Tag Archives: William Leadbetter

s.v. White Rose FD21


Official Number: 109670
Completed: 1900
Gross Tonnage: 44
Net Tonnage: 41
Length: 59.4 ft
Breadth: 17.2 ft
Depth: 8.6 ft
Built: ??. Freckleton


Ketch – trawling

1900: Completed by ??. Freckleton for Richard Leadbetter & Others, Fleetwood (Mary Ellen Leadbetter (managing owner) as WHITE ROSE.
14.3.1900: Registered at Fleetwood (FD21).
31.12.1907: Tonnage altered to 24.80net. New Fishing Certificate issued.
1910: William Leadbetter, North Church St, Fleetwood (managing owner).
30.7.1920: Fleetwood registry closed. Sold to foreigners (Belgian subjects).

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sv White Rose FD21

sv White Rose FD21
Picture from the Internet.

24/02/2009: Page published.
29/03/2025: Image added.

sv Surprise II FD122


Official Number: 127579
Completed: 1910
Gross Tonnage: 46
Net Tonnage: 24
Length: 67.9 ft
Breadth: 19.0 ft
Depth: 8.75 ft
Rig: Dandy
Built: Liver & Wilding, Fleetwood


Dandy – trawling

1910: Completed by Liver & Wilding, Fleetwood for William Leadbetter, 8 Ash St, Fleetwood (managing owner) as Surprise II.
21.9.1910: Registered at Fleetwood (FD122).
19.7.1920: Fleetwood registry closed. Sold to foreigners (Belgian subjects).

23/02/2009: Page published.

s.v. Margaret FD208

Additional information courtesy of Henry Leadbetter.


Official Number: 114301
Completed: 1903
Gross Tonnage: 51
Net Tonnage: 22
Length: 64.8 ft
Breadth: 17.7 ft
Depth: 9.85 ft
Rig: Ketch/Auxiliary motor ketch – trawling
Built: John Singleton & Co, Fleetwood


1903: Built by John Singleton & Co, Fleetwood. 5.1903: Completed by Richard (‘Fish Dick’) Leadbetter, Wyre Dock, Fleetwood for William Leadbetter, 33 North Church Street, Fleetwood (20/64); Nanny Leadbetter, Fleetwood (2/64); Harriet Leadbetter, Fleetwood (4/64); Betty Wright, Fleetwood (8/64); William Coulburn, Fleetwood (2/64); John Coulburn. Fleetwood (2/64); Thomas Rigby, Fleetwood (8/64); George Butler Woods, Fleetwood (4/64) and Richard Leadbetter (16/64) (64 shares) as MARGARET.
29.5.1903: Registered at Fleetwood (FD208), William Leadbetter designated managing owner.
25.9.1903: Eight shares (W. Leadbetter) sold to Isaac Leadbetter, 40 St. Anne’s Road West, St. Anne’s-on-the-Sea and two shares (W. Leadbetter) sold to Edwin William Mann, 60 Claremont Terrace, Fleetwood.
30.1.1915: Fishing off Morecambe Bay (Sk. Leadbetter), picked up 23 survivors of steamer BEN CRUACHAN (3092grt/1903) on passage Scapa Flow – Liverpool, stopped by U.boat (U21) 15 miles NW of Morecambe Bay Light Vessel and scuttled by explosive charges in position 53.36N 03.51W. Landed at Fleetwood.
Pre 1924: Sold to William Leadbetter, 54 Sagar Terrace, Blakiston Street Fleetwood (managing owner).
1924: Converted to auxiliary motor at Skippool and fitted with a 4 stroke 4-cyl 56bhp oil engine by Gardner Engines Ltd, Patricroft, Manchester. Re-measured 56.87g 17.71 net.
10.10.1924: Registry closed and re-registered as auxiliary motor ketch. Owner William Leadbetter, 23 North Albert Street, Fleetwood (managing owner).
5.5.1939: Sold to John Wignall, 11 Walmsley Street, Fleetwood & others (John Wignall managing owner).
20.9.1941: Sold to William Winston Curwyn, Crawford Arms Hotel, Conway.
4.5.1944: Sold to James C. Screech, 10 Myrtle Street, Appledore.
27.6.1944: Sold to Hubert Jones, 30 The Grove, Uplands, Swansea.
10.12.1946: Sold to William Alfred & D. L. George, Swansea.
12/??/1949: Sold to James Robert Sheader, 20 Tennyson Terrace, Hartlepool. Fleetwood registry closed. Registered at Hartlepool (HL92).
1961: Suffered engine explosion and subsequently abandoned near old Lifeboat Station.
1991: Buried when new Boathouse constructed to house Atlantic 21.

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sv Margaret FD208

sv Margaret FD208

sv Margaret FD208

sv Margaret FD208
Picture from the Internet

22/02/2009: Page published. 5 revisions since then.
15/12/2014: Information updated.
02/07/2015: Updated information and added picture.
14/08/2017: Removed FMHT watermark.
16/03/2025: Added an image.

s.v. Confidence FD48


Official Number: 70167
Completed: 1874
Rig: Smack
Gross Tonnage: 37
Net Tonnage: 25
Length: 50.0 ft
Breadth: 16.3 ft
Depth: 9.0 ft
Rig: Smack – trawling & drifting
Built: Peter Rawstrone, Freckleton


1874: Launched by Peter Rawstrone, Freckleton for Richard Leadbetter, Fleetwood as CONFIDENCE.
21.7.1874: Appropriated.
8.8.1874: Registered at Fleetwood (FD121).
4.11.1875: At Whitehaven in company with AMETHYST (FD107), PETREL (FD59) and SPRAY (LR??). Attempted to leave harbour. Informed by Mr Dawson, collector of dues, that they could not leave until harbour dues paid. As they refused to pay the harbour tug was moored across the entrance to prevent them leaving. CONFIDENCE and PETREL skippers decided to pay, but AMETHYST and SPRAY continued their attempt to leave, one of the crew of SPRAY cut the tug’s head ropes and AMETHYST fell foul of the tug, smashing her boat. AMETHYST and SPRAY boarded by harbour master and mainsails confiscated.
6.11.1875: Skippers attended at the office of the solicitors to the Harbour Trustees and consented to pay all dues, damages and costs. Sails returned and allowed to sail.
1881: Census at Fleetwood – William Leadbetter (25), b-Fleetwood, fisherman master; Robert Y. Lemming (23), b-Preston, fisherman mate; John Salthouse (19), b-Fleetwood, fisherman; Richard Hughes (41), Liverpool, fisherman; Simeon Hughes (58), b-Tarleton, cook).
1899: Sold to Hugh F. Hathorn, Isle of Whithorn, Wigtown & other (Hugh F. Hathorn managing owner). Fleetwood registry closed. Registered at Whitehaven (1/1899).
5.2.1901: Sold to William Leadbetter, The Emporium, Fleetwood.
30.1.1901: Whitehaven registry closed.
5.2.1901: Registered at Fleetwood (FD48).
1919: William Leadbetter, 27 North Albert Street, Fleetwood.
1919: Sold for use as a houseboat.
23.2.1919: Fleetwood registry closed.

05/01/2009: Page published. 2 updates since then.
25/11/2018: Information updated.
10/10/2021: Information updated.