Additional information courtesy of Christine Simm
Official Number: 54819
Completed: 1866
Net Tonnage: 57
Length: 64.4 ft
Breadth: 17.6 ft
Depth: 9.7 ft
Rig: Dandy – trawling
Built: James Hoad & Brothers, Rye
1866: Completed by James Hoad & Brothers, Rye for Henry Knott, Grimsby as CORSAIR.
6.6.1866: Registered at Grimsby (GY183).
3.4.1868: Reported that the Board of Trade had recently presented a medal to Sk. John Dickson for rescuing the crew of the Cette (Sète) registered ship NEPTUNE which was abandoned in sinking condition on Nov 10, 1866; and for leaving his fishing to convey them to Hull.
3.1869: Re-registered at Grimsby (GY123).
3.1877: Sold to J. P. Powell, Grimsby.
25.12.1877: John Duffield and Joseph Joys, fisher lads, charged with breaking into the cabin of the smack. Sentenced to two months hard labour.
10.8.1878: By order of the mortgagees. FISHING – SMACKS IN THE MARKET – Messrs Chapman and Brocklesby offered for sale on Saturday the fishing smacks CORSAIR and GRACE DARLING. The bidding began considerably below their value, they were withdrawn by the mortgagees.
10.1878: Sold to Walter Moody, Cleethorpes.
1.1880: Sold to Sk. Stephen M. Kendall, Cleethorpes.
5.12.1885: At about 9.00am. when some 190 miles from Spurn (Sk. S. M.Kendall), sighted a vessel flying signals of distress. Upon bearing down on the vessel it was identified as the Norwegian brig, ELIZABETH of Christiania (Capt Petersen), coal laden Seaham for Christiansand and in sinking condition.The punt was lowered and the four crew taken onboard, the captain stating that one crew member had been washed overboard and drowned.
8.12.1885: Survivors landed at Grimsby.
1.1.1888: Owned by Stephen M. Kendall, 4 Watkin Street, West Marsh, Grimsby.
4.1888: Sold to George E. J. Moody, Cleethorpes.
5.1888: Sold to Robert Allan, Ayr. Grimsby registry closed.
05.1888: Registered at Ayr (AR29).
4.10.1888: On coming into Fleetwood when crossing the bar in collision with the smack CYGNET (FD15). Suffered minor damage, CYGNET’S bowsprit carried away and at one time both in danger of grounding.
6.3.1890: In boisterous weather in the Irish Sea had the top mast carried away and smashed.
1891: Sold to Thomas Parkinson, 43 Victoria Road, Fleetwood.
11.1891: Ayr registry closed.
21.11.1891: Registered at Fleetwood (FD90).
17.5.1892: Against a head wind some forty smacks left Fleetwood for the fishing grounds, attracting a great deal of attention from the visitors as they tacked down the channel.
18.5.1892: Returned to port having lost all her fishing gear, snagged on a wreck.
1.1.1893: Thomas Parkinson, managing owner.
1.1.1895: Owned by George Fogg, 80 Victoria Street, Fleetwood (managing owner).
29.10.1900: Fleetwood registry closed “Vessel broken up”.
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s.v. Corsair AR29
Picture courtesy of Alan Hirst
19/02/2009: Page published. 2 updates since then.
26/06/2015: Information updated. Picture added.
10/10/2023: History updated.