Tag Archives: Thomas Wright

sv Prince of Wales – FD18

Additional information courtesy of Christine Simm


Official Number: 1638
Completed: 1841
Gross/Net Tonnage: 21
Deadweight: 80 tons
Rig: Sloop
Built: ??, Fish House, Twynholm, Kirkcudbright


1841: Completed by ??, at Fish House, Twynholm, Kirkcudbright as PRINCE OF WALES.
09/1848: American emigrant liner OCEAN MONARCH (396 passengers) (42 crew). Departed Mersey and caught fire. Rendered assistance and rescued 17.
31/1/1852: Ann Minshull and John Munshull [sic], Liverpool – reg Liverpool.
02/10/1852: At Annan.
By1865: Thomas Wright, Fleetwood.
1869: Registered at Fleetwood (FD18).
12/04/1870: In collision with ROYAL CONSORT sustaining slight damage.
1/1/1875: Owned by Thomas Wright, Albert Street, Fleetwood. Registered at Fleetwood (FD18).
22/09/1882: Fleetwood Chronicle; “Mr. J. Smyth has received instructions to sell by Public Auction, at his ale room, Adelaide St. Fleetwood, the whole of the well known smack LEADER, of Fleetwood; built by Messrs. Gibson in 1861; Also the well known fishing smack PRINCE OF WALES. The above two smacks are now ready for sea and will be sold with all on board as they now lie in the harbour at Fleetwood.
09/1882: Sold by Thomas Wright.
1886: In ownership of John Peet, Whitehaven.
04/06/1886: Blackpool Gazette; Central Sale rooms, Mr J Smyth offered for sale by auction, 13/64 shares in the flat PRINCE OF WALES. sold to Mr W. Shepherd for £3.
1887: Not registered

06/03/2011: Page published.
16/02/2024: Updated history.

s.v. Syren FD30

Additional information courtesy of Christine Simm


Official Number: 9903
Launched: 1846
Gross Tonnage: 31
Net Tonnage: 24
Length: 50
Rig: Smack – netting
Built: ??, Brixham


1846: Completed by ??, Brixham as SYREN.
3.6.1846: Took part in the Sailing Match for Trawlers sponsored by the Dublin & Kingstown Railway Company.
1853: Registered at Dublin (54/1853).
By 1860: Registered at Galway.
1.1.1967: Owned by George Green, Londonderry. Registered at Londonderry.
1869: Owned by Thomas Seed, Fleetwood.
1869: Registered at Fleetwood (FD30).
187?: Sold to J. Wright, Fleetwood.
1.1.1875: Owned by Thomas Wright, Fleetwood.
6.8.1979: Coming up the Lune in a severe gale, struck by a sudden squall blowing out the belly of the mainsail. Arrived Fleetwood without more damage.
3.9.1879: On arrival at Fleetwood, Skipper Tomlinson reported that while trawling north of the Barrow Ironworks at about 1.00pm fisherman James Scott ( 32) was carried overboard when a sea swept over the deck. No one saw him go overboard but when the water cleared he was missing and observed in the sea close by. Pieces of wood were thrown overboard in the hope that he would catch one and hold on but he disappeared. The smack was kept in the area for some time but nothing more was seen of him. Scott had a narrow escape on the previous trip when a sea broke close by on the starboard side, before sweeping the deck.
1.1.1880: Owned by Thomas Leadbetter, Fleetwood & others.
23.8.1881: At Fleetwood in the Sailing Match for Fishing Boat’s Punts, came third (John Wright).
17.11.1883: In a strong southerly gale, Henry Fisher (46), bosun of the Liverpool registered steamer ANNIE (411grt/1883), on passage Belfast – Fleetwood, was a adjusting the port navigation light when the vessel pitched heavily and he was thrown on deck and died within an hour. The body was landed at Ramsey where examination showed that he died of spinal injuries. Transferred to the SYREN (Sk. Henry Leadbetter) for passage to Fleetwood.
24.11.1883: Arrived Fleetwood, Body placed on train for journey to his home at Freckleton.
24.10.1887: Sold to ??, Fleetwood.
1902: Off the Cumberland coast (Skipper Robert C. Sumner). Reported that the trawler was driven ashore on Drigg beach, Ravenglass, Cumberland. Skipper and two crew safe.
13.9.1902: FOR SALE by AUCTION on FRIDAY 19.SEPTEMBER 1902 at Half-past Three o’clock, as she now lies Stranded on the Beach near Drigg Station. She is a Wood-built Smack, in Good Order, 24 Tons Register, with Iron Knees and Keel. A Splendid Pitch Pine Mast and Rigging, 2 Windlasses and Large Pitch Pine Boom (new) and Top Mast lying at Drigg Station. The Smack has lately cost £250 in Repairs and can be easily Floated and may prove a profitable speculation. Also several TONS of Copper Dross as Ballast. Terms -Cash. Fleetwood registry closed. “Broken up”.

24/02/2009: Page published.
14/02/2015: Information updated.
12/05/2022: Information updated.

s.v. Leader FD165


Official Number: 42547
Completed: 1861
Net Tonnage: 51
Rig: Smack – Trawling
Built: John Gibson, Fleetwood
Owner: Thomas and Berry Wright, Fleetwood


22.11.1861: Completed by John Gibson, Fleetwood (Yd.No.2) for Thomas & Berry Wright, Fleetwood as
Leader. Registered at Fleetwood (FD165).
1.1.1875: Owned by Thomas Wright, Fleetwood.
20.7.1882: Sold to Robert A. Aldred, Hoylake. (1883: MNL shows Thomas Wright as owner).
20.1.1901: Fleetwood registry closed. Broken up.

18/02/2009: Page published.
10/12/2014: Amended PLN.