x 23.5 x 12.8 feet
Gross Tonnage: 278
Net Tonnage: 116
Length: 125.0 ft
Breadth: 23.5 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Built: Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Ltd, Limehouse, London
Engine: 480ihp T.3-cyl by Fraser & Chalmers Ltd, Erith


1918: Launched by Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Ltd, Limehouse, London (Yd.No.4) (“Castle” class) for The Admiralty as MORGAN JONES (Ad.No.3845).
10.3.1918: Completed (1-12pdr, Hydrophone and W/T).
14.11.1919: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part I) as MORGAN JONES O.N.143830.
18.11.1919: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part IV) (LO116).
1920: Sold to Mills Steamship Co Ltd, London. Frederick B. O’Meara designated manager.
1920-1930: Local managers/agents at Milford, Brand & Curzon.
11.1930: Transferred to Hull.
25.7.1939: Insured value £5,000.
Pre 4.1940: Employed on Fishery Protection (Nore/Humber/Hull).
11.6.1940: At Hull last landing before requisitioning. Faroe trip, 14 days – 444kits £668 gross.
1940: Sold to The Dinas Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood. David N. Marr designated manager)
1.6.1940: Requisitioned for war service as an auxiliary patrol vessel (P.No. 4.114).
2.6.1940: Hire rate £83.8.0d/month.
1940: Based North Shields (Ty/Sk. P. S. Ellerby RNR).
1942: Based Tyne (1-12pdr).
4.1945: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
11.1945: London registry closed.
8.11.1945: Registered at Fleetwood (FD129).
3.1957: Sold to BISCO and allocated to West of Scotland Shipbreaking Co Ltd, Troon for breaking up.
22.3.1957: Arrived Troon Harbour from Fleetwood under own power (5’3”/15’0”).
27.3.1957: Breaking commenced.
13.6.1957: Beached (5’2”/9’9”).
13.9.1957: Breaking completed.
25.11.1957: Fleetwood registry closed.

(Morgan Jones, AB (prest), age 23, b. Carnarvon, North Wales – VICTORY (SB823))

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S.T. Morgan Jones FD116

S.T. Morgan Jones FD116
Picture from the Internet

27/12/2008: Page published. 3 updates since then.
18/06/2021: Updated history and technical details.
03/11/2023: Added an image.

S.T. Moray GN105


Admiralty Number: 3848
Official Number: 147964
Yard Number: 1315
Completed: 1919
Gross Tonnage: 206
Net Tonnage: 79
Length: 115.4 ft
Breadth: 22.1 ft
Depth: 12.1 ft
Built: Rennie Forrestt Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co Ltd, Wivenhoe
Engine (1): C.4-cyl 11” & 22” – 10” steam engine driving experimental water jet propulsion and new boiler fitted by R. & H. Green & Silley Weir Ltd, Blackwall.
Engine (2): 430ihp T.3-cyl by Plenty & Son Ltd, Newbury.


9.1918: Launched by Rennie Forrestt Shipbuilding, Engineering & Dry Dock Co Ltd, Wivenhoe (Yd.No.1315) (“Strath” class) for The Admiralty as HENRY JENNINGS (Ad.No.3848).
1919: Towed to Thames for machinery installation and completion by R. & H. Green & Silley Weir Ltd, Blackwall.
1919: 2 x C.2-cyl 11” & 22” – 10” steam engines driving centrifugal pumps for experimental water jet propulsion and boiler fitted by R. & H. Green & Silley Weir Ltd, Blackwall.
22.7.1919: Completed (W/T).
1920: Based at Portsmouth Torpedo School.
9.1920: Renamed URE.
1921: Experimental water jet propulsion replaced with conventional shafting and propeller.
1924: Re-engined with T.3-cyl (430ihp) by Plenty & Son Ltd, Newbury.
1924: Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Grimsby.
1924: Registered at Boston as ABY O.N.147964 (BN19). Fred Parkes, Wyberton, Boston designated manager.
1925: Sold to General Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Edinburgh.
12.1928: Boston registry closed.
27.12.1928: Registered at Granton as MORAY (GN105). Adam E. Noble, Leith designated manager.
7.5.1930: Company in voluntary liquidation.
4.6.1930: Advertised for sale along with BUCCLEUGH (GN27), LOTHIAN (GN5) and ROSEBERY (GN104).
1930: Registered to Archibald Glen Brown, Granton following purchase of assets of General Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Edinburgh. Archibald Glen Brown designated managing owner.
13.10.1932: Stranded near St. Monans, Fife. Refloated with bottom damage.
14.10.1932: Returned to Granton. Subsequent repair involved 10 shell plates and cost £100. Deckhand Peter Horne adjudged responsible and fined £5 for falling asleep.
1939: Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood. Basil Arthur Parkes designated manager. Fishing from Fleetwood.
16.4.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a patrol vessel (Hire rate £61.16.0d/month).
22.10.1941: Fitted as a water boat (boiler feed) with portable tanks.
10.11.1942: Employed on miscellaneous duties.
14.3.1943: Foundered off St. Ann’s Head, Pembrokeshire in heavy seas while employed as a victualling supply vessel. Granton registry closed.

(Henry Jennings, Private, Marine, age 27, b. Wolverhampton, Staffordshire – VICTORY (ML83))

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S.T. Moray GN105

S.T. Moray GN105
Picture courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

27/12/2008: Page published. 3 updates since then.
07/04/2018: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
17/06/2021: Updated details.

S.T. Loch Morar LO252


Official Number: 143800
Yard Number: 381
Completed: 1918
Gross Tonnage: 290 (279)
Net Tonnage: 119
Length: 125.5 ft
Breadth: 23.5 ft
Depth: 12.0 ft
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley
Engine: 480ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Amos & Smith
Speed 10.5 knots


2.11.1917: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.381) (“Castle” class) for The Admiralty as JOSEPH BARRATT (Ad.No.3586).
1.3.1918: Completed (1-12pdr, Hydrophone and W/T).
6.11.1919: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part I) as JOSEPH BARRATT O.N.143800. Engaged in commercial fishing.
1920: Sold to The Skomer Steam Shipping Co Ltd, Cardiff. Lewis Bull designated manager.
13.1.1920: Registered at London (Part IV) (LO252).
16.11.1923: Sold to Brand & Curzon Ltd, Milford Haven. Edward Brand & Charles Curzon designated managers.
3.6.1929: Sold to Arthur S. Bowlby, Harlow. Edward D. W. Lawford, Milford Haven designated manager.
6.7.1929: Registered at London as LOCH MORAR (LO252).
1930: Transferred to Fleetwood when Edward D. W. Lawford moved his vessels to the port.
1931: Sold to Vanessa Fishing Co Ltd, Fleetwood. Edward D. W. Lawford designated manager.
1932: Laid up at Fleetwood.
9.1932: Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood. Basil Arthur Parkes, Blackpool designate manager.
10.1933: Sold to Soc. Anon des Pécheries Saint Pierre, Boulogne (P. H. Ficheux, manager).
2.11.1933: London registry closed. Registered at Boulogne as SAINT BARNABE (B-??).
1.1934: Sold to C. J. H. Kirk, Fleetwood.
1.1934: Boulogne registry closed.
11.1.1934: Registered at Fleetwood as HARRY HAWKE (FD5).
3.1934: Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood. Basil Arthur Parkes, Cleveleys designated manager.
3.1934: Re measured 279g 108n.
11.12.1934: On West of Scotland grounds (Sk. George Birch). Responded to distress call from steam trawler DANE (H227) which had stranded the previous day on the West Dureberg Reef, off Monarch Islands, west of North Uist and had come afloat under own power but leaking. Stood by and escorted to Leverburgh, Isle of Harris for temporary repairs to be carried out.
7.1935: Sold to Caledonian Fishing Co Ltd, Hull. Harold Wright, designated manager.
10.7.1935: Fleetwood registry closed.
11.7.1935: Registered at Hull (H204).
29.7.1935: Registered at Hull as LOCH KINNORD (H204) (Ref. R.G.1290/35 dated 27.7.1935).
6.4.1939: Sold to Trident Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull.
26.4.1939: Registered at Hull as TILBURY NESS (H204) (Ref. R.G.1181/1939).
2.9.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No. NR) (Hire rate £83.14.0d/month).
1.11.1940: Bombed and sunk by heavy German air attack in the Thames Estuary. Sheerness based Special Service (AA) paddle steamer ROYAL EAGLE (1539grt/1932) (Ty Cdr. E. F. A. Farrow RNR) and M/S tug SALVO (161grt/1918) (Sk. E. L. Fiske RNR) stood by, returned fire and successfully picked up ten survivors. Ten crew MPK/dead*.
1941: Hull registry closed.

MPK* – Edward Bessey, 2nd Hand; Samuel T. Pybus, Ch Engineman; William Stephen, Act Engineman; Hugh Lockett, Signalman; Harold Terry, AB; David J. Addison, Seaman; James C. Blandford, William A Grainger and James D. Savage, Stokers.
Picked up but died.
Percy R. Randall, Seaman cook.

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S.T. Joseph Barratt LO252

S.T. Joseph Barratt LO252
Picture courtesy of The John Stevenson Collection

27/12/2008: Page published. 4 updates since then.
22/04/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
01/05/2017: Information updated.
18/11/2018: Information updated.

S.T. Montano M53


Official Number: 145066
Yard Number: 340k
Completed: 1917
Gross Tonnage: 269
Net Tonnage: 109
Length: 125.4 ft
Breadth: 22.5 ft
Depth: 12.2 ft
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley
Engine: 480ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull


Originally ordered by Hull Northern Fishing Co Ltd, Hull. Requisitioned by The Admiralty on the stocks, no instalment monies paid.
9.5.1917: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.340K) (non-standard “Castle” class) for The Admiralty as JAMES BERRY.
30.8.1917: Completed as an escort (1-12pdr).
19.10.1920: Registered by The Admiralty as a fishing vessel at London (LO478).
1923: Sold to Hull Northern Fishing Co Ltd, Hull (William R. Nowell, manager).
8.9.1923: London registry closed.
13.9.1923: Registered at Hull (H818).
22.10.1923: Renamed MONTANO (H818).
1.5.1929: Sold to Orontes Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby (William H. Johnston, manager).
7.5.1929: Hull registry closed.
8.5.1929: Registered at Grimsby (GY83).
11.1932: Sold to Southampton Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby (Henry P. Capron, manager).
31.5.1940: Requisitioned for war service as an auxiliary patrol vessel (Hire rate £78.9.2d/month).
9.1941: Fitted out as a magnetic minesweeper.
10.1943: Employed on miscellaneous naval duties.
10.1943: Sold to John C. Llewellin, Haverfordwest.
3.1944: Fitted out as a fuelling trawler (Esso) (33ton tank for refuelling diesel landing craft) (P.No.4.171). Assigned to Operation Neptune – Normandy landings.
23.5.1944: Assigned to Force U.
3.7.1944: Operation Neptune ended.
8.1944: Fitted out as a water carrier.
7.1945: Sold to John C. Llewellin; Joseph L. Yolland; John Yolland Jnr, Haverfordwest & Thomas S. Yolland, Swansea (John C. Llewellin, manager).
7.1945: Grimsby registry closed.
14.7.1945: Registered at Milford (M53).
1.1.1946: Messrs Yolland & Llewellin partnership dissolved.
2.1.1946: Returned.
3.1.1946: Transferred to Fleetwood.
15.1.1946: Sold to John Yolland Jnr, Joseph L. Yolland & Thomas S. Yolland, Milford Haven.
11.7.1946: Transferred to Yolland Brothers Ltd, Milford Haven (John Yolland, manager).
4.4.1949: Outward to fishing grounds (Sk. Rhymer). Off Barra in heavy seas, observed distress rockets and found Icelandic motor herring catcher/fish carrier ELDBORG (MB3) (280grt/1932) disabled with main engine damage. Connected for 250 mile tow to Fleetwood.
5.4.1949: Delivered Fleetwood where ELDBORG landed 2900 kits.
21.7.1949: Fishing with Hull skipper/mate at Iceland. Landed at Fleetwood 1117 kits, £2665 gross due to dispute at Milford with T&GWU.
4.1952: Transferred to Aberdeen.
17.3.1953: Sold to BISCO and allocated to Malcolm Brechin, Granton for breaking up.
26.3.1953: Arrived Granton from Aberdeen under own power.
26.3.1953: Milford registry closed.

(James Berry, Drummer, Marine, age 23, b. St. Johns, Norwich, Norfolk – VICTORY (ML5) killed in action 21 Oct 1805 at Trafalgar)

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S.T. Montano GY83

S.T. Montano GY83
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Montano GY83

S.T. Montano GY83
Picture from the Internet

27/12/2008: Page created.
10/05/2014: Picture added.
06/04/2018: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
16/06/2021: Updated information.