Additional information courtesy of Geoff Davidson and David Slinger
Official Number: 162260
Yard Number: 569
Completed: 1931
Gross Tonnage: 381
Net Tonnage: 151
Length: 145.8 ft
Breadth: 25.1 ft
Depth: 13.6 ft
Engine: 600ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by C. D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull
Speed 11.2 knots
Built: Cook Welton & Gemmell, Beverley, 1931
(In 1935 the Hull trawler Leonidas (162186) (H267) was lengthened by Smiths Dock Co. Ltd. The work involved creating an improved hull form with new bow and stern sections. The design was successful, not only providing increased fish room capacity, but also, as was expected, reducing coal consumption and giving a slightly higher free running speed. Other owners stemmed vessels at Middlesbrough for similar work to be undertaken)
12.12.1931: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.569) for Hellyer Bros Ltd (64/64), Hull as BASUTO.
6.1.1932: Registered at Hull (H401).
9.1.1932: Completed. Frank O. Hellyer & Owen S. Hellyer designated joint managers.
14.1.1932: Sailed Hull on first trip, Faroes grounds.
30.5.1932: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to National Provincial Bank Ltd, London (A).
1939: Completed lengthening by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, Middlesbrough to 161.0 feet (including fitting new bow and stern sections). Remeasured 404.63g 154.78n.
4.7.1939: Owen Stooks Hellyer designated manager.
25.7.1939: Insured value £19,500.
1.1.1940: Sailed Hull for Iceland last trip before requisition (Sk. W. H. Burrows).
22.1.1940: At Hull landed 556 kits grossed £1,078.
22.1.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a boom defence vessel (P.No. Z.106) (Hire rate £238.2.6d/month). Nore Command based Grimsby.
24.12.1940: Mortgage (A) discharged.
13.2.1941: Hellyer Brothers Ltd in voluntary liquidation.
17.2.1941: Fleet sold en bloc to Hellyer Bros Ltd, Hull.
25.2.1941: Owen Stooks Hellyer designated manager.
14.1.1944: Employed on miscellaneous naval duties.
4.8.1945: Sold to Lord Line Ltd, Hull (Associated Fisheries Group, London) for the sum of £30,000.
5.9.1945: Thomas Wilson Boyd designated manager.
1.1946: Noted to be returned to owner. Restoration and refurbishment delayed due to lack of shipyard capacity.
6.1947: Converted for burning oil fuel, F.P. above 150° F.
6.1947: Completed refurbishment and survey at Newcastle.
3.6.1947: Registered at Hull as LORD MONTGOMERY (H401) (MoT minute RG.1080/1946 dated 6.4.1947).
3.6.1947: Alteration of tonnage and other particulars. Certificate of Survey at Newcastle dated 9.5.1947. Remeasured 387.79g 154.18n
5.8.1947: Sailed Hull for Bear Island grounds.
17.4.1950: Lord Line in voluntary liquidation.
17.4.1950: Fleet sold en bloc to Associated Fisheries Trawling Co Ltd, Hull at book value. LORD MONTGOMERY valued at £15,500.
1.5.1950: Thomas Wilson Boyd designated manager.
22.7.1953: Associated Fisheries Trawling Co Ltd, Hull re-styled as Lord Line Ltd (Certificate of Registration of Companies dated 26.6.1953). Thomas Wilson Boyd designated manager.
30.3.1954: Sailed Hull for Iceland last trip at the port (Sk. G. Tate).
21.4.1954: At Hull landed 1,266 kits £3,568 gross.
8.1954: Transferred within the Associated Fisheries Group to Wyre Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood.
13.10.1954: First landing at Fleetwood, Icelandic trip 854 boxes/60 baskets £4,290 gross.
10.11.1954: Sold to Wyre Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood at book value £9,080.
11.1954: Bunkering at Heysham prior to sailing on an Icelandic trip; eighteen crew all told. Nearing completion, port diesel tank overflowed, caught the face of the furnace and oil ignited. Attempt to extinguish by Ch.Eng Sidney Turner and fireman R. W. Bailey assisted by other crew members failed and ship abandoned. Fire fought by Shell oil refinery and Morecambe fire brigades aided by steam tug/tender WYVERN (215grt/1905 – 700ihp). Fire extinguished and subsequently taken in tow by WYVERN for Fleetwood. On passage tow parted twice and ship drifted on to sand bank near Wyre Light. Refloated and delivered Wyre Dock. Repaired and returned to service.
2.12.1954: Leslie Wheildon designated manager.
4.12.1954: Hull registry closed.
7.12.1954: Registered at Fleetwood (FD13).
23.4.1959: Fishing on Icelandic grounds (Sk. George Harrison). Arrested by Icelandic Coastguard ship AEGIR for allegedly fishing nine miles inside the new 12 mile limit. Escorted to Vestmann Isles.
26.4.1959: In court in Vestmann Islands, 20 charges of illegal fishing involving Sk. Harrison in both LORD MONTGOMERY and LORD PLENDER (FD59) were brought.
29.4.1959: Case transferred to Reykjavik. Sk. Harrison found guilty and sentenced to three months ‘confinement’ a fine of £3,000 and catch and gear confiscated.
30.12.1960: Sailed Fleetwood for Iceland grounds (Sk. Alfred Watson).
1.1961: Dodging before a gale, the mate, Ralph Connelly (24) left the bridge to collect a kettle of tea from the galley. On leaving the galley a big sea came over the ship and he did not return to the bridge. With the skipper concerned about the safety of the ship, it was some 45 minutes later that it was realised he was missing. The ship was searched and with the trawler RED KNIGHT (LO445) searched the area; there was no sign of the mate. Log entry “ washed overboard and lost, presumed drowned.”
1.12.1962: Inward in Wyre Channel in thick fog struck Black Scar Perch and grounded. Refloated on next tide.
19.9.1963: Sold to West of Scotland Shipbreaking Co Ltd, Troon for breaking up.
1.10.1963: Delivered Troon from Fleetwood under own power (draughts 7’6”/16’0”).
3.10.1963: Breaking commenced.
8.5.1964: Reberthed.
30.4.1964: Beached (draughts 5’6”/12’0”).
10.6.1964: Rebeached.
26.6.1964: Fleetwood registry closed.
9.7.1964: Rebeached.
11.8.1964: Rebeached.
2.9.1964: Breaking completed.
Click to enlarge images
S.T. Lord Montgomery FD13
Picture courtesy of The Dave Buckley Collection.
S.T. Lord Montgomery FD13
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection
S.T. Basuto H401
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection
S.T. Lord Montgomery FD13
Picture courtesy of the JJ collection
S.T. Lord Montgomery FD13
Picture courtesy of The JJ Collection
13/01/2009: Page published. 5 revisions since then.
03/08/2014: Picture added.
10/12/2015: Information updated.
03/02/2016: Information updated.
08/02/2017: Removed disputed image.
17/10/2018: Information updated.
27/08/2023: Added an image.