Category Archives: Steamers (Picture)

S.T. Hornrif IJM155 (Wartime visitor)

Additional information courtesy of Andy Hall and Jan Harteveld.


Official Number: 108585
Yard Number: 28
Completed: 1898
Gross Tonnage: 182 (As built 168)
net Tonnage: 68 (As built 93)
Length: 109.0 ft
Breadth: 21.1 ft
Depth: 10.4 ft
Built: Cumming & Ellis, Inverkeithing
Engine: 300ihp T.3-cyl by MacColl & Pollock Ltd, Sunderland


23.3.1898: Launched by Cumming & Ellis, Inverkeithing (Yd.No.28) for Muirhead’s Trawlers Ltd, Edinburgh as MOUNT CENIS.
4.6.1898: Trials in Firth of Forth. Attained speed of 11 knots.
6.1898: Completed. James Muirhead designated manager. Registered at Granton (Part I & IV) O.N.108585 (GN51)(5/1898).
19.10.1903: Alongside West Pier, Granton at low tide. Sk. William Jarvis and a Customs Officer rescued an engineer who had slipped from a ladder and fallen between the vessel and the pier. Taken to Leith Hospital with cut on his head.
Pre 1904: William G. Muirhead designated manager.
25.1.1904: Company to go into liquidation.
9.2.1904: At Cupar Sherrif’s Court, Sk. William Jarvis was fined £80 and fishing gear forfeited or 60 days imprisonment for illegal trawling inside the three mile limit in the Firth of Forth.
14.3.1904: Disabled with machinery problem 25 miles E of May Island. Liverpool steam trawler JABOO (LL358) connected and delivered Granton.
2.4.1904: In the afternoon at the height of a gale a small boat from the Russian schooner CECILIA was blown out into the Forth. A boat from the German schooner JOHANNES (101grt/1896) put out immediately and succeeded in overtaking the first boat, transferred two man and both proceeded to pull back to Granton. However, with the gale increasing both were driven seawards. Seeing the danger MOUNT CENIS slipped and proceeded to sea to recover the two boats. Approached the boats and wth great difficulty took hold of them and brought safely to Granton.
3.5.1904: Along with MOUNT BLANC (GN56); MMOUNT ROSA (GN55); MOUNT VISO (GN56) and SIMPLON (GN59) mortgaged to Joseph Constant (Shipbrokers) Ltd, London. Taken over in default of mortgage and offered for sale.
2.11.1904: Muirhead’s Trawlers Ltd in voluntary liquidation.
1.1905: Sold to Newhaven Trawlers Ltd, Edinburgh.
25.1.1905: Registered at Granton as Alert (GN52). Edward Walker, Newhaven designated manager.
26.1.1908: Arrested at 5.15pm. off May Island, Firth of Forth by Fishery cruiser BRENDA (174grt/1898) (Capt George C. Mackenzie) allegedly fishing within a prohibited area. At Cupar Sheriff Court Sk. Albert Norris failed to appear on the charges; evidence given in his absence that he was working the starboard trawl in a position some 2.5 miles 67° west of May Island. When approached by the Fishery cruiser no one was observed onboard and had to the summoned by the whistle. On boarding by the Second Officer, Thomas Guthrie, Sk. Norris laughed and took it as a joke; he thought that the BRENDA had gone to the Moray Firth. Having two previous convictions, the last one in March 1904, the Sheriff found the case proven and Norris £100 or alternatively sixty days imprisonment; trawl and gear confiscated.
9.6.1909: Advertised in Lloyd’s List “Under Owners’ instructions” by Thomas McLaren & Co, Glasgow, the High class Modern steam trawlers, HEATHER (GW6) and BLUEBELL (GW5). Also NETTLE (GW11) and GOWAN (GW9) along with ACTIVE (GN51) and ALERT (GN52).
21.06.1909: At Lerwick Sheriff Court Shetland, Skipper Hugh Robertson was fined £100 or alternatively sixty days imprisonment for illegally trawling near Fair Isle.
1909: Sold to Stoomtrawler-Visscherij Mij. “Holland I-IV”, IJmuiden. S. A. Bakker,designated manager. Granton registry closed. Registered at IJmuiden as OTOÑO (IJM155).
1910: Sold to N.V. Visscherij Mij. “Pesca”, IJmuiden. S. A. Bakker later P. Dijksen designated manager.
1923: Sold to N.V. Nationale Stoomvisscherij, IJmuiden. I. S. Groen designated manager. Registered at IJmuiden as ALBERT GROEN (IJM155).
1928: Sold to Stoomvisscherij Mij. “Die Scelvisch”, IJmuiden. G. de Rooy & L. S. J. Reijersberg designated managers. Registered at IJmuiden as AVILA (IJM155).
1934: Sold to N.V. Nationale Stoomvisscherij, IJmuiden. Donald J. Groen designated manager. Registered at IJmuiden as LEENTJE ELIZABETH (IJM155).
1938: Briefly registered at IJmuiden as PRINSES BEATRIX (IJM155). Reverted to LEENTJE ELIZABETH (IJM155) when name taken by PRINSES BEATRIX (IJM117) q.v. 1939: Sold to Stoomvisscherij Mij. “Hornrif”, IJmuiden. Donald J. Groen designated manager. Registered at IJmuiden as HORNRIF (IJM155).
1940: Escaped to England and fishing out of Fleetwood.
27.4.1943: Typical wartime landing, Home Waters. 405 kits – hake-230, cod/codling-20, flats-15, ling/coley-60, roker-50, gurnard-30.
1945: Returned to Holland.
1954: Laid up.
5.3.1957: Sold for breaking up. IJmuiden registry closed.

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S.T. Hornrif IJM155

S.T. Hornrif IJM155
Picture courtesy of The Jan Harteveld Collection


29/04/2013: Page published. 3 updates since then.
25/10/2018: Removed FMHT watermark from image and updated information.
14/01/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Cornelis IJM15 (Wartime visitor)

Additional information courtesy of Jan Harteveld

Official Number: Unknown
Yard Number: 205
Completed: 1900
Gross Tonnage: 208
Net Tonnage: 76
Length: 120.9 ft
Breadth: 21.1 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co, Hull

1900: Launched by Bonn & Mees, Rotterdam (Yd.No.205) for Stoomvisscherij Mij. “Mercurius”, IJmuiden as EVELINE.
4.1900: Completed (I. S. Groen, manager). Registered at IJmuiden (IJM15).
1922: New boiler fitted.
10.1928: Sold to Visscherij Mij. “Cornelis Bart”, IJmuiden (C. Stam, manager). Registered at IJmuiden as CORNELIS (IJM15).
1934: P. Koopman & E. van der Plas appointed managers.
1940: Escaped to England.
1940s: Fishing from Fleetwood (Bloomfield’s Ltd, managing agents).
20.7.1945: Arrived back in IJmuiden.
1951: Sold to shipbreakers.
17.8.1951: Sailed IJmuiden for shipbreakers. IJmuiden registry closed.

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 S.T. Cornelis IJM15

S.T. Cornelis IJM15
Picture courtesy of The Jan Harteveld Collection

 S.T. Cornelis IJM15

S.T. Cornelis IJM15
Picture courtesy of The Jan Harteveld Collection

 S.T. Cornelis IJM15

S.T. Cornelis IJM15
Picture courtesy of The Jan Harteveld Collection

 S.T. Cornelis IJM15

S.T. Cornelis IJM15
Picture courtesy of The Jan Harteveld Collection


23/04/2013: Page published. 4 updates since then.
18/01/2019: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.

S.T. Oostzee IJM147 (Wartime visitor)

Additional information courtesy of Jan Harteveld


Official Number: 115572
Yard Number: 271
Completed: 1902
Gross Tonnage: 187 (as built 195)
Net tonnage: 54 (as built: 58)
Length: 110.7 ft
Breadth: 21.7 ft
Depth: 11.6 ft
Built: Mackie & Thomson, Govan
Engine: 390ihp T.3-cyl by McKie & Baxter Ltd, Glasgow


19.6.1902: Launched by Mackie & Thomson, Govan (Yd.No.271) for The Aberdeen Steam Trawling & Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen as STRATHNAVER.
8.1902: Completed. John Brown designated manager.
9.9.1902: Registered at Aberdeen (Part IV) (A549).
15.9.1902: Registered at Aberdeen (Part I) O.N.115572.
8.1912: Sold to Zeevisscherij Mij. “Viribus Unitis”, IJmuiden.
27.8.1912: Aberdeen registry closed. Registered at IJmuiden as HENRIËTTE ELISE (IJM147).
1923: Sold to Stoomvisscherij Mij. “Oceaan”, IJmuiden (L. Allard, manager). Registered at IJmuiden as KIJKDUIN (IJM147).
1928: Sold to N.V. Visscherij Maats. “Oostzee”, Ijmuiden (G. Prins & Jac. Frater Smid, managers). Registered at IJmuiden as OOSTZEE (IJM147).
1940: Escaped to England.
1940s: Fishing from Fleetwood. Bloomfield’s Ltd, managing agents.
24.5.1943: Typical landing. 260 kits – hake-50, cod/codling-14, haddock-130, plaice-10, flats-15, ling/coley-12, roker-5, gurnard-21, dogs-3.
5.11.1950: Sold to shipbreakers. IJmuiden registry closed.
1951: Breaking up completed.

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S.T. Oostzee IJM147

S.T. Oostzee IJM147
Picture courtesy of The Jan Harteveld Collection

S.T. Oostzee IJM147

S.T. Oostzee IJM147
Picture courtesy of The Jan Harteveld Collection

21/04/2013: Page published. 4 updates since then.
17/01/2019: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.
08/07/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Knikker IJM4 (Wartime visitor)

Additional information courtesy of Jan Harteveld


Yard Number: 275
Completed: 1899
Gross Tonnage: 189
Net Tonnage: 59
Length: 115.5 ft
Breadth: 21.6 ft
Depth: 11.0 ft
Built: Cochrane & Cooper Ltd, Beverley
Engine: T.3-cyl by Sir C. Furness Westgarth & Co Ltd, Middlesbrough


7.10.1899: Launched by Cochrane & Cooper Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.275) for Stoomvisscherij Mij “IJszee”, IJmuiden as BARENDSZ.
8.11.1899: Completed at Selby registered to Visscherij Mij “Barendsz”, IJmuiden (P van Vliet Kzn, manager).
11.1899: Registered at IJmuiden (IJM4).
1903: Sold to Maats tot Beheer van Steamtrawlers en andere visschersvaartuigen, IJmuiden (A. G. Meeuwenoord & A. de Vries, managers).
21.10.1916: Sold to Scheepsexploitatie Mij “Amsterdam”, IJmuiden (D. Boon, manager).
1921: Sold to Exploitatie Mij “Zandvoort”, IJmuiden (W. H. Driehuizen, manager).
1924: Sold to Visscherij Mij “Noorderlicht”, IJmuiden (W. H. Voogd, manager).
1927: Sold to Visscherij Mij “Gelria”, IJmuiden (Zwart, Loenersloot & Gomes, managers). Registered at IJmuiden as GELRIA (IJM4).
1935: Sold to Visscherij Mij “Knikker”, IJmuiden (N. Bakenhof, manager) Registered at IJmuiden as KNIKKER (IJM4)
1937: Sold to Visscherij Maatschappij “Protinus”, IJmuiden.
1938: Sold to Visscherij Maatschappij “De Daad”. IJmuiden.
1940: Escaped to England with many refugees. 1940s: Fishing out of Fleetwood. Bloomfield’s Ltd, Fleetwood managing agents.
1.5.1943: Typical wartime landing. 118 kits – hake-28, cod/coley-27, haddock-4, whiting-11, flats-8, ling/coley-19, roker-8, gurnard-5, dogs-8.
1949: Laid up.
02.1950: Sold to shipbreakers and broken up. IJmuiden registry closed.

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S.T. Knikker IJM4

S.T. Knikker IJM4
Picture courtesy of The Jan Harteveld Collection


15/03/2013: Page published 4 updates since then.
14/01/2019: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
25/03/2021: Updated history.

S.T. Perseus IJM45 (Wartime visitor)


Official Number: 108480
Yard Number: 193
Completed: 1897
Gross Tonnage: 157 (As built 160g)
Net Tonnage: 56 (As built 61n)
Length: 100.2 ft
Breadth: 21.0 ft
Depth: 11.0 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Hull
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Hull


1897: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Hull (Yd.No.193) for “D” Line Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby as DANE.
18.9.1897: Completed. Arthur Jeffs designated manager.
17.10.1897: Registered at Grimsby (Part I & IV) O.N.108480 (GY403).
6.1912: Sold to N.V. Vissch. Maats. “Praxis”, Ijmuiden (J. Prins & G Carst, managers).
3.6.1912: Grimsby registry closed.
6.1912: Registered at IJmuiden as PERSEUS (IJM45).
1940s: Escaped to England and fishing from Fleetwood (I.D.No.208). Bloomfield’s Ltd, managing agents.
26.4.1943: Typical landing. 172 kits – hake-10, cod/codling-63, haddock-2, whiting-46, flats-8, ling/coley-5, roker-11, sole & prime-7.
1951: Sold to Dutch shipbreakers and broken up at IJmuiden.
1.1951: IJmuiden registry closed.

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S.T. Dane GY403

S.T. Dane GY403
Picture courtesy of The Bill Blow Collection

S.T. Perseus IJM45

S.T. Perseus IJM45 Picture courtesy of the Jan Harteveld Collection

13/03/2013: Page published. 5 updates since then.
14/01/2019: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
16/01/2019: Added an image.
12/07/2021: Updated history.