Tag Archives: No Fleetwood owners

S.T. Argon SA48


Official Number: 124718
Yard Number: 100
Completed: 1907
Gross Tonnage: 215
Net Tonnage: 87
Length: 120.0 ft
Breadth: 21.6 ft
Depth: 11.4 ft
Built: Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole
Engine: T.3-cyl by W. V. V. Lidgerwood, Coatbridge


27.7.1907: Launched by Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole (Yd.No.100) for The Western Steam Fishing Co (Swansea) Ltd, Swansea (Harold H. Hardy, manager) as ARGON.
14.9.1907: Completed.
14.9.1907: Registered at Swansea (SA48).
16.9.1907: Mortgaged to Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole.
14.10.1908: Mortgaged transferred to York City & County Bank Ltd, York.
23.9.1910: Mortgaged discharged.
23.9.1910: Mortgaged to The London & Provisional Bank, London.
6.10.1911: Mortgaged discharged.
10.6.1911: Mortgaged to William Deacons Bank, London.
1913: Fishing from Fleetwood.
6.4.1914: Mortgaged discharged.
6.4.1914: Mortgaged to Manchester & Liverpool District Bank Ltd, Manchester.
6.1915: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr HA)(Ad.No.1540).
5.1917: Renamed ARGON II.
1919: Returned and reverted to ARGON (SA48).
1923: Sold to Dugglesby Fish Selling Co Ltd, Hull.
1925: Sold to Midland Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull (Frederick Langley, manager).
10.1925: Swansea registry closed.
14.10.1925: Registered at Hull (H237).
1927: Sold to G. K. Grimmer, Aberdeen.
8.7.1927: Hull registry closed.
9.7.1927: Registered at Aberdeen (A246).
1928: Sold to J. L. Detweiler,Vancouver, BC.
20.8.1928: Aberdeen registry closed.
1928: Registered at Vancouver,BC.
5.1929: Sold to Raeymaekers & Peeters Reederij, Ostend. Registered at Ostend as WILHELMINA (O207).
1931: Sold to P. Gournay-Delpierre, Boulogne. Registered at Boulogne as SMALL’s (B??).
1931: Re-measured 242g 93n.
Post 1945 Pre 1950: Sold to Association Rochelaise de Pêche à Vapeur, La Rochelle.
1951: Sold to BISCO and allocated to Thos. W. Ward Ltd, Sheffield for breaking up.
9.12.1951: Arrived Gray’s, Essex.
1952: Boulogne registry closed.

19/05/2012: Page published. 4 updates since then.
08/07/2019: Information update.

S.T. Bracondene A615


Official Number: 137188
Yard Number: 510
Completed: 1916
Gross Tonnage: 235
Net Tonnage: 89
Length: 121.0 ft
Breadth: 22.6 ft
Depth: 12.2 ft
Built: A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: T.3-cyl by A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


3.2.1916: Launched by A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.510) for The Don Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen as BRACONDENE.
2.1916: Completed (John S. Doeg, manager).
6.3.1916: Registered at Aberdeen (A615). Requisitioned from the builders and fitted out as a minesweeper (1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.3261). Based Kingstown.
Post 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Aberdeen.
29.1.1920: Sold to Sidney Allen & Woodford Elles-Hill, London.
6.10.1920: Sold to Sam Robford Co Ltd, London (Keith R. Hoare, London, manager).
12.5.1924: Arrived Aberdeen having lost man overboard.
1926: Transferred to Fleetwood.
17.11.1927: Sold to William Alexander Mackie, Aberdeen (managing owner).
1934: Sold to Bracken Steam Trawling Co (Aberdeen) Ltd, Aberdeen (William A. Leith, manager).
30.11.1937: Sold to Alexander Bruce, Aberdeen. 3.4.1940: Picked up crew of steam trawler GORSPEN (A376) from boat having abandoned the ship before she foundered after being bombed by enemy aircraft while fishing 31 miles NE of Out Skerries, Shetland Isles.
8.8.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.1812) (Hire rate £66.11.8d/month).
8.1946: Returned to owner.
1959: Owners became the Executors of the late Alexander Bruce, Aberdeen (A. C. Bruce).
9.9.1959: Sold to John Lewis & Sons Ltd, Aberdeen.
1959: Sold to BISCO and allocated to Malcolm Brechin, Granton for breaking up.
5.3.1960: Arrived Granton from Aberdeen under own power.
26.5.1960: Aberdeen registry closed “Vessel broken up”.

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S.T. Bracondene A615

S.T. Bracondene A615
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Bracondene A615

S.T. Bracondene A615
Picture courtesy of David Slinger

19/05/2009 Page published. 5 revisions since then.
29/10/2014: Picture added.
10/02/2018: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
23/09/2019: Updated information.

S.T. Avonmouth BL4

Additional information courtesy of Barry Johnson Milford Trawlers


Official Number: 95766
Yard Number: 124
Completed: 1890
Gross Tonnage: 139
Net Tonnage: 39
Length: 95.5 ft
Breadth: 20.1 ft
Depth: 10.7 ft
Built: W. Harkess & Sons, Middlesbrough
Engine: C.2-cyl by Vulcan Iron Works, Hull


20.5.1890: Launched by W. Harkess & Sons, Middlesbrough (Yd.No.124) for The Western Steam Trawling Co, Bristol as AVONMOUTH.
8.1890: Completed.
8.8.1890: Registered at Bristol (BL4). Frederick Joseph Sellick, Milford Haven designated manager.
26.9.1890: First landing at Milford,.
15.7.1892: In dense fog drifted over rocks and sustained bottom damage.
16.12.1896: Ran into Barrow registered brigantine SARAH GIBSON (170tons/1871), for Runcorn with china clay and sheltering off Hakin Point, Milford Haven. Crew abandoned and vessel quickly foundered.
26.09.1903: Frederick Joseph Sellick died.
09.1903: Sydney Morgan Price, Milford Haven designated manager.
16.01.1906: At Fishguard Petty-sessions, Sk Samuel George King was fined £10 and £6.17. 6d costs for illegal fishing inside the limits off Newport Head,
Cardigan Bay.
19.7.1906: Sailed Milford for fishing grounds (Sk. Jack Leader). At about 8.00 p.m. 20 miles off St. Ann’s Head fireman James Davies lost overboard when dumping ash. Returned to Milford.
1907: New boiler fitted.
3.11.1907: Put into Cork, Co. Cork to land body of 2nd Eng, Matthew Lyn (50) who had died whilst on the fishing grounds.
1913: Fishing from Fleetwood. Messrs Morley & Price designated managers.
1.1915: Requisitioned for war service as minesweeper. At Devonport to be fitted with (1-12pdr) (Ad.No.963).
10.2.1915: Allocated Unit No.62 – No. 2 Patrol based Falmouth (Sk. J. W. Rumble RNR)
4.1915: Returned to owner at Milford (Ad.No. re-allocated to NEWBRIDGE (FD55) q.v.).
8.4.1917: At Milford fitted with 6pdr gun.
29.5.1917: Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve.
7.1915: Sold to David Gwilym Jones (64/64, Milford Haven. David Gwilym Jones designated managing owner.
7.1915: Bristol registry closed.
29.7.1915: Registered at Milford (M54).
20.11.1918: Sold to David G. Jones, Milford Haven and John McRae Knight, Hakin. John McRae Knight designated managing owner.
1919: Released.
27.2.1919: Sold to John McRae Knight, Hakin. John McRae Knight designated managing owner.
25.2.1920: Sold to Charles Graham, London (later Hull). John McRae Knight, Milford Haven designated manager.
14.7.1922: Last landing at Milford.
1922: Charles H. Legard, Grimsby designated managing owner.
7.1925: Sold for breaking up locally at Milford Haven.
15.7.1925: Milford registry closed.
1926: Breaking up completed.

19/05/2012: Page published. 2 revisions since then.
24/02/15: Information updated.
30/07/2019: Updated information.

S.T. Craigmore HL83


Official Number: 139828
Yard Number: 585
Completed: 1916
Gross Tonnage: 210
Net Tonnage: 91
Length: 115.7 ft
Breadth: 22.3 ft
Depth: 11.9 ft
Built: Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Engine: T.3-cyl by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


13.6.1916: Launched by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd.No.585) for Robert H. Davison, Hartlepool as CRAIGMORE.
6.1916: Registered at Hartlepool (HL83). Robert H. Davison designated managing owner.
6.1916: Completed. Requisitioned from the builders and fitted out as a minesweeper (Ad.No.3294). Based Lowestoft.
Post 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Hartlepool.
1923: Sold to Parkmore Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hartlepool. Robert H. Davison designated manager.
1925: Sold to Sam Robford & Co Ltd, London. Keith R. Hoare, Aberdeen designated manager.
1926: Transferred to Fleetwood.
11.1927: Sold to Robert William Sutherland, Aberdeen.
12.1927: Hartlepool registry closed.
24.12.1927: Registered at Aberdeen (A304). Robert William Sutherland designated managing owner.
6.2.1929: Sold to The Walker Steam Trawl Fishing Co Ltd, Aberdeen. Thomas Walker designated manager.
2.4.1929: Registered at Aberdeen as STAR OF PEACE (A304) (BoT Minute dated 26.2.1929).
15.9.1941: Sold to H. L. Trawling Co Ltd, Milford Haven.
15.9.1941: Aberdeen registry closed.
19.9.1941: Registered at Milford (M133). Henry J. Horwood designated manager.
23.7.1945: Sold to United Trawlers Ltd, Milford Haven (M. Laboa & Henry J. Horwood) for £15,000.
14.10.1948: Sailed Milford for Smalls ground (Sk. George Mair); eleven crew.
15.10.1948: When some 40 miles off St. Ann’s Head, just after 4.00 am. started to take in water. Contacted steam trawler ISER (FD79) (Sk. E. Bracher), which closed and crew taken onboard, but Sk. Mair stayed behind; at 7.00 a.m. connected and commenced tow. At 9.30 am. Sk. Mair left the ship and shortly afterwards she foundered.
12.05 p.m. Crew landed at Milford.
30.11.1948: Milford registry closed. (Underwriters paid out £10,890).

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S.T. Craigmore HL83

S.T. Craigmore HL83
Picture from the Internet

19/05/2012: Page published. 5 updates since then.
06/05/2016: Picture added.
05/02/2018: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
24/01/2020: Updated information.

S.T. Crown – GY108


Official Number: 122714
Yard Number: 512
Completed: 1906
Gross Tonnage: 266
Net Tonnage: 105
Length: 130 ft
Breadth: 22.2 ft
Depth: 11.8 ft
Built: Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co, Hull
Engine: 480ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co, Hull


14.12.1905: Launched by Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co, Hull (Yd.No.512) for Crown Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby as CROWN.
1.1906: Completed.
30.1.1906: Registered at Grimsby (GY108).
30.1.1906: George Edward James Moody, appointed manager.
1906: Engaged in fishery research off North Africa.
1906: Transferred to Fleetwood.
6.11.1906: Sailed Fleetwood at 2.00pm. for West of Scotland grounds (Sk. John Dier); ten hands all told. At 3.30pm. when some 50 yds south of the Lune buoy set a course NW to pass between Maughold Head and the Bahama light vessel; patent log streamed. The weather was fine and clear, the sea smooth with a light ENE breeze, the ship making 9 to 91/2 knots. At 4.30pm. the skipper went below leaving the second hand in charge of the watch, but did not give any orders except course to steer. At 6.00pm. the second hand was relieved at the wheel by deckhand Duffy, on leaving the wheelhouse the second hand spoke to the skipper and asked if he was going to get his tea. The skipper told him to go and get his own tea and to call him afterwards; this statement was born out by Duffy. At 6.15pm. the third hand took the wheel with deckhand Carroll as look-out. At some time Carroll left the wheelhouse to use the toilet leaving the third hand alone. At about 8.15pm. the vessel struck and remained fast, the skipper came on deck and stopped and reversed the engine at full speed, but all efforts to move her failed. The Ch Eng. reported the engine room and the vessel herself was fast filling and in a short time the deck aft was under water. The boat was turned out and all hands abandoned to the shore where they landed safely.
7.11.1906: The position of the stranding was about one mile SW of Maughold Head, Isle of Man and about 100 yards from the shore. A few days later wreck was attended by Liverpool and Glasgow Salvage Association’s steam derrick barge LADY KATE (135grt/1881) and attempts were made to get the vessel off but she settled and was submerged at high water. Later declared a Constructive Total Loss (CTL).
29.11.1906: At the formal investigation held at Liverpool (S.231) the Court found that the stranding of and damage to the s.s. “CROWN” were caused by the default of the master and second hand, and by the neglect of the third hand. The Court severely censures the master, John Dier, for not giving proper and sufficient instructions for the navigation of the vessel before leaving the deck, and suspends the certificate of the second hand, William Lindhurst, for three months for not carrying out such orders of the master as were given, and considers Charles Wood, the third hand, neither a fit or proper person to hold such a position, as he knew the vessel was going at full speed on a dark night and that there was no one keeping a look-out.
2.1.1907: Grimsby registry closed “Wrecked”.

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S.T. Crown GY108

S.T. Crown GY108
Picture from the Internet

19/05/2012: Page published. 5 updates since then.
24/01/2016: Picture added and information added.
09/02/2020: Updated information.