Tag Archives: Drifter/Trawler

S.D/T. Rose Hilda YH73 (Seasonal)

Copyright 2010 Barry Banham for FMHT


Official Number: 161631
Yard Number: 325
Completed: 1930
Gross Tonnage: 116
Net Tonnage: 50
Length: 92.3 ft
Breadth: 20.1 ft
Depth: 9.3 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by F. W. Carver & Co , Gt. Yarmouth
Boiler: Riley Bros (Boilermakers) Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees
Built: Fellows & Co Ltd, Gt Yarmouth


1929: Laid down by Fellows & Co Ltd, Great Yarmouth (Yd.No.325) on spec. 1929: Sold to W. J. E. Green, Great Yarmouth. Launched as ROSE HILDA.
16.1.1930: Completed (William J. Epsom, manager).
26.2.1930: Registered at Yarmouth (YH73).
1930s: Seasonal white fish trawling from Milford and Fleetwood (Sir Alec Black/Lowestoft Fish Selling Co Ltd, Lowestoft, managing agent).
21.10.1937: At Yarmouth landed 200 crans of herring caught 45 miles from Newarp Light Vessel.
31.8.1939: Requisitioned for war service on examining service (Hire rate £65.7.10d/month).
4.9.1939: Stood down role to be determined.
2.10.1939: Converted to a minesweeping drifter (P.No.FY.740).
4.1943: Employed on miscellaneous Naval duties.
4.1946: Returned to owner.
30.10.1947: At Yarmouth landed 228 crans.
1950s: Seasonal white fish trawling from Fleetwood.
5.7.1954: Sold to Frederick E. Catchpole, Lowestoft (managing owner).
7.1954: Yarmouth registry closed.
22.7.1954: Registered at Lowestoft (LT90).
12.1954: Converted by L.B.S. Engineering Co Ltd, Lowestoft fitted with a 6-cyl 2 stroke 440bhp oil engine by Crossley Bros Ltd, Manchester.
12.1954: On completion of conversion to diesel propulsion registered at Lowestoft as DAWN WATERS (LT90).
13.12.1954: Registered at Lowestoft as a motor trawler (LT90).
8.10.1955: At Lowestoft landed 190 crans.
18.11.1960: Sold to Gilbert & Co Ltd, Lowestoft (Frederick E. Catchpole, manager).
12.1961: Transferred to Milford (William H. Kerr, appointed manager).
2.2.1962: Sold to Norrard Trawlers Ltd, Milford Haven (Allan G. Packham, manager).
8.1966: Laid up at Milford.
11.1966: Re-activated.
5.5.1969: Towed motor trawler CATHERINE SHAUN (FD201) from Fleetwood to Castle Pill, Milford Haven for breaking up.
1974: Sold to Thos. W. Ward Ltd, Sheffield and allocated to Castle Pill yard, Milford Haven for breaking up.
3.12.1974: Lowestoft registry closed.

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S.T. Rose Hilda YH73

S.T. Rose Hilda YH73. Picture courtesy of The Harold Beswick Collection.

S.T. Rose Hilda YH73 outboard of Red Hackle

S.T. Rose Hilda YH73 outboard of Red Hackle. Picture courtesy of The Harold Beswick Collection.

S.T. Rose Hilda YH73

S.T. Rose Hilda YH73
Picture courtesy of The Barry Banham Maritime Photo Collection

S.D/T. Rose Hilda YH73

S.D/T. Rose Hilda YH73
Picture from the Internet

S.D/T. Dawn Waters LT90

S.D/T. Dawn Waters LT90
Picture courtesy of The Greenday Collection (TPF)

S.D/T. Dawn Waters LT90

S.D/T. Dawn Waters LT90
Picture courtesy of The Greenday Collection

S.D/T. Dawn Waters LT90

S.D/T. Dawn Waters LT90
Picture courtesy of Robert Durrant


04/03/2009: Page published. 8 updates since then.
03/06/2018: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.

S.D/T. Ramsey Bay FD378

Additional material courtesy of Barry Banham


Official Number: 141957
Yard Number: 5
Completed: 1918
Gross Tonnage: 97
Net Tonnage: 39
Length: 86 ft
Breadth: 18.5 ft
Depth: 9.3 ft
Built: J. W. Brooke & Co Ltd, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft
Engine: T.3-cyl by Plenty & Sons Ltd, Newbury


1918: Launched by J. W. Brooke & Co Ltd, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft (Yd.No.5) (“Admiralty Drifter”) for The Admiralty as FORK LIGHTNING (Ad.No.4112).
22.11.1918: Completed as a minesweeper (1- 6pdr).
1920: Transferred to Board of Agriculture & Fisheries, London for disposal.
1920: Sold to Harry Dingle & Wright Bros, Fleetwood under HM Treasury mortgage agreement (Disposal of Admiralty Drifters to Ex-service Fishermen). Harry Dingle designated managing owner.
6.8.1920: Registered at Fleetwood (Part I & Part IV) O.N.141957 (FD378).
28.6.1921: Registered at Fleetwood as Ramsey Bay (FD378).
8.1923: Repossessed by Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, London.
25.8.1923: Fleetwood registry closed “ceased fishing”.
21.12.1923: Sold to Dennis Nathaniel Randlesome (32/64), Frank Burton (16/64) & Arthur Gouldby (16/64), Lowestoft.
21.12.1923: Registered at Lowestoft (LT1290).
7.3.1928: Sold to Dennis Nathaniel Randlesome (48/64) & Arthur Gouldby (16/64), Lowestoft.
1928: Seasonal white fish trawling out of Fleetwood.
19.6.1928: Typical landing 40 boxes.
10.2.1930: Sold to Dennis Nathaniel Randlesome, Lowestoft.
1930s: Seasonal trawling from Padstow and Fleetwood (Alex Keay managing agent).
14.4.1937: Trawling in Morecambe Bay (Sk. D. N. Randlesome), Ch.Eng Sidney Howe of Lowestoft disappeared, presume fell overboard and drowned.
31.12.1938: Sold to Locarno Fishing Co Ltd, London.
Pre 1943-1944: Fishing out of Fleetwood.
24.7.1943: Typical landing. 110 kits – hake-50, cod/codling-25, whiting-15, flats-10, roker-10.
3.1955: Sold to Jacques Bakker & Zonen, Bruges for breaking up.
3.3.1955: Sailed Lowestoft for Antwerp in tow of steam drifter BYNG (LT632), also for breaking up.
9.3.1955: Delivered Bruges.
16.6.1955: Lowestoft registry closed.

Click to enlarge image

S.D/T. Ramsey Bay LT1290

S.D/T. Ramsey Bay LT1290
Picture courtesy of The Robert Durrant Collection

S.D/T. Ramsey Bay LT1290

S.D/T. Ramsey Bay LT1290
Picture from the Internet

26/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
22/08/2015: Picture added.
08/07/2017: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.
21/09/2020: Updated history.

S.D/T. Ocean Lifebuoy YH29 (Seasonal)

Copyright 2010 © by Barry Banham for FMHT.


Official Number: 161629
Yard Number: 616
Pennant Number: FY.1504
Completed: 1929
Gross Tonnage: 131
Net Tonnage: 56
Length: 94.3 ft
Breadth: 20.1 ft
Depth: 9.7 ft
Engine: A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen.
Built: A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


9.5.1929: Launched by A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.616) for Bloomfield’s Ltd, Gt Yarmouth as OCEAN LIFEBUOY.
6.1929: Completed (Neil Mackay, manager).
6.6.1929: Registered at Yarmouth (YH29).
1930s: Seasonal trawling from Padstow and Fleetwood (Lowestoft Fish Selling Co Ltd, Lowestoft, managing agent).
7.9.1939: Requisitioned for war service and employed on port duties (Hire rate £70.4.11d/month).
29.11.1939: Converted for minesweeping (P.No.FY.1504).
1942: Transferred to Bloomfield’s Ltd, Fleetwood management.
26.1.1946: Returned. Transferred to Bloomfield’s Ltd, Gt Yarmouth.
1950s: Seasonal white fish trawling from Fleetwood.
21.10.1953: Landed 301.25 crans of herring at Yarmouth after transferring 16 nets to UTOPIA (BF531) which contained 62 crans.
1953: Runner up in Prunier Trophy. (Throughout her career one of Yarmouth’s most successful herring catchers).
31.12.1954: Sold to W. H. Kerr (Ship Chandlers) Ltd, Milford Haven (William H. Kerr, manager).
8.3.1956: Registered at Yarmouth as DEELITE (YH29).
1958: Re-engined with 2 stroke 5-cyl 360bhp oil engine by Crossley Bros Ltd, Manchester.
10.1971: Fishing off Irish Coast (Sk. Bill Phillips) suffered main engine failure. CONSTANT STAR (M133) fouled her propeller in attempting to connect. Subsequently towed to Milford by PICTON SEA LION (M22).
7.1973: Sold to Thos. W. Ward Ltd, Sheffield for breaking up.
23.7.1973: Sailed Milford for Briton Ferry in tow of WILLING BOYS (LT737).
10.9.1973: Breaking up completed. Yarmouth registry closed.

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S.T. Ocean Lifebuoy YH29

S.T. Ocean Lifebuoy YH29
Picture courtesy The Barry Banham Maritime Photo Collection

S.T. Ocean Lifebuoy YH29

S.T. Ocean Lifebuoy YH29
Picture courtesy The Barry Banham Maritime Photo Collection

S.D/T. Ocean Lifebuoy YH29

S.D/T. Ocean Lifebuoy YH29
Picture from The Internet

M.D/T. Deelite YH29

M.D/T. Deelite YH29
Picture courtesy of The Ashley Gardner Collection

26/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.
10/03/2015: Picture added.
23/02/2018: Removed FMHT watermark from images.

S.D/T. Faithful Star LT323 (Seasonal)

Additional information courtesy of Barry Banham


Official Number: 148197
Yard Number: 998
Completed: 1927
Gross Tonnage: 103
Net Tonnage: 44
Length 90.3: ft
Breadth: 19 ft
Depth: 9.2 ft
Built by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby
Engine 260ihp T.3-cyl by Crabtree & Co Ltd, Gt. Yarmouth


7.3.1927: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.999) for Star Drift Fishing Co Ltd, Lowestoft as Faithful Star.
9.4.1927: Completed (Frederick E. Catchpole, Lowestoft, manager) (valued at £3,900).
19.6.1927: Registered at Lowestoft (LT323).
1930s: Seasonal white fish trawling from Fleetwood (Alex Keay, managing agent).
3.9.1939: Requisitioned for war service employed on contraband control (1-3pdr) (Hire rate £49.11.4d/month).
6.1941: Based Weymouth as armed patrol (Ty/Sk. W. G. Hitter RNR). 9.3.1946: Returned to owner.
15.10.1946: At Lowestoft landed 190 crans of herring.
11.1952: Converted to motor by L.B.S. Engineering Co Ltd, Lowestoft, re-engined with 300bhp 4 stroke 3-cyl diesel by W. H. Podd Ltd, Lowestoft.
21.11.1952: Surveyed following conversion to diesel propulsion.
14.12.1957: At night in a strong onshore wind and snow showers got into difficulties whilst seeking shelter and stranded about 1/4 mile S of Orford Ness Lighthouse (Sk. George Challis). Two crew got ashore and raised alarm, other crew members made it to shore but Sk. Challis was rescued by LSA breeches buoy. Salvage arranged with Yarmouth tug RICHARD LEE BARBER (122grt/1940) but delayed due to picking up a barge which was adrift and delivering Harwich. Pushed further up the beach and damaged by heavy seas. Declared a Total loss.
15.5. 1958: Lowestoft registry closed.

(Crew – Sk. George Challis; Jack Bessey, Mate; Robert Norman, 3rd Hand; Charles O’Neill, Ch Eng; Eric Burwood, 2nd Eng; Stanley Humphrey & Kenneth Womack, deckhands; Frank Webb, cook.)

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S.T. Faithful Star LT323

S.D/T. Faithful Star LT323
Picture courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

S.T. Faithful Star LT323

S.T. Faithful Star LT323
Picture courtesy of The Greenday Collection

S.D/T. Faithful Star LT323

S.D/T. Faithful Star LT323
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Faithful Star LT323

S.D/T. Faithful Star LT323
Picture courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

S.T. Faithful Star LT323

S.D/T. Faithful Star LT323
Picture from the Internet

M.T. Faithful Star LT323

M.T. Faithful Star LT323
Picture from the Internet

M.T. Faithful Star LT323

M.T. Faithful Star LT323
Picture from the Internet

26/01/2009: Page published. 5 updates since then.
22/09/2017: Removed FMHT watermarks from images.
28/10/2017: Added an image.
15/08/2020: Updated history.

S.T. John and Norah LT203 (Seasonal)

Additional information courtesy of Barry Banham


Official Number: 135770
Yard Number: 141
Completed: 1913
Gross Tonnage: 95
Net Tonnage: 40
Length: 86 ft
Breadth: 18.5 ft
Depth: 9.7 ft
Built: Crabtree & Co Ltd, Gt. Yarmouth
Engine: T.3-cyl by Crabtree & Co Ltd, Gt. Yarmouth
Boiler: Riley Brothers (Boilermakers) Ltd, Stockton on Tees


1913: Launched by Crabtree & Co Ltd, Gt. Yarmouth (Yd.No.141) for Head & Wright Ltd, Lowestoft as JOHN & NORAH.
9.1913: Completed.
29.9.1913: Registered at Lowestoft (LT203).
29.9.1913: Ronald Walter Head, appointed manager.
9.1915: Requisitioned for war service as an A/S net drifter (1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.1867). Based Dover.
1919: Returned to owner (William J. Head, manager).
1930s: Seasonal trawling from Fleetwood (William J. Head, managing agent).
7.1931: Connected to steam drifter/trawler LOYAL STAR (R246) stranded on Hats & Barrels rocks and pulled her clear.
9.7.1932: Out of Fleetwood, broke foremast when hauling.
18.3.1933: Off Trevose Head fouled propeller with gear.
3.10.1933: At Grimsby, badly damaged propeller.
26.11.1937: In collision with steam drifter SCORE HEAD (LT120).
13.1.1939: Off the Co. Waterford coast collided with Cork registered schooner BROOKLANDS (138grt/1859) damaging her above the waterline.
18.11.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY924) (Hire rate £27.0.0d/month).
26.5.1940: At 6.57pm. ‘Operation Dynamo’ (Dunkirk evacuation) put into effect.
5/6.1940: At Dunkirk evacuation.
1.6.1940: Arrived Ramsgate at 11.45am. landed 61 troops.
16.12.1942: Harold Frank Weeks, Fleetwood appointed manager.
10.1944: Employed on examining service.
1945: Returned to owner.
18.2.1946: Sold to East Anglian Fish Selling Co Ltd, Grimsby. Fitted out for seining.
9.3.1946: Lowestoft registry closed.
13.3.1946: Registered at Grimsby (GY215). Harry Norman Franklin appointed manager.
11.12.1946: Registered at Grimsby as VISCARIA (GY215).
1958: Sold for breaking up.
25.8.1958: Grimsby registry closed.

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S.D/T. John and Norah LT203

S.D/T. John and Norah LT203
Picture from the Internet

S.T. John and Norah LT203

S.D/T. John and Norah LT203
Picture from the Internet

S.D/T. Viscaria GY215

S.D/T. Viscaria GY215
Picture from the Internet

26/01/2009: Page published. 3 updates since then.
09/06/2016: Information updated.
01/03/2021: Updated history.