Category Archives: Steam Trawlers

S.T. Monimia FD266

Additional information courtesy of Mike Thompson


Official Number: 160825
Yard Number: 515
Completed: 1929
Gross Tonnage: 374
Net Tonnage: 156
Length: 140.3 ft
Breadth: 24.6 ft
Depth: 13.3 ft
Engine: 96nhp T.3-cyl and boiler by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Beverley
Speed: 10.9 knots


12.2.1929: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.515) for Henriksen & Co Ltd, Hull as MONIMIA.
13.3.1929: Registered at Hull (H43).
19.3.1929: Completed (Olaf H. Henriksen, Hessle, manager).
22.2.1931: At about 3.00 p.m. stood by Latvian steamer EVERLINE (3624grt/1899) adrift in violent snowstorm 3 miles N of Ramma Stacks, Shetland after dragging her anchor. Crew abandoned to Whalsay lifeboat; placed salvage crew onboard.
25.7.1939: Insured value £13,700.
8.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.677) (Hire rate £176.1.10d/month).
30.1.1942: Based Lowestoft (Lieut. H. G. Attenborough RNVR). Engaged German aircraft which subsequently crashed into the sea.
30.5.1946: Returned after survey and restoration at Blyth.
11.2.1947: Stranded on rocks at Sandnessjøen, Norway during a snow storm. Although precariously perched on the rocks the weather remained calm and she was refloated. Returned Hull for permanent repairs. Subsequently difficult to crew in Hull and this was probably the main reason for sale to Fleetwood.
14.2.1948: Sold to Scarisbrick Steam Trawlers (Fleetwood) Ltd, Fleetwood (The Clifton Steam Trawlers Ltd, managers).
2.1948: Hull registry closed.
25.2.1948: Registered at Fleetwood (FD266).
18.3.1948: First landing at Fleetwood, 900 boxes from a rough three week Norwegian Coast trip when only 100 hrs spent fishing.
1.12.1953: In response to broadcast steamed to assist VELIA (FD 116) in search for survivors from HILDINA (H222) which had capsized in approximate position 59.48N 5.14W, 50 miles N by W1/2W of Sule Skerry having come fast and broached. At 10. 16 am.VELIA proceeded to Stornoway with ten survivors. In deteriorating weather conditions continued search in company with MARGARET WICKS (FD265) until 1.37 pm. but no further survivors found although wreckage was sighted.
11.01.1956: On a west of Scotland trip (Sk. William Lloyd) fireman Jack Parker disappeared from the vessel. A subsequent search of the area in company with Wyre Vanguard failed to find him.
1956: Sold to B. J. Nijkerk S.A., Antwerp for breaking up.
24.5.1956: Sailed Fleetwood for Antwerp.
1957: Breaking up completed.
1.6.1956: Fleetwood registry closed.

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S.T. Monimia H43

S.T. Monimia H43
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Monimia H43

S.T. Monimia H43
Picture courtesy of The James Cullen Collection

S.T. Monimia FD266

S.T. Monimia FD266
Picture courtesy of The Anton Ramfjord Collection

S.T. Monimia FD266

S.T. Monimia FD266
Picture courtesy of The Anton Ramfjord Collection

S.T. Monimia H43

S.T. Monimia H43
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Monimia H43

S.T. Monimia H43
Picture courtesy of The Barry Banham Maritime Photo Collection

S.T. Monimia FD266

S.T. Monimia FD266
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

S.T. Monimia FD266
Picture courtesy of The David Buckley Collection

27/12/2008: Page published. 7 updates since then.
19/10/2018: Removed FMHT watermarks and added an image.
06/05/2019: Added an image.
12/05/2019: Added an image.
07/06/2019: Added an image.
16/06/2021: Updated information.
30/12/2024: Updated information.

S.T. Merse FD62

Additional information courtesy of Ian Wilson


Official Number: 136899
Yard Number: 408
Completed: 1914
Gross Tonnage: 296
Net Tonnage: 124
Length: 135.8 ft
Breadth: 23.1 ft
Depth: 12.3 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by Lidgerwood Ltd, Glasgow
Built: J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen


1914: Launched by J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen (Yd.No.408) for Mersey Steam Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood as MERSE.
17.12.1914: Registered at Fleetwood (FD62).
12.1914: Completed (Joseph A. Taylor, manager).
20.2.1915: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr) (Ad.No.980). Fitted as Leader.
22.5.1917: Sailed Clyde as escort for HMS RAMILLIES under tow for the Mersey with stern casting, rudder and shell plate damage aft sustained at launch and subsequent groundings in the Clyde. At 2.30 pm. when passing through the Cumbraes, mined off Garroch Head, Bute (Mine laid by U-boat (UC65) on 30.4.1917).
26.7.1917: Fleetwood registry closed “Lost on Admiralty service”.

(Lost – Ty/Lieut. Robert E.A. Fox RNR; Ty/Sk. Frederick R. Becket RNR; Alexander Flett, 2nd Hand; Cuthbert Price & David Ross, Enginemen; Alexander Mackay. Ldg Seaman; Edgar Dennis, AB; Edward M. Hulan, seaman (Newfoundland RNR); Thomas W. Owens, telegraphist; John C. Curl, O/telegraphist; William Corlett, John Higgins, John Jones, John Roberts, deckhands; Richard Roberts, George Stanton, trimmers; William A. Shoebottom, trimmer/cook.)

27/12/2008: Page published. 4 updates since then.

S.T. Merrydale (1) FD77


Official Number: 122942
Yard Number: 263
Completed: 1906
Gross Tonnage: 225
Net Tonnage: 72
Length: 125.2 ft
Breadth: 21.7 ft
Depth: 11.8 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge
Built: J. Duthie, Sons & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Boiler: A. & W. Dalglish, Pollockshaws, Glasgow


10.5.1906: Launched by J. Duthie, Sons & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.263) for Tettenhall Steam Fishing Co of Fleetwood Ltd, Fleetwood as MERRYDALE.
18.7.1906: Registered at Fleetwood (FD77), Louis Cohen, Norbreck designated manager.
31.7.1906: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Williams Deacon’s Bank Ltd, London (A).
31.7.1906: Completed.
11.8.1909: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to J. Marr & Son Ltd, Fleetwood B). James H. Marr designated manager.
9.10.1913: Mortgage (A) discharged.
10.10.1913: Mortgage (B) discharged.
10.10.1913: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to J. Marr & Con Ltd, Fleetwood (C).
1914: New boiler fitted.
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 91.11net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
7.5.1915: Requisitioned for war service (Ad.No.1759). Commissioned at Fleetwood.
8.5.1915: Arrived Devonport. Fitted with Hotchkiss 3pdr, carrying cruiser mine and mine-sweep. i.a.w. Area XIV Patrol Orders dated 30.3.1915. Allocated to Unit No.92 – Section D based Isles of Scilly (Sk.W. Bell RNR) .
9.1.1916-15.1.1916: Refit at Falmouth Relief KING FREDERICK (Ad.No.2659.
10.1916: Allocated to Unit No.62 – Section H, 3rd Division based Falmouth (Sk. W. Bell RNR) *.
1.10.1918: 1.10.1918: At Falmouth with ‘Trawler Sweepers’.
2.11.1916: James A. Robertson designated manager.
1.10.1918: Mortgaged (C) discharged.
18.10.1918: Sold to The Lancashire Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Fleetwood. James A. Robertson designated manager.
By 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
18.6.1919: Sold to Victory Steam Trawling Co (Fleetwood) Ltd, Fleetwood. Walter Morley designated manager)
1928: Sold to North Star Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen. John A. Harrow designated manager.
4.4.1928: Fleetwood registry closed.
10.4.1928: Registered at Aberdeen (A334).
1937: Sold to Metal Industries Ltd (£800) for breaking up at Rosyth, Fife (Contract No.15E).
5.1937: Delivered Rosyth from Aberdeen under own power.
2.6.1937: Breaking up commenced.
22.6.1937: Aberdeen registry closed “Broken up”.

*: Sk. William Bell RNR of Preston was awarded the DSC along with others “… in recognition of their services in minesweeping operations between the 1st April and 31st December, 1917”.

Click to enlarge images

Sk. William Bell D.S.C.

Sk. William Bell D.S.C.
Picture courtesy of The Val & Harry Silburn Collection

Letter from Admiralty

Letter from Admiralty
Picture courtesy of The Val & Harry Silburn Collection

William Bell's DSC

William Bell’s DSC
Picture courtesy of The Val & Harry Silburn Collection

27/12/2008: Page published. 5 updates since then.
14/06/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Meroa FD374


Official Number: 141955
Yard Number: 455
Completed: 1920
Gross Tonnage: 227
Net Tonnage: 94
Length: 123.3 ft
Breadth: 22.1 ft
Depth: 11.6 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by W. Beardmore & Co Ltd, Coatbridge
Built: J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen


3.3.1920: Launched by J. Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co, Aberdeen (Yd.No.455) for The Clifton Steam Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood as MEROA.
10.7.1920: Registered at Fleetwood (FD374).
7.1920: Completed (Joseph A. Taylor, manager).
18.7.1926: Sold to Harley & Miller Ltd, Liverpool (Richard H. Jones, New Brighton, manager).
23.7.1926: Fleetwood registry closed.
7.1926: Registered at Liverpool (LL37).
1929: Sold to Stephen Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Thomas Stephen, manager).
12.1929: Liverpool registry closed.
7.12.1929: Registered at Aberdeen (A73).
21.12.1929: Renamed JOHN STEPHEN (A73). (BT 1531/29)
7.1.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a boom defence vessel (Hire rate £52.10.0d/month).
16.1.1940: Returned to owner.
21.5.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.1662).
1943: Sold to J. Bennett (Wholesale) Ltd, London (William A. Bennett, manager).
11.1945: Returned to owner.
11.1946: Aberdeen registry closed.
11.1946: Registered at Grimsby (GY402).
10.1947: Sold to Shire Trawlers Ltd, London (William A. Bennett, manager).
4.1950: Sold to Northern Trawlers Ltd, London (William A. Bennett, manager).
8.1950: Sold for breaking up.
8.1950: Grimsby registry closed.

27/12/2008: Page published. 3 updates since then.

S.T. Maun FD81


Official Number: 122947
Yard Number: 802
Completed 1906
Gross Tonnage: 271
Net Tonnage: 114
Length: 130.6 ft
Breadth: 22.1 ft
Depth: 12.2 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by Shields Engineering Co Ltd, North Shields
Boiler: J. T. Eltringham & Co, South Shields
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, North Shields


4.9.1906: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, North Shields (Yd.No.802) for The “Wyre” Steam Trawling Co Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood as MAUN.
19.10.1906: Registered at Fleetwood (FD81). Richard C. Ward & John N. Ward designated joint managers.
10.1906: Completed.
24.12.1906: Vessel mortgage (64/64) to Lancaster Banking Co Ltd, Lancaster for account at 5% interest (A).
24.2.1909: John N. Ward appointed manager.
8.4.1909: Mortgage (A) discharged.
22.4.1909: Vessel mortgage (64/64) to The Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Co Ltd, Manchester for account at 5% interest (B).
10.4.1912: Magnus B. J. Wedum appointed manager.
16.1.1914: Mortgaged (B) discharged.
27.1.1914: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to The Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Co Ltd, Manchester (C).
8.1914: Requisitioned for war service. Commissioned at Fleetwood. as a minesweeper (1-6pdr) (Ad.No.122).
9.8.1914: Arrived Devonport for Special Trawler Reserve; when stored to sail for Lowestoft. Fitted with Hotchkiss Japanese 6pdr gun (No.154) and fitted out for minesweeping duties (Ad.No.122).
1914: Based Devonport with Unit 122 ‘Trawler ‘Sweepers‘.
1915: New boiler fitted.
29.6.1916: In strong SW wind, choppy sea and cloudy with rain patrolling in company with HM trawler BENTON CASTLE (Ad.No.1972) (SA1). When some 12 miles S of Eddystone sighted a boat awash containing two men. BENTON CASTLE lowered a boat and pulled towards the derelict but it was seen to capsize before they came alongside. One man picked up from the water but died almost immediately. Body landed at Plymouth. Boat salved and proved to be from the Guernsey registered cutter WATER LILY (38grt/1869).
13.12.1918: Mortgage (C) discharged.
10.1.1919: Sold to Noah Ashworth, Rowland Morris & Ernest Taylor (64/64 joint owners), Fleetwood. Joseph A. Taylor designated manager.
Post 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
31.12.1919: Sold to The Neva Steam Trawlers Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood. Joseph A. Taylor designated manager).
1924: William W. Brierley designated manager.
1928: Sold to Erenst & Weimar, IJmuiden.
1928: Sold to N.V. Stoomviss Maats “En Avant”, IJmuiden.
18.8.1928: Fleetwood registry closed.
8.1928: Registered at IJmuiden as EN AVANT (IJM73). Erenst & Weimar designated managers.
1930: Sold to N. V. Vereenigde Exploitatie Maats, IJmuiden. Registered at IJmuiden as UTRECHT (IJM73).
Pre1935: Sold to Vereenigde Steenkolenhandel N.V., IJmuiden. W. H. Arends designated manager.
1939: Sold to N.V. Visscherij Maats Ver Steenkolenhandel XXXI, IJmuiden. De Vem N.V., designated managers.
1940s: Fishing from Fleetwood. Bloomfield’s Ltd, Fleetwood managing agents.
1948: Sold to N.V. Zeevisscherij Maats De Hoop, IJmuiden. Registered at IJmuiden as DD HOOP (IJM73).
1954: Sold for breaking up.

Annex A

8.1914: Commissioned at Fleetwood. At Devonport. Fitted with Hotchkiss Japanese 6pdr gun (No.154) and fitted out for minesweeping duties (Ad.No.122). Based Devonport.
By 10.1916: Based Devonport – Unit No.121 ‘Trawler Sweepers’ (Sk. W.H. Sawyers RNR).
1919: Port for landing Stores, Armament and Moveable Fittings – Devonport. Port for Demobilising Personnel – Fleetwood.
1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.

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S.T. De Hoop IJM73

S.T. De Hoop IJM73
Picture courtesy of JanH (ShipsNostalgia)

27/12/2008: Page published. 4 updates since then.
30/12/2016: Information updated.