Additional information courtesy of Alec Gill
Official Number: 113614
Yard Number: 292
Completed: 1901
Gross Tonnage: 231
Net Tonnage: 93
Length: 121.7 ft
Breadth: 21.5 ft
Depth: 12 ft
Engine: 65nhp T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co, Hull
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Hull
Speed: 10.5 knots
20.7.1901: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Hull (Yd.No.292) for Armitage’s Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Hull as QUEEN ALEXANDRA.
24.8.1901: Registered at Hull (H530). George T. Armitage, designated manager.
8.1901: Completed. 9.1905: On an Icelandic trip (Sk. Charles Sutherland): twelve crew all told.
3.10.1905: Storm bound and sheltering in Dyrafjord. From shore purchased half gallon of corn brandy and two bottles of whisky. Later only two men sober, James Jackson, 2nd Eng and James Carlill (27), trimmer.
4.10.1905: There was an altercation in the cabin between Carlill and the mate, William Robinson Harker (38), witnessed by Jackson, which resulted in the mate attempting to eject Carlill from the cabin after he alluded to a previous incident involving threats to him with a spike; Carlill yelled, “It was me, you bastard, and I’ll give it to you yet”. Bosun, Arthur Boughen had also heard an argument over money which ended in death threats. At about midnight, Jackson saw Carlill on deck swinging a two stone lead weight and when Harker appeared at the top of the companion way Carlill struck his head, falling back into the cabin, the weight was dropped on Harker’s head again as he lay on the deck.
5.10.1905: Amazingly Harker survived the attack and went to his bunk.
8.10.1905: Harker appeared for breakfast, complained of a headache and decided to go back to bed.
6.10.1905: Cook, John Smith went to check on the mate and found him dead in his bunk. Skipper set course for home.
11.10.1905: Arrived St. Andrew’s Dock and reported incident to the police; Carlill taken into custody.
30.10.1905: On an Icelandic trip, arrested by Danish fishery cruiser HEKLA for alleged illegal fishing.
3.11.1905; At Reykjavik the skipper was fined 1,500 kroner with catch and gear confiscated.
11.1905: Case against James Carlill was heard at York Assizes, Justice Darling presiding, and in less than fifteen minutes the jury found Carlill guilty of “wilful murder”. The date for execution was set for 19 December at Hull prison. Despite clear guilt, a petition was started to prevent Carlill’s hanging and this attracted 64,000 signatures. The petition was presented to the Home Secretary, Herbert Gladstone, and the sentence was commuted to penal servitude for life.
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 93.00 net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
1914: Transferred to fish out of Fleetwood. George T. Armitage, Hull designated manager.
16.10.1916: Sank the Douglas registered smack SUNBEAM (95317) (48n/1888) in collision SE of NW Boulders Buoy, Morecambe Bay.
3.1917: At Fleetwood defensively armed, fitted with Hotchkiss 6pdr gun (No.1234)(ex PHOEBE); complement increased by two gunners.
29.5.1917: Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve.
1919: Released.
7.1.1920: Sold to Thomas H. Smith, Fleetwood.
15.1.1920: Hull registry closed.
16.1.1920: Registered at Fleetwood (FD364).
1923: Sold to The Sun Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood. James W. Armitage designated manager.
1927: Sold to Mason Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood. Thomas Cardwell designated manager.
14.9.1940: Requisitioned for war service subject to survey.
16.9.1940: Returned to owner. Robert H. Bagshaw designated manager.
1943: Working Home Waters & Faroe grounds.
30.4.1943: Typical wartime landing, Home Waters. 257 kits – hake-100, cod/codling-23, haddock-10, whiting-85, flats-12, ling/coley-27.
14.7.1943: Typical landing, Faroe. 740 kits – cod/codling-250, haddock-40, flats-20, ling/coley-430.
28.4.1951: In moderate weather, stranded 2 miles S of Carraig Mhor Light, Sound of Islay; Islay lifeboat stood by. Refloated.
8.1952: Fishing off Isle of Man had net carried away by RN submarine. No damage to trawler or submarine.
5.8.1952: Last landing at Fleetwood.
8.1952: Sold to BISCO and allocated to Thos. W. Ward Ltd, Sheffield for breaking up.
11.9.1952: Delivered Barrow from Fleetwood under own power.
9.1952: Fleetwood registry closed.
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S.T. Queen Alexandra FD364
Picture courtesy of The Mike Thompson Collection

S.T. Queen Alexandra FD364
Picture courtesy of The John Clarkson Collection
26/01/2009: Page published. 4 revisions since then.
10/01/2015: Corrected code mistake that prevented the page from rendering correctly.
10/05/2018: Updated information and removed FMHT watermarks from images.